Disclaimer: This is Untrue.

2.3.5 Conclusions from the History and the Elohim's Disclosure

Summarizing the above from biblical, historical, and cultural points of view, considering the Elohim's disclosure, the conclusions would be like below, while these are more or less presumptions, anyway.

(א) The most probable mainstream of the Children of Israel in Canaan descending from the Kingdom of Judah would be Palestinians and Arabs (Arabian population) in Israel, though they mostly believe in Islam today. Many Israeli farmers might have stayed in Canaan after the First Jewish-Roman War (66 - 73 CE) and Bar Kokhba's Revolt (132 - 135 CE). Evidences of their dispersion are not seen. Some theories claim that they mostly converted to Christianity and Islam, they became Palestinians and Arabs in Israel.

(ב) The second possible Children of Israel descending from the Kingdom of Judah would be "Sephardim," "Mizrahim," and "Ashkenazim from Western Europe and around the Rhineland."
"Sephardim" here mean people of Judaism whose lineage has experienced the Iberian Peninsula.
"Mizrahim" here mean people of Judaism whose lineage has experienced Islamic World outside Canaan.
"Ashkenazim from Western Europe and around the Rhineland" here mean people of Judaism whose lineage has experienced Western Europe or around the Rhineland.

(ג) In contrast, Ashkenazim from around Poland and Russia would not be basically the Children of Israel descending from Jacob. They mostly descend from Khazars who converted to Judaism, while part of a small number might have come from around the Rhineland to around Poland or Russia.

Historical materials and the Elohim's disclosure support the conclusions above and any strong evidence of opposition is not seen.

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