Disclaimer: This is Untrue.
2.4.3 Rothschild and World Revolutionary Movement Overview
Freemasonry fled to Scotland became the House of Stuart.
James Stuart I succeeded English Elizabeth I,
Britain became the land of Freemasonry.
Subsequently, the Rothschilds arose from Frankfurt am Main, joined
Freemasonry, and advocated World Revolutionary Movement. Details Royal Family of Britain
Joanna the Mad (1479 - 1555 CE), daughter of Ferdinand II and Isabella I politically
married Habsburg's
Philip the Handsome, the
son of Maximilian I, (Austrian or German) Habsburg's Holy Roman Emperor.
Spanish Habsburg ruled Catholic Spain since then.
Charles V is the eldest son of Philip the Handsome and Joanna the Mad.
Charles V was the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the King of Spain by the name of Charles I.
Charles V's eldest son was Philip II, king of Habsburg's Catholic Spain.
Henry Tudor (Henry VII) took control of England (southern part of Britain island)
through a battle in 1485 CE.
Henry VII's daughter Margaret Tudor married House of Stuart's James IV of
Scotland in 1503 CE.
Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Ferdinand II and Isabella I, married House of Tudor's
Henry VIII (son of Henry VII) of England in 1509 CE.
*The House of Tudor's Coat of Arms (emblem) held more often than not a Lion.
On the other hand, the House of Stuart's Coat of Arms (emblem) held 2 Unicorns.
The House of Stuart was founded in 1371 CE, while as mentioned above
a part of the Knight Templar associated with Priory of Sion fled to Scotland around 1312 CE.
It should be noted that the Knight Templar dedicated to Ezekiel's Temple
and according to the Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate,
Ephraim, who is the counterpart of Ezekiel's reunification,
was mistranslated as Unicorn.
An Example of the House of Tudor's Coat of Arms (Henry VIII)
"Tudor Dynasty in Wikipedia"
The House of Stuart's Coat of Arms
"House of Stuart in Wikipedia"
Referring to the Templar society at the time, Causa Nostra (Our Cause) was
founded in Venice in 1510 CE. It changed into
the secret society Ordo Bucintoro in Venice in 1512 CE.
They purportedly held the white stone of the Holy Grail.
(Bucintoro came from an old Venetian legend, which means a large golden ship
ascending into the sky.)
Other than that, the Order of the Knights of Saint John in Rhodes was expelled by
the Ottoman Empire in 1522 CE.
Charles V of the Holy Roman Emperor gave Malta island
(to the south of the Italian Peninsula), Goza (the small island adjacent to Malta),
and Tripoli (the North African port) to
the Order of the Knights of Saint John in 1530 CE.
Then it became the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
"Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Wikipedia"
For another thing, the Society of Jesus was founded in 1534 CE in Paris.
Its central figures were Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier.
They were the Basque people. They were born in the Basque Country
located in the western Pyrenees.
"Society of Jesus in Wikipedia"
"Ignatius of Loyola in Wikipedia"
"Francis Xavier in Wikipedia"
DNAs of the Basque people are distinctive showing the highest ratio of Rh(-)
in reference to the Rh blood group system on
red blood cells. About 35% of the Basque people are Rh(-).
It means that about 35% of the Basque people have no "Rh-D antigens"
on the surface of red blood cells.
In many cases, DNA sequences of Rh-D antigens are on the first DNA of 23 DNAs.
A human has a pair of first DNAs from the father and from the mother.
When DNA sequences of Rh-D antigens are absent in both first DNAs,
Rh-D antigens are not formed on red blood cells.
It means that 60% of the 1st DNA of the 23 DNAs of the Basque people
are negative for Rh-D sequences. (60% x 60% ≈ 35%)
In addition, the Basque people are distinctive showing neither blood type B nor AB.
However, distribution of haplogroups is quite similar to that of western Europe.
Y-DNA haplogroups of the Basques are R1b:88%, I:7%, J:3%.
mt-DNA haplogroups of the Basques are H:51%, U:18%, J:15%, V:6%.
Aside from that, Basque language is also distinctive.
"Basques in Wikipedia"
"Y-DNA Haplogroups by Ethnic Group in Wikipedia"
"Researchgate mtDNA Haplogroups of Basques" https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Frequency-distribution-as-percentages-of-mtDNA-haplogroups-in-a-sample-of-autochthonous_fig1_5676863
23 Pairs of Human Male DNAs in the Shape of Chromosome
Schematic View of (1) Antigens on Red Blood Cell and (2) No Antigens on Red Blood Cell
The daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon was later Mary I, Catholic Bloody Mary.
However, Henry VIII wanted to change his wife to have his son, contrary to Roman Catholic.
(Pope Clement VII at that time was imprisoned by Catherine's nephew, Charles V of the
Holy Roman Emperor in the Sack of Rome.)
Then he separated from Roman Catholic.
The child of Henry VIII and the 2nd wife Anne Boleyn was later Elizabeth I.
Consequently, Mary I became the Queen of England,
the Catholic Bloody Mary of England, the preceding Queen of Elizabeth I.
Mary I married Philip II of Catholic Spanish Habsburg.
Her half-sister was Elizabeth I.
On the other hand, another Mary, Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots)
was the daughter of James V, King of Scots.
Mary I, the Bloody Mary died in 1558 CE.
After Mary I's death, Elizabeth I, succeeded to be Queen,
maintained Henry VIII's Church of England, which brought the heavily made-up Queen's mother's
(Anne Boleyn's) marriage.
Meanwhile, Mary, Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart) claimed illegitimacy of Elizabeth I, opposed Elizabeth I,
and was eventually executed.
If Elizabeth I is a woman, the Virgin Queen
could not have had no son.
Then the House of Tudor ended with Elizabeth I.
James Stuart I, a supporter of the Church of England,
the son of Mary Stuart, smoothly
succeeded the throne after Elizabeth I's death.
(If Elizabeth I is a man, James Stuart might be his son.)
James Stuart I maintained Elizabeth I's Church of England and is famous for the Bible as King James.
Other than that, James Stuart I created a new Coat of Arms (emblem) holding
a Lion and a Unicorn unifying Tudor's and Stuart's supposedly associating with
the Lion and the Unicorn of the unified kingdom prophesied
in the King James Bible. Then Britain became the land of Freemasonry.
(Consequently, the new Stuart's Coat of Arms was succeeded by
the Royal House of Hanover and Windsor, present-day royal house.)
New Stuart's Coat of Arms
On the other hand, it is said that the ancestry of the Rothschilds could date back
to 1577 CE to Izaak Elchanan Rothschild (or Isaak Elchanan Rothschild) in Frankfurt,
Holy Roman Empire (later Germany), near Lorraine.
He seems first beared the name "Rothschild" derived from the house
he lived in the Judengasse (Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt).
It could originally be said to be "zum roten Schild" ("at the sign of the red shield").
By the way, Izaak could be said to be the son of Elchanan Feibisch, died in 1550 CE.
Izaak Elchanan Rothschild died in 1585 CE.
"Frankfurt Judengasse in Wikipedia"
Aside from that, Rosicrucianism might have arisen around 1600 CE in the Holy Roman Empire.
Rosicrucianism is a secret society similar to Lutheranism and Scottish Freemasonry,
opposing Catholic.
"Rosicrucianism in Wikipedia"
"Lutheranism in Wikipedia"
On the other hand, Jewish people, moved to Amsterdam, made an
equity participation in Dutch East India Company in 1602 CE.
The Dutch East India Company advanced into Java and dealt in spice.
"Dutch East India Company in Wikipedia"
The Netherlands had confronted England at that time, for instance,
known as Anglo-Dutch Wars.
The Dutch East India Company and the English East India Company
are commonly said to be competitive.
"Anglo-Dutch Wars in Wikipedia"
However, England and the Netherlands had signed a treaty about
business in India and East Asia in 1619 CE.
Despite accidental Amboyna massacre in 1623 CE,
the English East India Company and the Dutch East India Company had shared interests,
India for the English East India Company, Java and so on for the Dutch East India Company.
"English East India Company in Wikipedia"
"Amboyna Massacre in Wikipedia"
The English East India Company and the Rothschilds in
Frankfurt am Main at that time seem unconnected. Foundation of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1569 CE
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was a federation of Poland and Lithuania founded
in 1569 CE, ruled
by a common monarch.
As mentioned above, Jewish populations from west and from east-southeast
gathered in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Territory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as of 1620 CE
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rzeczpospolita_1619_-_1621.png Migration from Western Europe
The Dutch East India Company sought another merchandise in America
and found beavers as fur in the Hudson River found in 1609 CE, named
after Henry Hudson of the Dutch East India Company and the English East India Company.
"Henry Hudson in Wikipedia"
The first English permanent settlement, Jamestown of Virginia (along the East Coast),
supported by the
Virginia Company of London started in 1607 CE.
Jamestown was marshy, but far from the sea hard to be found by Spanish fleet,
and the deep river was helpful to anchor their ships to escape in case of emergency.
However, some 500 migrants of Jamestown faced starvation,
survivors among some 500 migrants were some 60 as of 1610 CE.
They started to develop tobacco industry and tobacco plantations since 1612 CE.
The circumstances were gradually improved, migrants
managed to overcome the starvation as of 1620 CE.
Pilgrims from England migrated to New England (such as present-day Massachusetts) in 1620 CE.
The Dutch East India Company settled in an island in 1625 CE and named it "New Amsterdam"
(present-day New York).
"New Amsterdam in Wikipedia"
New Amsterdam changed into New York in 1664 CE.
Caribbean sugar plantations started in Barbados Island of England around 1640 CE.
(Barbados Island, abandoned by Spain, was then possessed by England.)
Involving the reconcilation after the Second Anglo-Dutch War,
New Amsterdam changed into New York in 1664 CE.
By the way from a viewpoint of fair historical accounts, France managed to start establishing a permanent
settlement in present-day Quebec in 1608 CE.
The territory of France was named "New France."
It developed rather slowly.
Explorers, armies, visitors, migrants, and African slaves to the American continent at that time
were all sponsored by European countries or capitalists.
Ordinary people without sponsors could neither afford to cross the
Atlantic Ocean nor survive in the American continent.
Agents of capitalists (or European countries) needed cheap labor.
First, the capitalists tried to use the indigenous people.
However, the indigenous people decreased due to the new pathogens from Europe, fights,
and severe forced labor.
Second, the capitalists of present-day USA and Caribbean recruited cheap laborers from Europe.
Most migrants from Europe were indentured servants like slaves from poor classes.
Third, African slaves were used mostly in sugar plantations in present-day Brazil, the Caribbean, and
in the southern region of present-day USA.
The American continent including present-day USA has been dominated
by capitalists or European countries.
By the way, it is said that the Rothschilds relocated to another house,
called "Hinterpfann" (literally: "house in the back of the saucepan"), in
the Judengasse (Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt) in 1664 CE.
Subsequently, a lot of Sephardi Jewish people migrated to North America around 1700 CE and succeeded.
Sephardi Jewish people became rather wealthy.
"Early American Jews"
By the way, the flag of England was the Cross of St George.
(England (Anglo-Saxon's southern part of Britain island including
Celtic Wales' southwestern part of Britain island) and Scotland (Celtic northern part of Britain island)
were unified through the Acts of Union in 1707 CE
to be the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
Then the Cross of St George and the Andrew's Cross of Scotland were unified.)
The flag of the English East India Company at that time (before 1707 CE) consists of
the Cross of St George in the upper left quarter (canton) and red/white stripes.
Flag of the English East India Company as of 1685 CE
Flag of the English East India Company as of 1700 CE
"British East India Company in Wikipedia"
"St Geroge's Cross in Wikipedia"
"Flag of Scotland (St Andrew's Cross) in Wikipedia"
"Acts of Union 1707 in Wikipedia"
"Committee of 300" originated in the British East India Company
(former English East India Company) in 1727 CE.
"Committee of 300 in Wikipedia"
Elihu Yale (1649 - 1721 CE) was an American merchant and philanthropist,
governor of the British East India Company settlement at Madras, east India, and
founded Yale College in Connecticut, USA.
The House of Hanover (later House of Windsor) succeeded the House of Stuart
as the royal house of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714 CE.
"House of Hanover in Wikipedia"
Pirates in the Caribbean began to be active around 1700 CE, and the heyday of
Caribbean piracy was around 1720 CE. They were active as pirates in the Caribbean
Sea, bearing the skull-and-bones emblem called the Jolly Roger, and attacked
Spanish ships and other vessels. They are said to have originated from the Rosslyn
Knights Templar. (The skull and bones are thought to have originated from the
remains of Jack de Molay. Otherwise, it might have been derived from the crystal skulls of
Templar Inner Circle Descendants' Theory mentioned before.)
A Typical Jolly Roger Flag
"Jolly Roger in Wikipedia"
A Contemporary Model of Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge
Flags of Blackbeard
Capture of the Pirate, Blackbeard, 1718
Blackbeard in Wikipedia
"Piracy in the Caribbean in Wikipedia"
George Washington, a son of a wealthy Virginian tobacco plantation owner
possessing some 200 slaves,
was born in Virginia in 1732 CE.
The British government established infantry in the American colonies recruiting
from the colonies in 1740 CE.
Lawrence Washington, a half-brother of George, became a member of the infantry.
Lawrence Washington died in 1752 CE and George Washington succeeded him to be a
militia leader.
George Washington joined Freemasonry in 1753 CE.
George Washington battled as a British colonial troop against French troops,
George Washington was defeated in 1754 - 1755 CE, and then he left the troops after that. Rise of the Rothschilds
Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild (1744 - 1812 CE) was born in
Judenstrasse (literally: Jewish street), a Jewish slum composed of some 500
households, in Frankfurt am Main, Holy Roman Empire, present-day Germany in 1744 CE.
(It is said that Jewish households in Frankfurt am Maine at that time are restricted to 500
His father, Amschel Moses Rothschild, ran a small shop in Judenstrasse dealing in
some goods, coins, and pawnbroking
hanging out a signboard of red shield (roth schild) over the door.
(It is said that they had no family name and they were named after the red shield.)
The Rothschilds' House in the Judenstrasse of Frankfurt
His father died in 1755 CE. His mother Schonche Rothschild nee Lechnich died in 1756 CE.
His parents died supposedly attacked with the smallpox spread at that time.
After his father's death, Mayer Amschel Rothschild at the age of 13 started to work as a
clerk in a bank
of the Oppenheimers in Hanover (present-day north-central Germany).
Mayer Amschel Rothschild became acquainted with General von Estorff in his career at the bank.
Mayer Amschel returned to Frankfurt am Main at the age of 19 and resumed
his father's shop including rare coins.
It is said that he met General von Estorff again during his business in the 1760s CE.
Mayer Amschel knew that Estorff was associated with
Crown Prince William I, Elector of Hesse (German: Wilhelm I),
later William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (1743 - 1821 CE),
a son of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (German: Friedrich; 1720 - 1785 CE).
*Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (1720 - 1785 CE) in this case is neither the same
person as
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (1194 - 1250 CE)
nor Frederick II the Great, King of Prussia (1712 - 1786 CE).
Frederick II (Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel) was a despotic feudal lord of Hesse-Kassel,
a state of the
Holy Roman Empire, located in present-day western Germany.
*After the defeat of (Austrian or German) Habsburg of the Holy Roman Empire
in the Thirty Years' War (1618 - 1648 CE),
the Holy Roman Empire was merely an aggregation of areal feudal lords.
Frederick II's wife was Princess Mary, daughter of King George II of Great Britain.
It is said that it was common social circumstances that
German feudal lords at that time (th Holy Roman Empire) lent their inhabitants as
troops supposedly based on feudalism of the Holy Roman Empire and
feuderal traditional contracts between the lord and the inhabitants.
Frederick II's soldiers or soldiers from Hessen were called Hessian.
When the Jacobite Rising occurred in Scotland in 1745 CE, Frederick II supported
his father-in-law, George II of Great Britain, through rent-a-troop service.
(However, Frederick II and Mary were separated in 1755 CE.
Mary moved to Denmark to take care of the children of her sister died untimely.
William I was once taken to Denmark.)
On the other hand, Frederick II continued the rent-a-troop service to his nephew,
George III of Great Britain,
a grandson of George II,
for the American Revolutionary War of Independence (1775 - 1783 CE).
Frederick II earned much through the rent-a-troop service.
He became one of the most wealthy figures in
Europe at that time.
He died in 1785 CE, William I inherited it to be William IX.
(However, as mentioned later, in later years, William's territory was dominated
by the Kingdom of Westphalia ruled by the youngest brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, possibly
controlled by the Rothschilds,
William IX exiled to Denmark in 1806 CE.)
After exhaustion of the Seven Year's War, Great Britain started the Era of Britain and
the Industrial Revolution based on the
hegemony over India and North America through the Treaty of Paris (1763 CE).
On the other hand, Mayer Amschel became familiar with Estorff and his acquaintances
through rare coins,
eventually with
Crown Prince William I and his father Frederick II.
Mayer Amschel became an agent of Crown Prince William I with the title "Court Factor"
in 1769 CE.
Mayer Amschel gained political power in Great Brirain including the British East India Company
as well taking advantage of the
patronage of Frederick II and the military force through the Hessian.
The context above might imply that Mayer Amschel might be able to control the British troop in
the Thirteen Colonies in the northeastern America at that time.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild married Guttle Schnapper (1753 - 1849 CE), the daughter
of Wolf Salomon Schnapper in 1770 CE.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
"Mayer Amschel Rothschild in Wikipedia"
"Amschel Mayer von Rothschild"(1773 - 1855 CE), the 2nd child,
the 1st son of "Mayer Amschel,"
was born in 1773 CE. (remained in Frankfurt am Main ever since)
"Amschel Mayer Rothschild in Wikipedia"
The Boston Tea Party arose in Dec 1773 CE.
(According to the accepted story, the British government allied with the British East India
imposed on the tea monopolized by the British East India Company.
Colonists opposed to Great Britain resisted throwing the shiploads of
the British East India Company's tea into Boston Harbor.
Then it led to the American Revolutionary War of Independence (1775 - 1783 CE).)
In addition, 1773 CE was the year when the British East India Company started
opium dealing involving India and China (Qing dynasty at that time).
The British East India Company had imported popular novel Chinese goods,
such as silk, tea, and porcelain. However, since there had been no popular
novel European goods to export to China (Qing), Great Britain had to one-sidedly pay their value
with silver. Then the British East India Company started opium production in India,
exported opium for the value of the Chinese goods in 1773 CE.
Since the Qing dynasty had prohibited opium, it was smuggling. World Revolutionary Movement
It is said that Mayer Amschel started "the World Revolutionary Movement"
getting 12 influential persons together in Frankfurt am Main at the age of 30 in 1774 CE.
The agenda of the World Revolutionary Movement consists of 25 articles.
The agenda mostly consists of methodology.
The 16th article of the World Revolutionary Movement Agenda
states that it is possible to engage in subversive activities
disguising philanthropism, conceal the true meaning of the activity
organizing Orient Grand Lodge in the Blue Lodge of Freemasonry,
and atheistic materialism should be spread over goyim.
As mentioned above, Freemasonry might have derived from the Nights Templar
intending the Merovingian dynasty along with Jesus' descendants.
In contrast to that, this article says that Freemasonry is an organization merely
employed as a cover for the World Revolutionary Movement of the Rothschilds.
In contrast to the theory of the Knights Templar,
a theory claims that
"Freemasonry" at that time roughly means a men's private club for
upper class.
"Blue Lodge" roughly means ordinary meeting places, ordinary meetings, or
ordinary organization of Freemasonry.
"Blue Lodge" here has no significant meaning.
According to the theory, Freemasonry itself is originally merely a private
organization (voluntary group)
of craftsmen involving stone buildings mostly associated with Gothic architecture
such as medieval castles and churches, for example,
Notre Dame de Paris, Windsor Castle, and Westminster Abbey.
Freemasonry originally consists of 4 levels (degrees) to be precise.
The lowest initial level (degree) is "Entered Apprentice."
The 2nd level (degree) is "Fellow Craft."
The 3rd level (degree) is "Master Mason."
The 4th (generally highest) level is "Grand Master."
"Blue Lodge" is the general term for "Entered Apprentice,"
"Fellow Craft,"
and "Master Mason."
On the other hand, Freemasonry is commonly said to be composed of
3 degrees excluding "Grand Master."
Anyway, "Freemasonry" was an convenient organization for the Rothschilds' World
Revolutionary Movement.
All the same, some knowledge for Freemasonry would be helpful.
According to the theory, Freemasonry is originally a voluntary group (fraternity) of medieval
craftsmen involving stone buildings.
Freemasonry could be said to have originated in Scotland or England possibly around
1360 - 1390 CE and spread in Europe.
Craftsmen of stone building (mason) were valuable for kings,
they gained some privileges (free privileges) in the feudal societies.
Then craftsmen of stone were called freemasons, the voluntary group was called freemasonry.
The Egyptian Pyramids could naturally be supreme symbols of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry consists of 4 levels (degrees) to be precise.
Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are virtually workers.
Master Masons are directors at the construction sites.
A Grand Master is the administrator who accepts orders of construction from kings or local lords.
They needed tentative accommodations near the construction sites.
The local tentative accommodations were called "lodges,"
"Masonic Lodges" (lodges for masons) to be precise.
Then local meeting places or meetings are called "lodges"
or "Masonic Lodges."
The oldest text involving Freemasonry is said to be "Regius Manuscript" around 1390 CE.
"Masonic Manuscripts in Wikipedia"
However, construction of stone buildings declined around 1700 CE, craftsmen of stone decreased.
According to the theory, Freemasonry then changed its policy abolishing the membership
regulation restricted to craftsmen,
Freemasonry changed into a private club for upper class's pastime or kill time.
Since craftsmen of stone buildings experienced various regions in Europe,
craftsmen's knowledge was interesting and valuable
for upper class.
Freemasonry became disjoined from craftsmen of stone buildings,
called "Speculative Masonry" after 1770 CE.
Depending on the change of Freemasonry and its members,
organizational structure of Freemasonry varied due to various
thought of various members.
A new organization is foundation of Grand Lodges.
A "Lodge" till that time was merely a local areal organization or a local areal place.
In contrast to that, a "Grand Lodge" controls Freemasonry of a region such as a
country and a state.
The first Grand Lodge is said to be Premier Grand Lodge of England in 1717 CE under George I.
"The Constitutions of the Free-Masons" involving London lodge and Westminster lodge was
in 1723 CE.
The Constitutions of the Free-Masons was reprinted in Philadelphia
by Benjamin Franklin, the Grand Master of Freemasonry of Pennsylvania,
in 1734 CE.
"History of Freemasonry in Wikipedia"
"Premier Grand Lodge of England in Wikipedia"
As mentioned above, it is said that Mayer claimed to found "Grand Orient Lodge" in 1774 CE.
On the other hand, "Grand Orient de France" was founded in 1733 CE.
Relation between "Grand Orient de France" founded in 1733 CE and Grand
Orient Lodge, Mayer claimed in 1774 CE, is unclear.
However, "Grand Orient de France" seems somewhat associated with Mayer in later years.
Mayer might have been inspired by "Grand Orient de France" signifying the
direction of the new dawning light like Orient.
In addition, other complicated organizations,
"Masonic appendant bodies," could be privately founded by some Freemasons.
For example, "Scottish Rite" and "York Rite."
Scottish Rite and York Rite could be privately founded
groups (Masonic appendant bodies)
in Freemasonry.
Origin of Scottish Rite is unclear, while it might date back to 1733 CE.
Connection between the Scottish Rite and Mayer at the time (1733 CE) couldn't be verified.
However, as mentioned later, the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite works as agents
of the Rothschilds
in later years.
The York Rite is a similar thing of the Scottish Rite, while the York Rite is
inferior to the Scottish Rite in significance.
"Masonic Appendant Bodies in Wikipedia"
"Scottish Rite in Wikipedia"
"York Rite in Wikipedia"
Salomon Mayer Rothschild (1774 - 1855 CE), the 3rd children, the 2nd son, was born in 1774 CE.
(later moved to Austria in 1820 CE)
"Salomon Mayer von Rothschild in Wikipedia"
Details of the World Revolutionary Movement were expressed by
Adam Weishaupt, a graduate of a Jesuit school, an agent of Mayer.
Adam Weishaupt founded Illuminati in Bavaria (southeadt of present-day Germany)
in 1776 CE. (If these stories were totally correct,
Adam Weishaupt wouldn't be identical with George Washington.)
The aim of Illuminati (Bavarian Illuminati) is creation of the New World Order.
The following aims were claimed involving the New World Order.
(1) Abolition of all ordered governments
(2) Abolition of private property
(3) Abolition of inheritance
(4) Abolition of patriotism
(5) Abolition of the family
(6) Abolition of religion
(7) Creation of a world government
The Barvarian government banned Illuminati in 1784 CE.
Adam Weishaupt is said to have fled to Gotha, present-day Thuringia, central Germany,
associated with Freemasons and died in 1811 CE.
Anyway, the Rothschilds and Illuminati became leading Freemasonry for the World Revolutionary
Movement aiming at the New World Order manipulated by Yahweh.
"Adam Weishaupt in Wikipedia"
"New World Order (conspiracy theory) in Wikipedia"
"The Judeo Masonic Conspiracy"
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