Disclaimer: This is Untrue.

2.1.15 Creation of the Sanctuary Embassy

As mentioned before, Yahweh requests Rael to create an Embassy (sanctuary) for the Elohim. The Raelian Movement is planning it as of 2021 CE.
According to Rael's claim, the requests on the Embassy would be reproduced as follows as mentioned before.

Yahweh requests to build an embassy (a residence) for the Elohim in a pleasant country with mild climate to welcome the Elohim as directed to Rael.
Going into details, the residence should have 7 rooms to to accept guests (the Elohim) with a separated bathroom respectively, a conference room to accept 21 people, a swimmimg pool, and a dining room to accept 21 people. The residence has at most 2 stories (2 floors) and should be screened from view by trees and bushes. There should be a terrace on the roof to land a spacecraft 12 meters in diameter. It should be accessed from the terrace to the interior. The area containing the 7 rooms should be directly under the terrace and exclusively for the Elohim. The area containing the 7 rooms should be separated from the section used by humans on the Earth by a thick metal door lockable from the inside. An aseptic chamber should be built at the entrance to the conference room. The residence should have 2 entrances. The residence should be built in the middle of a park and it should be protected from spectators. The park should be entirely surrounded by walls (except 2 entrances) to prevent peeping. The residence should be at least 1,000 meters apart from the walls. 2 entrances in the walls are one on the northern side and the other on the southetn side. The air space above and around the residence should not be under direct surveillance of a military or a radar. The area should be treated as neutral territory for the embassy of the Elohim on the Earth.
The primary candidate of this embassy's location is Jerusalem, since where the first humans were created is Jerusalem, the first embassy on the Earth was the first Jewish temple (Solomon's temple) in Jerusalem, and Jewish people are descendants of the Elohim. Yahweh says if Israel accepts the messenger and the embassy, people of Israel will live there (present-day Israel) in peace. After the Jewish people refused Jesus the messenger, Rome accepted the message (Christianity) along with the glory. Then Yahweh says if Israel refuses the messenger again and another country accepts the embassy along with the glory, Israel may be ruined again.
Subsequently, Yahweh announced a message on Dec 13, 1997 CE. In this message, Yahweh started to refrain from requesting the embassy to Israel, since Israel would not accept the request of the embassy for years. Then the Raelian Movement started to request it to other countries.

The embassy (residence) seems implied in Eze 37:26-28 associated with the unified nation of Israel.
*"Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them, and it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; I will establish them and multiply them, and I will set My sanctuary in their midst forevermore. My tabernacle also shall be with them; indeed I will be their God, and they shall be My people. The nations also will know that I, the Lord, sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst forevermore" (Eze 37:26-28).

The design plan of the embassy is mostly fixed by the Raelian Movement as follows as of 2013 CE.
* "Rael Embassy" http://www.rael.org/embassy
* "Elohim Embassy" http://www.ElohimEmbassy.org/
* "Fitzinfo files" http://fitzinfo.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/4307093677_b22da56020.jpg
* "Fitzinfo Wordpress 20130505" http://fitzinfo.wordpress.com/2013/05/05/kabbalah-crop-circles-and-ufos-whats-their-connection/

The Raelian Movement completed the financial basis.
The International Raelian Movement announced the timeline of the ET Embassy project in March 2017 CE.
According to the announcement, the timeline consists of 4 Phases.

Phase 1
A draft of the optional protocol in reference to the Treaty of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is presented to the United Nations and there would be a conference of all interested nations for the purpose of discussing this draft protocol. The draft was submitted to the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations in October 2016 CE. Phase 1 will be completed when two or more countries have ratified the optional protocol, and it would be expected to be achieved by 2019 CE.
* "Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Convention_on_Diplomatic_Relations
* "Alternative Protocol Embassies for ET Draft v1.2 December 2015" http://elohimembassy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Alternative-Protocol-Embassies-for-ET-Draft-v1.2b.pdf

Phase 2
Possible sites in the three most suitable countries that have signed the protocol would be analyzed, preferable site would be chosen. It would take 3 - 4 years.

Phase 3
Transfer of the site to the International Raelian Movement from the country would be negotiated and related matters such as infrastructure would be agreed. It would take 3 - 4 years.

Phase 4
Phase 4 consists of detailed site analysis, planning, design, approvals, contracts, construction, landscaping and commissioning. Then the Embassy should be fully operational and ready to welcome the ET civilization by 2030 CE.

* "Rael Press Raelians Announce the Project Timeline" https://www.raelpress.org/comment.php?comment.news.457

The ET Embassy Project of the Raelian Movement announced, in March 2018 CE, that several countries showed a genuine interest for the ET Embassy Project and a country invited Raelian representatives to discuss the project. The Raelian Movement started negotiations with first country to consider hosting an Embassy for Extraterrestrials.
* "News Release Raelians Starting Negotiations" https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/raelians-starting-negotiations-with-first-country-to-consider-hosting-an-embassy-for-extraterrestrials-300620835.html Temple

Other than that, the Raelian Movement created the 1st temple Korindo in October 2010 CE in eastern Japan.
* "Korindo in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korindo_(Ra%C3%ABlian_temple)
* "Raelian News Oct 2010" http://raelianews.org/news.php?item.407.12 End of Israel Protection in August 2015 CE

The Raelian Movement released Yahweh's following message on August 6, 70 AH (2015 CE). (AH: After Hiroshima)

Message of the Elohim on the 6th of August 70 AH to the Jewish people

I Yahweh, through the mouth of my son and Prophet Rael, am addressing this message to the Jewish People.

You have betrayed all the exemplary values of Judaism by stealing the land and houses which don't belong to you, and especially by not respecting my most important commandment: "Thou shall not kill" and accumulating nuclear weapons capable of killing millions of people in one go and sparking off a world war capable of destroying all of our creation.

Consequently, the protection that had been granted to Israel is from today totally withdrawn and I ask to all the real Jews to leave the Land of Palestine as quickly as possible.

We had provided this protection in the hope that the reason and respect inherent in Judaism, along with the construction of the Embassy, the third Temple of the old writings where we would have returned, would push this state full of promise to allow the Palestinian people to return to their houses and their land in a multi-racial and multi-cultural state as an example to all of Humanity and become a spiritual beacon for the three great monotheistic religions.

Instead, the stiff necked people who had only just escaped the nazi genocide and concentration camps, stiffened yet more, they treated our last Prophet and his request for the Embassy with contempt, they created concentration camps for the Palestinians whose homes and Lands they stole, they bombed the concentration camp which is Gaza and are even projecting a final solution with the goal of Palestinian genocide.
Therefore our protection is now ended and the real Jews are again condemned to a new diaspora, to live among the other Nations of Earth while refusing to carry arms for any nation and to benefit every nation with their genius and creativity. The only true Jews are of course anti-zionist and we congratulate the religious Jews who refused zionism and who have already left Israel.

Raelians are now the true Jews, the only ones who wish to physically construct the Embassy to welcome our return, and not on stolen land. We ask all Jews to leave Israel as soon as possible, to convert to Raelianism, and to support the Palestinians, who are in fact mostly the descendants of real Jews who converted to Islam a very long time ago. To see false Jews coming from Europe massacring the descendants of Jews who lived in Israel from the Biblical times, is a heartrending crime.

Spread around the world to bring the magnificent values of Raelian-Judaism, a Judaism of peace and tolerance, an anti-racist Judaism, a globalist Judaism aiming to unite all the nations within a world government, an anti-militarist Judaism pushing for the immediate and unilateral elimination of weapons of mass destruction, a pro-science Judaism promoting genetics and space exploration and finally a Judaism working especially for the third Temple, our Embassy where we will officially return to reinforce an enduring peace between all people and where all the Great Prophets will return to testify with us to destroy all the myths that the divisive religions have created.

Jew, leave Israel as soon as possible "without turning back" if you don't wish to be "turned into a pillar of salt" as had happened at Sodom and Gomorrah, and support the predicted Messiah: Rael.

Peace on Earth and to all of good will!

Posted on Thu 06 Aug 2015 -11:42:11 |

"Message of the Elohim on the 6th of August 70 AH" https://raelianews.org/message-of-the-elohim-on-the-6th-of-august-70ah-to-the-jewish-people.html

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