Disclaimer: This is Untrue. Replacement of the Emperor and Inconvenient Circumstances Replacement of the Emperor Southern Dynasty Toranosuke Theory Background

As mentioned before, Japanese Imperial House could have legitimately descended from David, as the prophesied rulers of the unified kingdom of Ezekiel.
Yet, clear evidences of the bloodline wouldn't be seen.
In addition, a theory that Emperor Meiji, enthroned in 1868 CE, might be unrelated to the imperial bloodline has been rumored. If the theory is true, the imperial Thrones of later emperors (Emperor Taisho, Emperor Showa, Emperor Heisei, and Emperor Reiwa) become groundless.
In contrast, a theory claims that Emperor Meiji was a fake emperor deliberately fabricated by the real emperor to deceive foreign powers to protect real Japanese emperors and Japanese religion Shinto.
The context of the theory would be as follows. Chaos in the Last Days of the Tokugawa Shogunate

In Japanese history, the emperors and the imperial family would have ruled Japan around 700 CE. The imperial power built Heian-kyo city (later Kyoto) in 794 CE, the imperial power based there. However, after many years, the emperors and the imperial family became formal rulers (sovereign) based on the religion Shinto, military rulers titled "Shogun" became substantial rulers.
Prior to the reunification of 1603 CE by the Tokugawa clan, the Tokugawa clan, the leader of the eastern power, based in Edo (later Tokyo), the Mori clan, the leader of the western power, governed 8 provinces around Aki province based in Aki (later Hiroshima).
The eastern power won the great battle, the Tokugawa Shogunate started based in Edo in 1603 CE. As a result of the Tokugawa clan's generosity, the Mori clan survived having been restricted the domain to Choshu domain (later Yamaguchi), consisting of Nagato province and Suo province, while Choshu (the Mori clan) was treated coldly.
The Tokugawa Shogunate adopted closed-door policy and basically excluded guns and weapons except for swords to avoid civil wars.

However, Perry's fleet of the U.S.Navy with 73 cannons reached near Edo in 1853 CE. Perry requested diplomatic relations and commercial relations based on the armed forces. The Tokugawa Shogunate realized the situation, agreed the relations and partial open of the country. Other countries such as Britain also appeared.
On the other hand, Emperor Komei (孝明) claimed to repel the foreigners and opposed opening the country. Conflict between the emperor and the Tokugawa clan occurred. Taking chance of this opportunity, some Choshu warriors, who had been treated coldly by the Tokugawa clan, started to claim to exclude the foreigners on the pretext of supporting the emperor, in reality aiming to raise Choshu warriors' power.
Princess Kazu was the younger sister of Komei, the Tokugawa clan pleaded the emperor to let her marry the 14th Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi for the reconciliation between the emperor and the Tokugawa clan. Princess Kazu moved to Edo and married Tokugawa Iemochi in 1861 CE, the reconciliation started, while Komei requested the Tokugawa clan to strengthen the armament and start the exclusion by 1863 CE. The Tokugawa clan reluctantly accepted it.

The background was ripe for the battle.
The Shimazu clan of Satsuma domain was originally close to the Tokugawa clan. An adopted daughter of the Shimazu clan became the queen consort of the 13th Shogun. Some warriors of the Shimazu clan accidentally provoked the British Navy, the British Navy severely attacked Satsuma domain in 1863 CE, the Shimazu clan realized the power of the foreign fleets.
The Choshu warriors continued to claim to exclude the foreigners on the pretext of supporting the emperor. The Choshu warriors attacked foreign ships.
Emperor Komei gradually realized the situation and agreed partial open of the country. Then Emperor Komei rather refused the Choshu warriors and allied with the Tokugawa clan and Satsuma's Shimazu clan. The Choshu warriors were expelled from Heian-kyo by the Tokugawa clan and Satsuma's Shimazu clan supported by the emperor. Thus, the Choshu warriors became inferior.
In addition, the foreign fleets severely attacked the Choshu domain for revenge in 1864 CE.

In the meantime, the American Civil War ended in 1865 CE, surplus firearms were gathered in Shanghai by the Rothschilds' Jardine Matheson & Company.
Satsuma and Choshu seriously realized that alliance with the foreign power should be the way to survive, they allied and bought the weapons in Nagasaki from Jardine Matheson & Company.
On the other hand, Iwakura Tomomi was a court noble, hostile to the Tokugawa clan, serving Emperor Komei. Contrary to that, Emperor Komei showed alliance with the Tokugawa clan, it was not favorable for Iwakura. Subsequently, healthful Emperor Komei suddenly died in 1867 CE. Komei's son Mutsuhito (睦仁) was purportedly born in 1852 CE.

Eventually, the Choshu warriors and the Satsuma warriors raised an army militarized with the new weapons from Jardine, Matheson & Company in 1868 CE, Iwakura joined it, they claimed that the new Emperor, 16 years old Mutsuhito, allied with them showing an imperial flag. The Tokugawa clan abandoned the battle to avoid the civil war.

Choshu, Satsuma, and Japanese aristocratic man Iwakura Tomomi (formerly dedicated to Emperor Komei) established the new government authorized by the new emperor, Emperor Meiji (Mutsuhito) in 1868 CE moving the residence of the emperor (palace) from Heian-kyo to Edo (Tokyo).

Later, Princess Kazu (widow at the time) sometimes requested the new government to meet her nephew Emperor Meiji. However, the government refused the meeting and Princess Kazu died in 1877 CE. Otherwise, it was rumored that the government eventually permitted her visit and on her way to the visit, Princess Kazu was attacked by robbery and died.

Emperor Meiji

* "Shogun in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shogun
* "Tokugawa Shogunate in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokugawa_shogunate
* "Sakoku in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakoku
* "Perry Expedition in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry_Expedition
* "Emperor Komei in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Kōmei
* "Princess Kazu in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Kazu
* "Tokugawa Iemochi in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokugawa_Iemochi
* "Tensho-in in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenshō-in Outline of the Southern Dynasty

Looking back on history, the best guess would be that in the process of the Meiji Restoration, lineage of the Southern Dynasty of Japan was employed to take control of the country, Emperor Meiji was not the son of Emperor Komei, but he could be a descendant of the Southern Dynasty.
Details of the Southern Dynasty should be explained.

Successors to the Throne of Japan were decided in some ways like other countries, such as former emperor's will, older son of the former emperor, younger brother of the former emperor, or other relative. Yet, it was particularly confused around 1336 - 1392 CE. According to the formal history, the 88th emperor was Gosaga (後嵯峨; substantially the 49th emperor; in the reign of 1242 - 1246 CE), the 89th was Gosaga's older son Gofukakusa (後深草; substantially the 50th; in the reign of 1246 - 1260 CE), the 90th was Gosaga's younger son Kameyama (亀山; substantially the 51th; in the reign of 1260 - 1274 CE).
Gosaga's descendants and Kameyama's descendants competed for the Throne. Subsequently, Kameyama's grandson, the 96th emperor Godaigo (後醍醐; substantially the 57th; in the reign of 1318 - 1339 CE), declared that the Throne should be succeded to by his descendants. The Emperor Godaigo held the Sacred Treasures of Shinto.
This time, the warrior Kusunoki Masashige (楠木 正成) earnestly supported Godaigo. However, Kusunoki Masashige died in 1336 CE.
Godaigo became inferior in military power, his clan escaped to the southern area called "Yoshinno." Contrary to that, Gofukakusa's descendants also claimed legitimatacy of their Throne. Thus, 2 Thrones, Godaigo's Southern Dynasty and Gofukakusa's Northern Dynasty, coexisted.
Eventually, reconciliation was arranged between the 2 powers in 1392 CE. The reconciliation stated that the Southern Dynasty was the legitimate dynasty during the division, the Throne would be succeded to alternately, the Sacred Treasures of Shinto would be returned to emperors. Then, Gokomatsu of the Northern Dynasty became the 100th emperor and the Sacred Treasures were returned to Gokomatsu. However, because the Southern Dynasty was inferior in military power, Thrones after the 100th were actually exclusively succeeded to by the Northern Dynasty. The Southern Dynasty power protested the violation of the agreement, but the Southern Dynasty was eventually defeated and expelled around 1473 CE. The whereabouts of the descendants of the Southern Dynasty become unknown after that.

*Attribution: "Emperor Go-Saga in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Go-Saga
"Emperor Go-Fukakusa in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Go-Fukakusa
"Emperor Go-Daigo in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Go-Daigo

Kusunoki Masashige
*Attribution: "Kusunoki Masashige in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusunoki_Masashige                     
However, a later lineage story of the Southern Dynasty could be assumed from a few records.
Some descendants of the Southern Dynasty moved to Sanshu-hagi (三州萩) area, then moved to the western region of Honshu supported by the Mori (毛利) clan, who governed the western region of Honshu including Aki (安芸), Suo (周防), and Nagato (長門). The descendants survived in the northwestern area of the Mori clan, Nagato. Supported by the Mori clan, the area was purtortedly named Hagi (萩) after the first escape destination "Sanshu-hagi." The descendants later moved to Kumage (熊毛) in Suo and proclaimed themselves Omuro (大室). Detailed Circumstances of the Characters

Ito Hirobumi (伊藤 博文; later 1st prime minister of Japan) was born in Kumage in 1841 CE. He was recommended to study at Yoshida Shoin's Shōkasonjuku Academy in Hagi in 1857 CE. After studying at Yoshida's Academy, he studied abroad in Britain as Choshu Five in 1863 CE supported by Thomas Glover in Nagasaki and Hugh Matheson in Britain. Returning Japan, he joined a volunteer militia (Kiheitai) of Choshu, the Omuros' boy Omuro Toranosuke (大室 寅之祐) also joined it.

Shokasonjuku Academy
*Attribution: "Shokasonjuku Academy in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shōkasonjuku_Academy

* "Mori Clan in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mōri_clan
* "Suo Province in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suō_Province
* "Nagato Province in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagato_Province
* "Hagi, Yamaguchi in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagi,_Yamaguchi
* "Ito Hirobumi in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itō_Hirobumi
* "Choshu Five in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chōshū_Five
* "Kiheitai in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiheitai

Subsequently, a controversial picture was taken supposedly in Nagasaki supposedly in 1865 CE. Missionary Guido Verbeck, his son, and 44 Japanese men are in the picture. This picture is controversial, because the 44 Japanese men are all similar to later Meiji Restoration's big names who opposed the Tokugawa clan. For example, the solid physique man in black clothes behind the center would be Saigo. (Saigo was famous for his solid physique. However, because of his charasteristic body, Saigo didn't left official portrait or picture to avoid assassination.) The 4th man to the left of Saigo in light clothes would be Ito Hirobumi. Particularly, the central person at center front holding a sword on his left shoulder is quite similar to later Emperor Meiji. He would be assumed to be Omuro Toranosuke. Possible Iwakura's sons are also seen. Then this picture could be a group photo of revolutionary warriors surrounding the key person Omuro.
In addition, later Emperor Meiji decided that the Southern Dynasty was the orthodox line about the Southern and Northern Courts controversy, though Emperor Komei officially descends from the North Dynasty. Besides, later Emperor Meiji ordered to build the statue of Kusunoki Masashige near the palace.
Other than that, Omuro Chikasuke (大室近佑; born 1904 CE) claimed in Kumage that Omuro Toranosuke was Emperor Meiji. Toranosuke's younger brother was Chikasuke's grandfather.
Then it is said that Iwakura Tomomi and Ito Hirobumi assassinated Emperor Komei and Prince Mutsuhito, replaced the prince to Omuro Toranosuke. They moved the palace from Heian-kyo to Edo (Tokyo) to cover the replacement, because Emperor Komei's acquaintaces in Heian-kyo had to be kept away from Emperor Meiji. The identity of Emperor Meiji would be Omuro Toranosuke. He could be a descendant of the Southern Dynasty, yet details are unclear.

Verbeck Picture
* "Guido Verbeck in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guido_Verbeck

* "Saigo Takamori in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saigō_Takamori
* "Iwakura Tomomi in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iwakura_Tomomi

Statue of Kusunoki Masashige Jike Step Son Theory

On the other hand, a Japanese who calls himself Jike Yasuo (地家やすお) sent an e-mail to a Japanese private thinker of Tabuse conspiracies in 2003 CE. He claimed that he is a great‐great‐grandson of Emperor Meiji's brother. He claimed as follows.
Emperor Meiji was Omuro Toranosuke originated in Tabuse, but Omuro Toranosuke is not a son of Omuro, Toranosuke's father was Jike Sakuzou (地家 作蔵). Toranosuke has nothing to do with the imperial bloodline.
Sakuzou was born around 1824 CE. He was a commoner. Sakuzou originally had no surname. He made a living with shipping industry based in Tabuse (田布施), Kumage (熊毛), Suo. He had 2 ships, employed over 10 workers, and transported construction materials to Ehime 60 km to the southeast of Tabuse and sometimes to Osaka 400 km to the east of Tabuse.
On the other hand, Koushouji (興正寺) family resided in Saienji temple (西円寺) in Ogou (麻郷), Tabuse (田布施), Kumage (熊毛). Koushouji is a faction of a Buddhist temple. (Koushouji (興正寺) literally means "generating righteous temple"). Then Koushouji would be their surname. Sueko is a daughter of Koushouji.
Sakuzou married Koushouji Sueko (興正寺 基子: 1832 - 1855 CE) around 1846 CE. Their daughter was born in 1847 CE. Sakuzo built his house around 1849 CE in Jike (地家), Ogou (麻郷), Tabuse (田布施), Kumage (熊毛). He named himself Jike after the name of the place. Their older son was born in 1850 CE. He was named Torakichi (寅吉). His original name was Jike Torakichi (地家 寅吉). The second son Shoukichi (庄吉) was born in 1852 CE, the third son was born in February 1854 CE. Jike Yasuo is a great‐great‐grandson of the third son.
Sakuzou and Sueko got divorced around May 1854 CE. Sueko nurtured Torakichi and Shoukichi. Sakuzou nurtured his daughter and the third son. Sueko remarried Omuro Yahee (大室 弥兵衛) in October 1854 CE. The 2 step sons became Omuro Torakichi and Omuro Shoukichi. Subsequently, Omuro Torakichi became Omuro Toranosuke (大室 寅之祐).
* "Tabuse in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabuse
* "興正寺 in Wikipedia" https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/興正寺
* "麻郷 in Wikipedia" https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/麻郷村
* "Temple View Tabuse" https://otera-ichiran.com/otera-yamaguchiken-kumageguntabusecho20/

Jike (地家) is the triangular area about 400 m x 600 m on the east of the characters shown as "周南広域農道," to the southwest of "麻郷."
*Attribution: © OpenStreetMap contributors Emperors after Emperor Meiji Yoshihito, Emperor Taisho

The oldest son of Emperor Meiji was Yoshihito (1879 - 1926 CE), Emperor Taisho. However, because he opposed the military, which was accepting bribes and advancing to wars, he was assassinated.
* "Emperor Taisho in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Taishō Hirohito, Emperor Showa

The Emperor of Japan as of 1945 CE, when the atomic bomb was dropped, was Emperor Meiji's oldest grandson, Hirohito (1901 - 1989 CE), Emperor Showa.

Emperor Showa, Hirohito and Empress Kojun
*Attribution: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ファイル:Emperor_Showa_%26_Empress_Kojun_1956-11.jpg
* "Hirohito in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirohito
According to Rael, 1945 CE was the 666th generation of humankind on the Earth. Akihito, Emperor Heisei

The 1st son of Hirohito is Akihito (1933 - 2020 CE), Emperor Heisei.
An abominable thing of Emperor Heisei would be foundation of Kodomonokuni (Children's Land) Theme Park commemorating his marriage. When he gets married in 1959 CE, he expected children's theme park be constructed and it was soon realized. It is a place being suspected of kidnapping.
He abdicated the throne in 2019 CE.

Emperor Heisei, Akhito
*Attribution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Emperor_Akihito_199011_1.jpg

Emperor Heisei, Akhito
*Attribution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Emperor_Akihito_198901.jpg

* "Kodomonokuni Theme Park in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodomonokuni_Theme_Park
* "Akihito in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akihito Naruhito, Emperor Reiwa

The 1st son of Akihito is Naruhito (1960 - 2020 CE), he ascended the throne in 2019 CE and became Emperor Reiwa.
The 2nd son of Akihito is Fumihito, Prince Akishino (born 1965 CE). The youngest child of Akihito (the 1st daughter) is Sayako (born 1969 CE). Parents of Fumihito and Sayaka are controversial.

Emperor Reiwa, Naruhito
Attribution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Emperor_Naruhito_(cropped).jpg

Naruhito and Masako
*Attribution: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ファイル:Court_Banquets_after_the_Ceremony_of_the_Enthronement2019(1).png
* "Naruhito in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naruhito
* "Fumihito, Prince Akishino in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fumihito,_Prince_Akishino

On the other hand, Chisso Corporation is a Japanese chemical company, originated from carbide products, founded in 1908 CE. Chisso started to produce acetaldehyde employing a mercury catalyst at Minamata plant, Kumamoto prefecture, in the western area of Japan, in 1932 CE. The Minamata plant continued to dispose the wastewater into Minamata Bay. The wastewater included poisonous substances mostly mercury. Mercury was accumulated in fish and shellfish in Minamata Bay. People around Minamata Bay continued to eat fish and shellfish from Minamata Bay without knowing mercury accumulations. Mercury was accumulated among people around Minamata Bay. A strange disease was first reported in 1956 CE. Kumamoto University investigated the cause. Mercury started to be suspected, while Chisso totally opposed and denied it.

* "Chisso in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chisso

On the other hand, Egashira Yutaka (江頭 豊; 1908 - 2006 CE) was a bank staff menber of Industrial Bank of Japan.
* "Industrial Bank of Japan in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Bank_of_Japan

Egashira Yutaka's daughter Egashira Yumiko married a diplomatic official of Japan, Owada Hisashi.
* "Hisashi Owada in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hisashi_Owada
Owada Masako, later Crown Ptincess Masako, was born in 1963 CE. Egashira Yutaka was the president of Chisso during 1964 - 1971 CE based on his carrier of Industrial Bank of Japan, the chairman of the board during 1971 - 1973 CE.
Other than that, Fukuda Takeo (an agent of the Yi clan of ex-(Korean) Joseon mentioned later) (福田 赳夫; 1905 - 1995 CE) became Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan in 1971 CE. Owada Hisashi became close to Fukuda.
* "Takeo Fukuda in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takeo_Fukuda
Minamata Disease is a neurological syndrome caused by mercury poisoning, results in ataxia, numbness, in serious cases, insanity, crippled paralysis, coma, and death. Fetal defects that appeared among babies were extremely serious.
* "Minamata Disease in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minamata_disease
Kumamoto University and the government concluded in 1968 CE that Minamata Disease is a disease of the central nervous system caused by mercury through poisoned fish and shellfish in Minamata Bay.
The sufferers started to ask compensation to Chisso. However, Chisso and Egashira Yutaka refused proper compensation threatening allied with a Japanese organized crime group (Yakuza).
W. Eugene Smith, an American photo-journalist, took photos of Minamata, intended to publish, and was raided by Chisso's raiders near Tokyo in 1972 CE. Eugene Smith's one eye's sight was deteriorated by the raid. Still he published photos including the most famous works, "Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath" (1972 CE) depicting a severely deformed girl, which improved publicity of the disease.
* "W. Eugene Smith in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Eugene_Smith
* "Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomoko_Uemura_in_Her_Bath

Civil trials of Chisso started in 1969 CE.
Criminal trials of Chisso started in 1976 CE (concluded in 1988 CE).
Chisso, Egashira Yutaka, and Owada Hisashi plotted to settle down and reduce the resposibility approaching the Imperial House. Owada Hisashi, a diplomatic official, arranged encounter of Crown Prince Naruhito and his daughter Masako. Masako got into Harvard College through personal connections of her father. Subsequently, Masako got into Tokyo University through personal connections. Then got into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan through personal connections.
Naruhito registered with Oxford University at that time privately toured in Europe and visited Colmar, northeastern France, in 1984 CE. Masako suddenly appeared Colmar and accompanied Naruhito.
* "Colmar in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colmar
Subsequently, Masako suddenly appeared the reception of Spanish Queen Infanta Elena in Tokyo in 1986 CE and approached Naruhito.
* "Infanta Elena in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infanta_Elena,_Duchess_of_Lugo
Rumors of Masako as the primary candidate of the wife of the next plain Prince were spread. Hirohito opposed the engagement knowing the involvement of Egashira.

Owada planned to obtain political power, approached a Japanese political party based on Buddhism, in reality an organization of the CIA to support the Yi clan. The Buddhism political party supported by the CIA was allied with Disney Parks Tokyo, a place being suspected of kidnapping.
Subsequently, Hirohito passed away in 1989 CE. Then Naruhito married Masako in 1993 CE. Chisso and Owada succeeded in reducing criticism of Chisso. Meanwhile, some noticed the context. Criticism of Masako arose instead. Masako became refrain from the public eye staying indoors of the palace or Imperial villas feigning mental illness. Statements of alleged (fabricated) Masako's doctors team are annually released without names of the alleged team's doctors, while no one knows the names of the alleged team's doctors for over 20 years.
Other than that, the Buddhism political party started alliance with Naruhito and Masako.
Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko visited Minamata City in October 2013 CE. Then Masako and Naruhito got an excuse to decline to visit Minamata.
* "Crown Princess Masako in Wikipedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Princess_Masako Emperor Komei's Conspiracy Theory

The above stories suggest that Emperor Komei and his son Mutsuhito were assassinated, Toranosuke, who could have descended from the Southern Dynasty or could have had nothing to do with thelineage.
However, another theory could be possible. The theory would be that Emperor Meiji was a fake emperor deliberately fabricated by the real emperor Komei to deceive foreign powers to protect real Japanese emperors and Japanese religion Shinto. This theory might be supported by a rumor of a man with a pseudonym named Kibi Uzumasa (吉備太秦) and a secret organization in Kyoto called "Kyoto Imperial Line Association Yatagarasu" (京都皇統 八咫烏協会). (Yatagarasu is the three-legged crow in Kojiki, which led Emperor Jimmu and his followers, corresponding to Joshua, who led Moses and his followers in Exodus.) Kibi Uzumasa is purportedly a man of the Hata (秦) clan, he was purportedly raised in Okayama prefecture in Japan. "Kibi (吉備)" is the old name of Okayama. n the service of the Imperial family in Tokyo as of 2020 CE. He is often rumored to be with the secret organization called Kyoto Yatagarasu, which could be associated with secret purported real imperial power in Kyoto as of 2020 CE. Though, the Imperial family in Tokyo as of 2020 would be fake, a man who serves the fake Imperial family could be associated with the real imperial power in Kyoto as of 2020 CE.
It suggests that the fake Imperial family in Tokyo as of 2020 CE is somehow approved by the real imperial power in Kyoto, because the fake Imperial family in Tokyo is convenient for the real imperial power in Kyoto. According to the theory, Emperor Komei and his servants faked Emperor Komei's death to deceive the foreign power and protect the religious traditions of the real imperial line in Kyoto.
* "Three-legged Crow in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-legged_crow
* "Joshua in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua

As far as identity of the real imperial line in Kyoto as of 2020 CE, there would be some guesses.
One guess claims that Horikawa Tatsukichiro (1891 - 1966 CE) (堀川 辰吉郎) is a representative of the real imperial lineage. Horikawa claimed to have been born in 1891 CE in Horikawa, Kyoto (location of the former Imperial Palace) and shortly after his birth, he was adopted by the Horikawa family of Fukuoka. Later, he argued for the prosperity of the Asian region helped Sun Yat-sen succeed in the Xinhai Revolution until 1912. He was rumored to be Toranosuke's illegitimate son.

Horikawa, the youngest man, front row, toward the left
* "Horikawa Tatsukichiro in Wikipedia" https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/堀川辰吉郎
Another guess would claim that the real imperial lineage in Kyoto wouldn't include Horikawa Tatsukichiro. Another guess would be Fumihito, Prince Akishino (born 1965 CE), because his parents are controversial.

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