Disclaimer: This is Untrue. Origin of Shinto (History of the Tribe of Judah of the Unified Kingdom) Outline
In contrast to traditional archaeology, Shinto seems to have been fabricated by the Hata (秦) clan,
Jewish migrants,
around 600 - 700 CE in Japan and the Emperors of Japan are Jewish (descendants of Judah),
colleagues of the Hata clan. That is, Yahweh seems to have made the Hata clan fabricate Shinto and the
legend of Emperors to fulfill
the prophecy of Ezekiel.
Kojiki is the oldest extant history book in Japan, while there are other fragmentary historical records.
According to Chinese history books such as Book of the Later Han referring to Japan,
the oldest record of the name of
Japanese king is "Suisho" in 107 CE.
According to Japanese traditional history and archaeology mostly based on Kojiki and Nihon Shoki,
most people thought that the first Emperor Jimmu founded Japan in 660 BCE or
there had been primitive Shinto belief with homage to the Emperors of Japan,
Buddhism entered in 538 CE, Buddhism prevailed around 600 CE,
Shintoists including Prince Nakano-oo-e were offended, mounted palace coup against Buddhists (Soga clan)
(Taika Reform in 645 CE),
while ancient Shinto materials were totally burnt in the counterattack of the Buddhists (Soga clan)
during the coup, Shintoists made ancient Shinto institutionalized through
such as Kojiki, Nihon Shoki, and Yoro code, and Shintoists including the Emperor
transferred the capital to Heian-kyo in 794 CE (present-day Kyoto) to escape from Buddhists in old cities
such as Asuka and Heijyo-Kyo, present-day Nara.
"History of Japan in Wikipedia"
However, as mentioned above, the true character of Shinto is Judaism in nature.
A simple suspicion would be that people of the Northern Kingdom of Israel migrated
to Japan and created Shinto.
Yet going over details, the context is not so simple.
Shinto seems to include knowledge of Jesus, Septuagint,
and inclined to be attached to Jerusalem rather than the Northern Kingdom of Israel or Samaria.
As mentioned above, Amaterasu's withdrawal seems associated with the death of Jesus.
INARI shrines seem associated with INRI (Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum: another name of Jesus).
In addition, Shinto has statues of unicorns, which are associated with Joseph and his sons,
but in reality "unicorns" (Deu 33:17) is mistranslation peculiar to Septuagint, Vulgate, and King James.
The original Hebrew of that word is "ראם: RAM" and it means "wild ox" as
in New King James.
Septuagint seems completed in the 1st century BCE, Vulgate seems roughly completed in 405 CE by
St. Jerome,
and Jesus seems crucified around 30 CE, while Neo-Assyrian Empire (where people of the Northern Kingdom of Israel were captured since 722 BCE) collapsed
in 612 BCE.
The creator of Shinto, then, seems to have been in the Middle East at least around 30 CE and
had Septuagint (or Vulgate). True Ancient Japanese History through Chinese Literature
On the other hand, since Kojiki and Nihon Shoki had intention to diffuse Judaism and less objective,
the true Japanese ancient history should be examined
through fragmentary descpription
such as Book of the
Later Han (後漢書; Chinese history book partially referring to Japan),
excluding Kojiki and Nihon Shoki.
The old name of Japan is "Wa" (倭).
The oldest description of "Wa" in Chinese text is in the Shan Hai Jing (山海經),
which mentions Wa very shortly, it seems dated around 300 BCE through 250 CE.
Lunheng (論衡) refers to Emperor Cheng (51 - 7 BCE) of the Chinese Han Dynasty (漢) (206 BCE - 220 CE)
presented tribute of Wa's herbs.
Book of the Former Han (漢書) tells the Wa people are in the east sea and
there are hundreds of countries in Wa around Jesus era.
According to Book of the Later Han (後漢書) (completed in 432 CE after more than 200 years of the fall of
the Later Han), envoys were dispatched to China in 57 CE and the king of Wa
(or the king of a region) was endowed a "golden stamp of the king of Wa."
A golden stamp was found in Fukuoka Kyushu, the west land of Japan, then "the king" might be just
a regional dominator of one land though.
Book of the Later Han subsequently reports Wa's king "Suisho" (帥升) presented a tribute of
160 servants to the Chinese
king in 107 CE, while "Suisho" is supposed in the northern part of Kyushu.
"Suisho in Wikipedia"
Book of the Later Han (後漢書) also tells reproducing from Annals of the Three Kingdoms
there were Wa's civil war 147 through 189 CE, there was
no king at that time,
and consequently Queen "Himiko" of the country Yamatai (邪馬臺國) ruled Wa.
"Annals of the Three Kingdoms (三國志; annals of China from 180 through 280 CE
and completed aroud 290 CE)
tells about
Wa there were
male kings for 70-80 years, a civil war broke out, consequently Queen "Himiko" of the
country of Yamatai ascended,
and the king of Wei (one of the three kingdoms of China) gave Himiko a hundred bronze
mirrors in 286 CE.
On the other hand, Annals of the Three Kingdoms tells about Wa's society at that time.
Men in Wa at that time all have tattoos in faces and bodies.
Men don't wear crowns, but put up their hair and tie topknots. Women don't bind or put up their hair.
Clothes are just bound wide cloths.
No cows, no horses, no tigers, no leopards, no sheeps, no magpies.
Arms are pikes, shields, and bows.
The climate is moderate and eat fresh vegetables even in winter and summer.
When one passes over, people cry and refrain from meat for 10 days.
People purify in water after entombment.
On special occasions, bake bones to divine.
When people cross over the sea, a prayer (wisher) is chosen.
If the crossing fails, the prayer (wisher) is executed for his unfaithful prayer.
The life span is long.
Thefts and suits are rare.
The society is hierarchical in tribes.
Descriptions of Wa are absent in Chinese books from 290 through 410 CE.
According to Book of Jin, Book of Song, and Book of Liang of China, Wa's five kings
offered tributes to
Chinese emperors during 413 - 502 CE. and the Chinese emperor attested these five Japanese kings.
The names of Wa kings in the Chinese books are 讃, 珍, 済, 興, 武, while
description on Wa's emperors doesn't appear in the Chinese books.
(Description of Yamatai in Book of the Later Han and Book of Liang are just reproduction
from Annals of the Three Kingdoms.)
These names never correspond to the names of the emperors of Wa in Kojiki and Nihon Shoki.
Emperors of Wa, then, at that time (413 - 502 CE) probably didn't exist.
Book of Sui (隋書) tells "King Tarishihiko (or Tarishihoko)" (多利思北孤)
(correct pronunciation is unknown) of Wa sent envoys to
the Chinese Emperor in 607 CE
so as to learn Buddhism with
a message saying "The Son of Heaven in the land where the sun rises addresses a letter to
the Son of Heaven in the land where the sun sets. We hope you are in good health."
and the Chinese Emperor was displeased with this.
Whether "King Tarishihiko (or Tarishihoko)" is the Emperor of Wa or not is unknown.
*However, if the correct pronunciation is "Tarishihiko,"
"Tarishihiko" sounds like a male Shintoist since "hiko" is a
representative term of names of male Shintoists. Shinto, then, seems diffused in Wa around 607 CE.
(This hypothesis results in seemingly contradiction that Shintoists visited China to learn Buddhism.
However, emperors and some Shintoists in after ages were generally generous to Buddhism.)
Many male characters in Kojiki and Nihon Shoki have "hiko" in their names.
"Saru-ta-hiko" conducted Ninigi.
"Yama-sachi-hiko" or "Yama-sachi-biko" is another name of "Hoori."
"Umi-sachi-hiko" or "Umi-sachi-biko" is another name of "Hoderi."
"Kamu-yamato-ihare-biko-sumera-mikoto" or "-ihare-hiko-sumera-" is another name of Emperor Jimmu.
"Naga-sune-hiko" is an opponent of Jimmu.
Consequently, some Japanese males today have "hiko" (彦) in their names
like the 95th Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko.
"Toshihiko Noda in Wikipedia"
"Japanese Resources"
*By the way, as mentioned above, some advocators, such as Kubo Arimasa, suggest
"Kamu-yamato-ihare-biko-sumera-mikoto" is Hebrew
מלכותו ":
"QMW / YMthW (YH AMWth) / EBRY / BKWR / shWMRWN / MLKWthW" means
Founder / Yahweh clans / Hebrew / Eldest or High / Samaria / Reign or Monarch.
They claim "BKWR" and "biko" or "hiko" mean Eldest or High in Hebrew.
Taking a lot of similarities between Shinto and Judaism and diffusion of Shinto into consideration,
this interpretaion (Hebrew words in Shinto) wouldn't be so rediculous.
AMWth means "clans" in Aramic. Refer to Num 25:15 in hebrew bible.
SMR (to guard) could be reasonable in stead of shWMRWN.
*One might assume that the nation based on the concept
of the rising sun would
have been founded in the Tarishihiko Era as of 607 CE.
However, the expression "the land where the sun rises (日出處)" is said to be merely from
texts of Buddhism such as "Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom,"
"大智度論" T1509 Vol.25 page:0133b21-22 as
"如經中説。日出處是東方。(the land where the sun rises is the east.)
日沒處是西方。(the land where the sun sets is the west.)
日行處是南方日不行處是北方。(the land where the sun goes is the south,
the sun doesn't go is the north)."
"Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom in Wikipedia"
Book of Sui (隋書) subsequently tells the Chinese emperor dispatched Pei Ching an envoy
to Wa in return and he reported
Hata kingdom (秦王國; virtually: Hata area), which lies to the east of
Chikushi (築紫) in Wa (present-day Japan),
seems like Han Chinese race (華夏; Chinese people).
Hata kingdom is presumed located in
present-day Ooita prefecture or present-day Yamaguchi prefecture.
(Ooita locates around Usa.
Yamaguchi locates to the north of Usa Ooita over the sea, on the western edge of
Honshu main island.)
Korean history book Samguk Sagi Silla Bongi (三國史記 新羅本紀) released around 1140 CE tells that the name of
the country changed
from "倭" (Wa) to "日本" (Japan) in 670 CE.
唐暦 (literally: Book of Tang Calendar) tells envoys from 日本國 (Japan country) came to Tang in 702 CE.
Chinese history books "Jiu Tang Shu" (旧唐書; literally: Old Tang History; published in 945 CE)
and "Tang Huiyao" (唐会要; literally: Institutional History of Tang; published in 961 CE) both came from the
same defunct source "会要" released around 800 CE
tell that there were 2 nations called "倭" (Wa) and "日本" (Japan),
it would be interpreted that the new nation
Japan unified the country,
and it tells that the new name "日本" (Japan) derived from the
location where the sun rises was told by
envoys from Japan in 702 CE.
(On the other hand, Tang suspected that "倭" (Wa) might have
changed its ungraceful name (Wa) to "日本" (Japan) to be graceful
(because a new small nation wouldn't be able to defeat Wa.).)
*旧唐書 巻199上 列傳第149上 東夷 tells
"日本國者 倭國之別種也 以其國在日邊 故以日本爲名 或曰 倭國自惡其名不雅 改爲日本
或云 日本舊小國 併倭國之地."
*唐会要 巻100 日本國伝 tells "日本國日本。倭國之別種。
"Tang Huiyao vol. 100 in Wikisource"
According to traditional Japanese history, there was a succession dispute called "Jinshin War" in 672 CE.
"Jinshin War in Wikipedia"
Traditionally it was explained as a mere dispute among imperial family.
However, since objective evidences of Emperors and Shinto are not found before that,
it might be the fall of the nation of the native people "倭" (Wa)
and the rise of the nation of Shintoists "日本" (Japan).
As mentioned before, the original meaning of Japan (日本) is "origin of the sun"
and this name meets the prophecy of Isaiah referring to "dawning light." Hata Clan Involvement of Hata clan and Sukuri clan
Nihon Shoki and "Shin-sen-shouji-roku" (新撰姓氏録; literally: records of new choice of family names;
Who's Who) tell about the Hata (秦) clan
and its brother clan "Sukuri (勝) clan." ("勝" may be pronounced "suguri" in modern Japanese though.)
According to Nihon Shoki and "Shin-sen-shouji-roku," the monarch of Yudu or Yuzu
(弓月 (Yudu) in Nihon Shoki and 融通 (Yuzu) in Shin-sen-shouji-roku)
and his clan (the Hata clan) tried to migrate
through Korean Peninsula to Japan.
They are said to have claimed to be descendants of Qin Shi Huang of ancient China Quin (秦).
The 15th Emperor Oujin (in the reign of 270 - 310 CE) helped them to migrate and let
them dwell in various
regions, they raised silkworms, produced silk, and the population of the Hata clan was about 190,000.
Secondly, Nihon Shoki tells that Hata-Sakekimi (秦酒公) raised silkworms, produced silk, donated silk
to Emperor Yuuryaku (in the reign of 456 - 479 CE), Hata was endowed title of "Udumasa,"
and Hata became the Secretary of Treasury.
Thirdly, Nihon Shoki tells that Emperor Kinmei, ascended to the throne in 531 CE.,
dreamt in his infancy that he should designate Hata-Otsuchi (秦大津父) as the Secretary of Treasury.
Fourthly, according to Nihon Shoki, an influential person of the Hata clan,
Hata Kawakatsu (秦河勝) rose in the reign of Empress Kougyoku (642 - 645 CE)
and took an active role.
Subsequently, Nihon Shoki tells that Hata-Irogu (秦伊呂具) founded Inari Shrine in 711 CE.
Inari Shrine is the second most shrine group in Japan and advocators claim INARI
came from INRI,
the acronym of the Latin inscription IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM
(Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum), translated as
"Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews"
as in Joh 19:19-20.
*"Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross.
And the writing was:
Then many of the Jews read this title, for the place where
Jesus was crucified was near the city; and it was written in
Hebrew, Greek, and Latin" (Joh 19:19-20).
On the other hand, the most numerous shrine stream is Yahata (Yahada) shrines.
Yahata (or Yahada) shrines originated from Usa shrine in Ooita prefecture.
According to oral traditions of Usa shrine, the Deity of Yahata (Yahada) first emerged
in Usa Ooita in 571 CE. Native people created rural Usa shrine and enshrined the Deity of
Yahata (Yahada).
Subsequently, when the Imperial Court fought regional rebels near Ooita in 720 CE,
rural Usa shrine showed spiritual power, the Imperial Court created a portable shrine (O-mikoshi)
to carry the deity of Yahata (Yahada) for the first time, the deity of Yahata (Yahada)
defeated the rebels,
and the Imperial Court trusted Usa shrine since then.
When the Imperial Court created a great statue of Buddah in Yamato
(present-day Nara prefecture and the capital of Japan at that time) in 759 CE,
Usa shrine celebrated it carrying an O-mikoshi
enshrining the deity of Yahata (Yahada)
from Ooita to Yamato (Nara), O-mikoshi and Yahata (Yahada) have been known
all over the country.
Advocators claim that Yahada is an accent of Judah, Usa in Ooita is a base of the Hata clan, and
the Hata clan was the mastermind of Yahata (Yahada) shrine and Shinto, disguised Judaism.
The pronunciation "Hata" probably comes from Yahada or Judah.
According to Nihon Shoki and "Seiji-yoo-ryaku" (政事要略;
records of politics of Heian era supposedly released in 1008 CE)
the Hata clan was much involved in engineering works.
The Hata clan banked several rivers for irrigation.
According to "Shoku Nihongi" (続日本紀; Sequel to Nihon Shoki) completed in 797 CE,
the Hata clan was also involved in construction of palaces.
Heian-kyo (literally: city of peace (like Jerusalem); completed in 794 CE) was
constructed under the Director of Construction,
Fujiwara Oguromaro,
while his wife was a daughter of Hata Shimamaro.
In addition, the land of the Imperial palace in Heian-kyo was formerly
Hata Kawakatsu's residence.
Thus the Hata clan was closely involved in Shinto, Emperor, Shinto shrine, and Heian-kyo.
Considering the Hata clan's attachment to Judaism and Jerusalem, they could be or would
be descendants of the Israelites and Jews (descendants of Judah).
Ken Joseph published and claimed Hata clan's involvement into institutionalization of
Shinto in Japan and
they were ancient Messiahnic Jews (Jews accept Christ) dedicated to Nestorianism.
"Assyrian Christians about Ken Joseph"
http://www.assyrianchristians.com/about_ken_joseph.htm Nestorianism in China
Nestorius (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople) claimed the Nestorian doctrine
but acknowledged heretical and anathematized
in the first council of Ephesus in 431 CE.
"First Council of Ephesus in Wikipedia"
*Subsequently, Oriental Orthodox (Miaphysite) Churches departed rejecting
the dogmatic definitions of the Council of Chalcedon in 451 CE and
Eastern Orthodox Church departed around the East-West Schism in 1054 CE.
Then, the Orthodox Churches,
the Oriental Orthodox (Miaphysite) Churches,
the Assyrian Church of the East, and
the Eastern Catholic Churches are categorized as Eastern Christianity.
Nestorianism was, then, succeeded by Church of the East and
Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, and
Nestorians moved to Persia and subsequently to China (635 CE) under the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 CE).
Nestorian stele, which shows some 70 names of Nestorian priests, was erected in China in 781 CE.
"Church of the East in China-Nestorian stele in Wikipedia"
Christianity was thus diffused in China around 640 CE and people or descendants from
Middle East with Septuagint (or Vulgate) could be in China at that time.
(Septuagint was used by Eastern Christianity)
Nestorianism was called Da quin Jing jiao (大秦景教).
Da quin (大秦) means Eastern Roman Empire and Jingjiao (景教) means Nestorianism in Chinese.
"Church of the East in China"
Asahel Grant published "The Nestorians or The Lost Tribes" and claimed "similarities between
the Nestorians and the Lost Tribes" and "the Nestorians were the Lost Tribes."
"Asahel Grant Marketplace"
Ken Joseph and Kubo Arimasa agreed it to a certain extent.
In addition, Ken Joseph, Marvin Tokayer, and Kubo Arimasa claim
the Hata clan was a Jewish clan dedicated to Nestorianism. Kung-Yueh
Ken Joseph suspects the Hata clan as a Jewish clan in Kung-Yueh/Gong-Yue area
(弓月; literally: bow moon, crescent moon;
Japanese: Yudu/Yuzu; supposedly: present-day Kuldja around the border between present-day
eastern Kazakhstan and
western Xinjiang Uighur Autonom:
at the northern foot of Mount Khan Tengri, on the southern lakefront of Lake Balkhash)
quoting from Nihon Shoki,
Shin-sen-shouji-roku (新撰姓氏録), and Zizhi Tongjian (資治通鑑).
Kung-Yueh area located on "the northern Silk Road through Oasis and Desert"
and "the southern Silk Road on Grass Field" connecting
the northen area of the Black Sea (Khazaria as of 660 CE) and the root of the Korean Peninsula.
"Lake Balkhash in Wikipedia"
"Travel China Silk Road Map"
"Travel China Silk Road"
"Khazars in Wikipedia"
Nihon Shoki tells that Yuduki-kimi (in Japanese pronunciation) (弓月君; literally: monarch of Yudu)
visited and requested Emperor Oujin (the 15th Emperor) from the Korean peninsula
to migrate to Japan and consequently his clan Hata (秦) migrated to Japan.
Shin-sen-shouji-roku (Who's who) tells about the 740th family 太秦公宿禰 (in 左京諸藩 漢).
Shin-sen-shouji-roku tells that Kouman-ou (功満王; the father of Yuzu-ou (融通王)) visited
the 14th Emperor Chuai and
subsequently his son and his clan migrated to Japan.
(In addition, Nihon Shoki and Shin-sen-shouji-roku might be intentionally created/fabricated
by the mastermind Hata clan.)
Zizhi Tongjian (資治通鑑; Chinese history book) tells in Tang ji (唐紀; records of Tang Dynasty)
that Kung-Yueh (弓月) was
in the west of China around 660 CE.
According to "Jiu Tang Shu" (旧唐書) and "Xin Tang Shu" (新唐書; New Book of Tang),
Yipiduolukehan (乙毘咄陸可汗; the other name: Yukuk Shad; - 653 CE)
was a despotic ruler in Western Gokturk Khaganate (西突厥; 593 - 659 CE).
(Khaganate means Empire. Khagan (可汗) means Emperor.)
He was a member of the Ashina clan (阿史那氏).
Ashina Helu (阿史那 賀魯; the other name: Ishbara Khagan (沙鉢羅可汗)) was a disciple
of Yipiduolukehan.
He ruled the Talas River, Bechbaliq (庭州), and so on.
The religion of Gokturk and Western Gokturk was Tengrism.
"Yuku Shad in Wikipedia"
"Western Turkic Khaganate in Wikipedia"
"Ishbara Qaghan (Ashina Helu) in Wikipedia"
"Talas River in Wikipedia"
"Bechbaliq (庭州) in Chinese Wikipedia"
"Tengrism in Wikipedia"
However, after the death of Yipiduolukehan, rebels allied with Tang and Tang army ruled
Bechbaliq (庭州) and so on.
Zizhi Tongjian Vol 199 about July 651 CE (公元六五一年 七月)
tells that Ishbara Khagan (沙缽羅可汗) of Western Gokturk attacked Bechbaliq (庭州)
and Tang's army of Kung-Yueh area (弓月道) subdued Ishbara Khagan.
詔左武候大 將軍梁建方、右驍衛大將軍契苾何力為弓月道行軍總管,
右驍衛將軍高德逸、右武候將 軍薛孤吳仁為副,發秦、成、岐、雍府兵三萬人及
"Wikisource Zizhi Tongjian Vol 199"
Zizhi Tongjian Vol 202 about Dec 673 CE (公元六七三年 十二月) tells that various tribes of
Western Gokturk scattered, Kung-Yueh tribe (弓月部) and other tribes rebelled.
They allied and attacked Kashgar. The Emperor Gaozong of Tang subdued them.
The Emperor Gaozong of Tang forgave them.
"Kashgar in Wikipedia"
"Emperor Gaozong of Tang in Wikipedia"
西突厥興昔亡可汗之世,諸部離散,弓月及阿悉 吉皆叛。
蘇定方之西討也,擒阿悉吉以歸。弓月南結吐蕃,北招咽面,共攻疏勒,降 之。
上遣鴻臚卿蕭嗣業發兵討之。嗣業兵未至,弓月懼,與疏勒皆入朝;上赦其罪,遣 歸國。"
"Wikisource Zizhi Tongjian Vol 202"
Then Kung-Yueh seems a tribe in Western Gokturk. (Western Gokturk is said to be composed of 10 tribes)
Since the native Japanese seem impossible to know Yudu (弓月) tribe of Western Gokturk,
description about the migrants from
Yudu (弓月) in Nihon Shoki and Shin-sen-shouji-roku seems real aside from the date of migration.
As mentioned above, the 14th Emperor Chuai in Kojiki and Nihon Shoki would be Saul.
In contrast to that, most dates about Shinto and the Hata clan range in date from 600 through 800 CE.
For instance, the first Shintoist like name "Tarishihiko" appeared in 607 CE.
The envoy of Sui reported Hata kingdom just after that.
Kung-Yueh (弓月) was reported as 651 CE.
The name of the country "日本" (Japan) was recognized around 700 CE.
Kojiki was released in 712 CE.
Heian-kyo was founded in 794 CE.
Then, the ancestors of Hata clan with Septuagint seems moved from the Middle East to around the Lake Balkhash.
Judaism or Nestorianism seems crept into Tengrism, dwelt around the Lake Balkhash.
The migration of the Hata clan with Septuagint and silk worms seems around 600 CE,
they shortly took hegemony in Japan,
and fabricated Shinto and legends of Emperors.
Consequently, the true character of Japanese emperors would be colleagues/relatives
of the Hata clan and Jewish population (descendants of Judah and David).
Regarding the fact that the Hata (秦) clan claimed to be
descendants of Qin Shi Huang of ancient China Qin (秦), as mentioned above,
it is possible to infer the assumption that China's Qin dynasty was a Greek-Jewish power.
In other words, the Jewish people who were freed from the Babylonian captivity
were basically friendly with Alexander's empire, and part of their power went
east with the remaining power of Alexander' empire,
and after establishment and fall of Qin in China, they reluctantly moved to around Lake Balkhash.
If this is not the case, there is no other reason for the Hata clan to use
the character "秦," and there is no reason for them to call themselves
descendants of "Qin" without any basis.
A reptesentative descendant of the Hata clan is the 80th Prime Minister
of Japan, Hata Tsutomu (羽田 孜).
He claims he descends from the Hata (秦) clan, though the name is
written as 羽田 employing Chinese characters.
"Tsutomu Hata in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsutomu_Hata
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