Disclaimer: This is Untrue.
2.1.2 From the Crestion to David Era From the Creation to the Expulsion
Yahweh of ETs (Elohim) developed the technology of resurrection, immortality 25,000 years ago
(ca. 23000 BCE) and
he was inaugurated as "the president of the council of eternals,"
the perpetual chairman of the supreme council of their government.
Subsequently, scientists of the Elohim visited the Earth 22,000 years ago (ca. 20000 BCE).
Their activities are described in the Bible but mistified so as not to tell the truth
but just to imply.
Scientists of the Elohim visited Earth and checked the light
whether it was harmful for
beings that they intended to create on the Earth or not.
The light was not harmful, so "God (Elohim) saw the light, that it was good" (Gen 1:4, New King James).
They created various beings, had contests of beings, and eventually created humans in the same
physical appearance as them some 13,000 years ago (ca. 11000 BCE) on the first Sunday of April.
"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness" (Gen 1:26).
Humans at that time were made from materials on the earth (soil),
so Adam means soil.
*Psalm 82:1 and other sources refer to the council (congregation) of gods.
*"God stands in the congregation of the mighty;
He judges among the gods" (Psa 82:1).
"Divine Council in Wikipedia"
The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
Various species of humans were created on various locations.
The Elohim had contests of their creatures.
A species of humans created in a laboratory at Eden in the Middle East was
the most intelligent species (Chosen people). Eden was located in present-day Israel (as of 2020 CE).
The following website also locates Eden and the headstream of the 4 rivers in present-day Israel (as of 2020 CE).
"The Lost Rivers of the Garden of Eden"
Humans on the Earth are larger than the Elohim and have threefold volume brains.
Since they knew that the volume of brain is an essential factor of intelligence,
the Elohim knew that
humans on the Earth can easily exceed the Elohim's civilization,
and easily defeat the Elohim.
They then decided to let humans on the Earth ignorance.
However, one day Lucifer, a scientist, told Adam and Eve about the context that they are the same
as the Elohim
and if they learn science and technology, they can be like the Elohim.
"For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened,
and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Gen 3:5).
Adam and Eve requested and rebelled against Yahweh to let them know science and
technology and be immortal like them.
Then Yahweh and the central government decided to expel them from the laboratory Eden.
"Then the Lord God said, 'Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.
And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever'" (Gen 3:22).
("lest" is incorrectly left out in NASB.)
Knowledge of science and technology can be used both in good and evil ways like knives,
engines, and guns.
Then "knowledge of good and evil" means science and technology, which makes
man immortal and
like God.
The Downfall of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the
Garden of Eden by Michelangelo
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Forbidden_fruit.jpg After the Expulsion
Adam and Eve, who were expelled from paradise, gave birth to the older
brother Cain, the younger brother Abel, and others.
Cain hated Abel and killed him. When Yahweh learned of this, he exiled Cain
to the Land of Nod, east of Eden. Yahweh then told Cain that he would no longer
be able to harvest crops even if he cultivated the land. Cain was afraid of being
killed by the people of the land he was exiled from,
but Yahweh announced that he would take sevenfold vengeance on those who tried to kill him.
It is said that Yahweh put a mark on Cain so that no one could kill him (Genesis 4).
Yahweh and the central government decided to stop the trial on the Earth, most of the scientists
returned to the home planet. However, Lucifer and his colleagues were punished, forbidden
to return.
So they had to crawl on the Earth and metaphorically said as "serpent."
(They were called "serpent" also associated with the final scenario in Revelation.)
The Elohim left on the Earth lived with females on the Earth and some children were born,
because their DNAs accord with DNAs of females on the Earth.
On the other hand, humankind's life span was restricted to 120 years
to restrict humankind's progress.
*"Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth,
and daughters were born to them,
that the sons of God saw the daughters of men,
that they were beautiful;
and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.
And the LORD said, 'My Spirit shall not strive with man forever,
for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.'
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of
God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them.
Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown" (Gen 6:1-4).
*Regarding "giants" quoted from NKJV (or KJV) above (Gen 6:4),
according to English Standard Version
with literal accuracy (as mentioned before),
it is "the Nephilim."
According to the Hebrew Bible like in Scripture4all mentioned before,
the original Hebrew is HNpfLYM: הנפלים (H: ה means "the.")
NpfLYM is plural of NpfL. The root word would be NpfL meaning "fall."
Then the original meaning of the Nephilim would be "those who fell."
On the other hand, according to traditional Biblical understanding,
Nephilim generally has two meanings,
"giants," and "offspring of the 'sons of God' and
the 'daughters of men'."
"Giants" and
"offspring of the 'sons of God' and
the 'daughters of men'" would come from the
Biblical story about Nephilim.
Integrating the context, the meaning of "the Nephilim" would be
"the entities of those who fell" and specifically
"the descendants of the fallen angels."
("Giants" would be an exaggeration to mend the story.)
"Nephilim in Wikipedia"
*The Books of Enoch refer to angels stayed on the Earth and
made beautiful daughters bear children. The children were called Nephilim.
The Books of Enoch are apocryphal or pseudepigraphic texts.
(Apocrypha are texts that are not authorized by
major religious denominations.
Pseudepigrapha could be ambiguously defined as texts
whose authorship is dubious or uncertain.)
The Books of Enoch are attributed to Enoch.
(Enoch is great-grandfather of Noah.)
The Books of Enoch consist of 3 books, "1 Enoch (Book of Enoch)," "2 Enoch," and "3 Enoch."
1 Enoch (Book of Enoch) mostly survived in
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
1 Enoch includes the Book of the Watchers.
1 Enoch 1-36 corresponds to "the Book of the Watchers."
2 Enoch also refers to Watchers.
They similarly refer to angels' fall and humans' demoralization.
According to like 1 Enoch 6-8 (Book of the Watchers),
angels were dispatched to the Earth to watch humankind.
However, the angels lusted after humans' beautiful daughters.
Then the angels amounting to
200 descended on the summit of Mount Hermon
(about 70 km to the north-northeast of Galilee)
(about 200 km to the north-northeast of Jerusalem) and
swore each other that they should make beautiful daughters their wives
and have children.
In addition, they taught humans swords, shields, weapons, make-up (cosmetics), and ornaments.
Besides, according to the Books of Enoch, since Nephilim
were (compared to) giants,
they consumed all the acquisitions of humans and eventually
devoured humans, beasts, reptiles,
and other Nephilim's flesh and drank the blood.
*"And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants,
whose height was three thousand ells:
Who consumed all the acquisitions of men.
And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and
devoured mankind.
And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles,
and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood.
Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones" (1En 6:2-6).
"Watcher in Wikipedia"
"Book of Enoch The Book of the Watchers in Wikipedia"
"All the Books of Enoch"
"Sacred Texts the Book of Enoch"
"Book of Enoch Chapter 06 Wikisource"
"Book of Enoch Chapter 07 Wikisource"
"Book of Enoch Chapter 08 Wikisource"
The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Hieronymus Bosch
On the other hand, Yahweh tells through Rael that
the ETs left on the Earth first built their bases on high mountains
where we now find traces of great civilizations
(in the Himalayas
and Peru, for example) to avoid being disturbed by humans
as well as at the bottom of the
sea, gradually the
mountain stations were abandoned in favor of submarine bases less
accessible to humans.
The creators who had been banished at the outset had
hidden themselves in the oceans. The context is implied in the following verses.
*"In that day Yahweh with his cruel and mighty sword shall punish
Leviathan that runaway serpent; and he shall slay the
dragon that is in the sea" (Isa 27:1).
At that time the govenment of their planet wanted to
destroy those who
had created the humans.
Anyway, such context was on the whole unfavorable for Yahweh and the central
government, they decided to
annihilate beings on the Earth, and launched a nuclear missile.
The Elohim on the Earth knew this, prepared a spaceship (Noah's Ark), and preserved DNAs of beings.
The nuclear missile caused huge tsunamis and beings on the lands were annihilated,
but beings were resurrected from DNAs, replaced as before, including Noah's family.
As far as the Bible, Noah's sons were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
According to the Bible, humans on the Earth restarted from these 3 sons
and their wives, their descendants spread in the world.
Contrary to that, according to Rael,
DNAs of ethnic groups of humans in various locations before the nuclear missile
were preserved and
each ethnic group of humans was resurrected again in the
original location.
The Great Flood by Michelangelo
On the other hand, Yahweh and the central government knew that the Elohim themselves were
also created by other extraterrestrials,
because a spaceship revealing the truth reached their planet.
They searched their creators, but they couldn't find the creators.
Then they were informed and noted that what they had done on Earth was just a repeat
the former creators had done,
creating successors is providence of the universe, and beings should not be annihilated.
They were taught that competence for next successors would be judged
according to the handling of nuclear energy.
Incompetent species unworthy to be successors would ruin themselves with
nuclear energy (nuclear weapons).
Competent species worthy to success would wisely utilize nuclear energy avoiding nuclear wars.
The criteria for humans on the Earth was then set whether they would abolish
nuclear weapons and
wisely utilize nuclear energy or not.
The time when Yahweh knew the former creators and reconsidered is not clear from Rael's books.
However, it should be around the Flood, since the Bible says after the Flood as follows.
*"And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma.
Then the Lord said in His heart, 'I will never again curse the ground for man's sake,
although the imagination of man's heart is
evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done'" (Gen 8:21).
(In addition, the reconsideration would not be long after the Flood, because as mentioned later,
Rael explains the meaning of "666" is
666 generations (666x20) corresponding to 13,000 years after the creation of humans (ca. 2000 CE)
based on the asumption that humans have the next generation at the age of 20 on average.
It means that no blank period is presumed after the first humans' creation.)
(As mentioned before, Rael claims humans on the Earth were created for
the first time around 11000 BCE.)
They rescheduled to raise humans on Earth.
Humanity on the Earth is a candidate of the Elohim's successor.
On the other hand, since humanity on the Earth has larger brains,
once humanity on the Earth succeed the civilization,
it would easily exceed
the Elohim's civilization.
If humanity on the Earth is not benevolent,
it might ruin the Elohim.
Then the Elohim required loyalty of humans on the Earth to the Elohim.
They created major religions, myths, and teachings to imply their presence,
significance of loyalty to the Elohim,
and right thought. Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Kabbalah, Mormonism, and so on
are all legitimate. Kabbalah would be extremely hard to be understood but the closest to the truth.
On the other hand, contrary to the above context by Rael,
according to Genesis 6 and 1 Enoch 10, prior to the Flood,
Yahweh seems to have commanded Archangel Uriel to
inform Noah (the son of Lamech) of destruction and to preserve Noah's seed.
It means that Yahweh commanded to preserve Noah's DNAs prior to the Flood.
In addition, Yahweh commanded other Archangels to capture and
punish some leaders of the fallen angels (Watchers).
*"This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man,
perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.
And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with
violence. So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt;
for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.
And God said to Noah, 'The end of all flesh has come before Me,
for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold,
I will destroy them with the earth.
Make yourself an ark of gopherwood; make rooms in the ark,
and cover it inside and outside with pitch'" (Gen 6:9-14).
*"Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent
Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: '〈Go to Noah〉
and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end
that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a
deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all
that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape and his
seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.'"
(1En 10:1-3).
*"And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjâzâ and his
associates who have united themselves with women so as to have
defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness.
And when their sons have slain one another, and they have
seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for
seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of
their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement
that is for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they
shall be led off to the abyss of fire:〈and〉to the torment and
the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever
shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth
be bound together with them
to the end of all generations ..'" (1En 10:11-14). Job's Loyalty to the Elohim
The Elohim restarted to raise humans on Earth.
However, a faction led by Satan opposed the raising plan.
Satan is a member of the council of eternals.
He suspects that humanity on Earth is not so good and
claimed that humanity on Earth should be annihilated.
Among humanity on the Earth, Job was representatively good-natured.
One day, Satan protested to Yahweh that Job should be tested to verify goodness of
humanity on the Earth.
Satan claimed that Job was seemingly good-natured
but if Job is tormented,
he would curse gods bacause of evil nature of humans on the Earth.
Yahweh accepted Satan's harming Job.
However, Job didn't lose loyalty to gods in spite of his sufferings.
According to Rael, in reference to the Book of Job, Yahweh told Rael as follows.
"In the Book of Job, Chapter 1, you have the explanation of Satan:
'Now there was one day when the sons of Elohim came to
present themselves before Yahweh,
and Satan also came with them' (Job 1:6).
Elohim in Hebrew literally means
'those who come from the sky.'
'The sons of Elohim', in other words, the creators
who watch human beings,
report regularly to their planet of origin, indicating for the
most part that
human beings venerate and love the Elohim.
But one of these Elohim, called Satan, was part of a
group which had always condemned the creation of
other intelligent beings on a planet as close as the Earth,
seeing them as a possible threat.
That is why, on seeing Job's devotion, which was one of the
best examples of human beings loving their creators, he said:
'Has not Job good reason to fear Elohim? ... But stretch out your hand
and strike all that he has, and then he will curse you to your face.
And Yahweh said to Satan:
so be it, all that he has is in your hands; only Job himself
you must not touch' (Job 1:9-12).
Hearing Satan's assertion that had Job not been rich, he
would not have
loved his creators, the govemment gave
full power to Satan to ruin Job.
It would then be seen if he still venerated his creators,
and that is why killing him was forbidden.
On seeing Job's dedication to respecting hiscreators,
even when he was ruined,
the govemment triumphed over the opposition, Satan.
But, Satan retorted that though Job had lost many things,
he was still in good health.
So the govemment gave Satan carte blanche
so long as he did not kill Job.
'He is in your hands but save his life' (Job 2:6).
Again, in the Book of Job, a small sentence in Chapter 37
is very interesting:
'Can you beat out the vault of the skies,
as he does, as hard as a mirror of cast metal?' (Job 37: 18).
In other words, are human beings capable of making 'vaults of the skies'
- in reality flying metallic vessels?
People of that time thought it was
possible for no one but God.
And yet today it can be done.
Finally inview of Job's humility, the creators healed him and gave him
back his wealth, his children and his health."
(Job's geneology is unclear.) From Noah's Descendants to David and DNAs of the Elohim
According to the Bible, Nimrod, who was a descendant of Noah's son Ham,
established a kingdom around the Tigris and the Euphrates, and built
cities such as Babel (Babylon) and Nineveh. Nimrod started to
build a tower reaching the heaven.
Humanity had one common language at the time.
Then Yahweh destroyed the tower and confused humans' language.
Contrary to that, according to Rael, descendants of humans created at Eden
and the exiled Elohim
attempted to create a rocket to advance into space.
Then the central government of the Elohim destroyed
the rocket naming "the Tower of Babel."
In addition, language of humanity on the Earth was
confused to slow down humans' progress,
descendants of humans created at Eden
were scattered all over the continent.
On the other hand, the exiled ETs returned to their home planet.
Thus began the history of humans on Earth. However, even at this time, human
society on Earth seems to have been terrible.
People formed tribes, and the members of the tribe had to
follow the instructions of the tribal rulers. Serious conflicts or battles often broke
out between individuals and tribes, and as a result, the losing tribe was generally killed, abused,
or enslaved by the winning tribe, and this situation continued. Eventually, multiple
tribes were integrated into groups called nations, and conflicts arose between
nations, and as a result, the people of the losing nations were generally killed,
abused, or enslaved by the people of the winning nations, and this situation
continued for a long time afterwards on the Earth.
This is likely a result of the inherent nature of humans on the Earth.
Meanwhile, Abram (according to the Bible, Abram is a descendant of Noah's son Shem),
his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot moved from Ur (near Babylon) to Harran.
Then Yahweh blessed Abram and requested to go to Canaan.
(Canaan would be the western area of the Jordan River from
the Sea of Galilee
to the southern end of the Dead Sea.)
"Then Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and
all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people
whom they had acquired in Haran, and they departed to go to
the land of Canaan. So they came to the land of Canaan.
Abram passed through the land to the place of Shechem,
as far as the terebinth tree of Moreh. And the Canaanites
were then in the land. Then the Lord appeared to Abram
and said, 'To your descendants I will give this land.'
And there he built an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him" (Gen 12:5-7).
Sarai was barren.
Then Sarai allowed Abram to have a child of Hagar, who was
Sarai's Egyptian maidservant.
Hagar gave birth to Abram's son Ishmael.
However, Yahweh blessed Abram, Yahweh changed Abram and Sarai's name
to Abraham and Sarah.
Subsequently, Yahweh and his companions appeared before
Abraham and prophesied
birth of Sarah's son.
Then the companions went to Sodom, where Lot resided, and Gomorrah
to ascertain their depravity and destroy them.
When they stayed at Lot's house, some men of Sodom
surrounded Lot's house aiming
to have male homosexuality with the strangers.
The companions (agents of the Elohim) ascertained the depravity,
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
Contrary to that, according to Rael, in reality, some of the scattered
descendants of Eden with scientific knowledge assembled
in Sodom and Gomorrah, attempting to revive the scientific technology
intending to take revenge on the central government of the Elohim.
Then agents of the Elohim visited Sodom, stayed at Lot's house.
Some of the scattered descendants of Eden surrounded Lot's house
aiming to attack the agents of the Elohim.
The agents
ascertained the plot, and destroyed
Sodom and Gomorrah with a nuclear weapon.
Sarah got pregnant and give birth to Abraham's son Isaac.
Hagar and Ishmael were expelled, consequently Ishmael linked Arabic population.
One day, Yahweh tested Abraham's loyalty requesting him
to offer Isaac as a burnt offering.
Abraham faithfully followed the request, prepared to slay Isaac as an offering.
Then Abraham's loyalty was confirmed and Isaac was saved by Yahweh.
Subsequently, Isaac married Rebecca from Harran.
Isaac and Rebecca's (fraternal) twin sons were
Esau (the elder) and Jacob (the younger) on bad terms.
Jacob received Isaac's blessing (birthright) by deception.
Then Jacob fled to Harran for fear of Esau's revenge leaning
on his uncle Laban (Rebecca's elder brother).
Laban's younger daughter Rachel was beautiful and Jacob
loved her. Jacob proposed to marry her.
However, Laban plotted to make Jacob marry the elder sister
Leah by deception.
Laban requested to marry both the elder sister Leah and
the younger Rachel.
Jacob married both Leah the elder and Rachel the younger.
Jacob loved Rachel and unloved Leah.
However, the 1st born (1st son) of Jacob was "Ruben" of Leah.
The 2nd born (2nd son) of Jacob
was "Simeon" of Leah.
The 3rd born (3rd son) was "Levi" of Leah.
The 4th born (4th son) was "Judah" of Leah.
The 5th born (5th son) was Dan of Bilhah.
Bilhah was the maid (servant) of Rachel.
The 6th born (6th son) was Naphtali of Bilhah.
The 7th born (7th son) was Gad of Zilpah.
Zilpah was the maid (servant) of Leah.
The 8th born (8th son) was Asher of Zilpah.
The 9th born (9th son) was Issachar of Leah.
The 10th born (10th son) was Zebulun of Leah.
The 11th born (1st and last daughter) was Dinah of Leah.
The 12th born (11th son) was Joseph of Rachel.
Jacob, his family, and servants moved from Harran to Canaan.
On the way to Canaan, they reached a ford of the Jabbok River,
Jacob send out his family and servants across the river.
After sending them out, Jacob was left alone at night on the riverside,
someone tackled Jacob. It was an angel or God.
Jacob wrestled with the angel or God until dawn and was named "Israel."
The meaning of "Israel" is "striven with God (Eloah)," since he strove with God.
Jacob, his family, and servants reached Canaan.
The 13th (last) born (12th youngest son) was Benjamin of
Rachel in Canaan.
Rachel died because of Benjamin's difficult birth.
Jacob (Israel) most loved Joseph, since Joseph was the son of
his old age. In contrast, his brothers hated Joseph,
consequently Joseph was sold by his brothers,
taken to Egypt, sold to an officer of
Egypt, and became a powerful man in Egypt.
Subsequently, Jacob and his family in Canaan suffered from
famine, visited Egypt to buy corn.
Joseph the high official in Egypt found them and saved inviting them to Egypt.
generations passed, Egyptian people forgot Joseph and
Pharaoh's approval of their dwelling, and the descendants of
Israel (Jacob) fell into slavery in Egypt.
Meanwhile, Moses, a Levite, was inspired by Yahweh to make the
Israelites escape from Egypt to Canaan. (possibly ca. 1,400 BCE)
They escaped from Egypt, but wandered about a desert.
After the death of Moses in the desert, Yahweh appointed Joshua
the leader of the Israelites to advance and conquer Canaan.
The Israelites in Canaan defeated enemies.
After the era of Judges (charismatic leaders), the Israelites
founded ancient Unified Kingdom of Israel.
(Samson was the last of the Judges.)
Yahweh chose Saul (the tribe of Benjamin) as the first
king (1026 BCE).
David (the tribe of Judah) was chosen by Yahweh and succeeded
the kingdom. However, David committed adultery with Bathsheba,
the wife of Uriah the Hittite.
Bathsheba got pregnant, David plotted to kill Uriah, married
Bathsheba, and a son was born. Yahweh cursed David's family
through prophecies of Nathan.
For one thing, the first born of Bathsheba died.
(In contrast, Bathsheba bore the second son Solomon and he
was favored by Yahweh.) However Secondly,
David's first son Amnon raped his half sister Tamar and
her brother (David's third son) Absalom killed Amnon in revenge.
Thirdly, Absalom rebelled, occupied Jerusalem,
and raped 10 concubines of David in the sight of all Israel.
Subsequently, Absalom was killed by David's general.
As mentioned later, Rael says the father of Jesus is the extraterrestrial Yahweh.
Other than that, Rael says for example the father of Samson is an extraterrestrial.
*"And the Angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her,
'Indeed now, you are barren and have borne no children,
but you shall conceive and bear a son'" (Jdg 13:3).
Thus, mingling of ETs' DNAs would be significant.
Then mingling of ETs' DNAs with general humans on the
Earth could be a matter of concern.
However, consequently, as mentioned later,
clear evidences that verify ETs' DNAs mingling with
general humans on the Earth wouldn't be seen.
Clear mingling of ETs' DNAs with general humankind wouldn't be verified, while
possible mingling of ETs' DNAs with general humankind
wouldn't be dismissed.
In relation to mingling of DNAs of ETs,
Abraham and Isaac may not have DNAs of ETs,
since Ishmael and Esau are not so blessed.
In contrast, Jacob is so blessed and Jacob seems the son of Yahweh.
Yahweh first said, "my people" and
"my people, the children of Israel" in Exodus.
(Israel is the alternative name of Jacob.)
*"And the Lord said: 'I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt,
and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows'" (Exo 3:7).
*"Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people,
the children of Israel, out of Egypt" (Exo 3:10).
In contrast, terms "children of Abraham" or "children of Isaac" wouldn't appear in the Bible.
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