Disclaimer: This is Untrue.
2.4.10 Rockefeller Era 2 Overview
The Rockefellers dealt with opponents as follows.
However, the betrayal got stuck. Details
>>>>>>>>>>>> DCI Bush in 1976 CE
G. H. W. Bush was the Director of Central Intelligence from January 1976 to January 1977 CE. Close Encounters of the Third Kind in 1977 CE
The film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" was released in 1977 CE
to let people accustomed to ETs.
>>>>>>>>>>>> North Korean Abductions around 1977 CE
As mentioned before, the Rockefellers, the Yi clan of ex-(Korean) Joseon,
and Moon's Unification Church allied to grow secretly from the Rothschilds.
A son of Korean emperor Sunjong (純宗) raised in Kaseda, Japan, became
Japanese politician Koizumi Jun-ya (小泉 純也).
Yi Jin (李 晋) was a son of Korean crown prince Yi Un.
Yi Jin disguised himself as a Japanese politician Abe Shintaro (安倍 晋太郎),
while Yi Un's daughter disguised herself as a Japanese woman Sakie.
The Rockefellers released Class A War crimes suspects, ex-right wingers, saved from the
execution and some of them converted to the Rockefellers' agents instead.
They disgused themselves as Japanese right wingers.
Similarly, the Yi clan's Korean colleagues in Japan disguised themselves as
Japanese right wingers
supported by the released Class A War crime suspects.
Yet, Kim Il-sung of North Korea was originally a piece of the Rothschilds'
Communist Party of China,
Kim Il-sung was not sufficiently favorable for them.
Offspring of Yi should be raised in North Korea instead of
Kim Il-sung and
additional confrontation in East Asia was favorable for
the conspiracy disguising themselves as Japanese right wingers.
Then seeming abductions by North Korea were
plotted allied with agents in North Korea.
The agents in North Korea were sent by Koizumi Jun-ya and Samejima Masazumi (正純) from
Kaseda, Japan.
The primary person to raise the Yis' offspring in North Korea was Yokota Megumi in Japan.
Yokota Megumi was Sakie's daughter descending from Yi Un.
The Yis' power, the Unification Church, and the Rockefellers' CIA and KCIA sent
some seemimg Japanese abducted people including Yokota Megumi through
agents in North Korea
disguising it as abductions mediated by Samejima Masazumi (Ikeguchi Ekan).
On the other hand, in 1979 CE, Fukuda Takeo founded the faction "Seiwa-Kai (清和会),"
which was based at the Yis' former residence in Japan,
virtually secret Yis' Korean faction disguising
themselves as Japanese right winger politicians.
Fukuda Takeo (福田 赳夫) would be a son of the Yis' Korean followers disguising a Japanese.
"North Korean Abductions of Japanese Citizens in Wikipedia"
"Yokota Family in Wikipedia"
"Yokota Megumi in Wikipedia"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megumi_Yokota Carter's Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 CE
Former Naval nuclear reactor engineer President
Jimmy Carter restricted nuclear proliferation through
Nuclear Non-proliferation Act in 1978 CE.
"Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 in Wikipedia"
"Jimmy Carter in Wikipedia"
>>>>>>>>>>>> Repatriation of the Exchanged Representatives in 1978 CE
The exchanged representatives are purportedly repatriated in 1978 CE.
An anonymous person started to release description of repatriated exchanged
representatives through e-mails.
The e-mails were summarized at "Serpo.org" website.
"Serpo Introduction" http://www.serpo.org/intro.php
"Planetary Objects Proposed in Wikipedia"
According to the website, 12 military people were dispatched to ETs' home planet in
Zeta Reticular star system in 1965 CE. ETs (supposedly Greys type A) were called "Eben" by
the representatives.
The name of the planet is Serpo.
8 of 12 representatives (8 men and originally no woman) repariated in 1978 CE.
2 of 12 died during the exchange. The others seem to have decided to stay at Serpo.
The original description was written by "Anonymous" supposedly related to the returnees.
All the returnees purportedly already died (the last survivor died in 2002 CE)
and a moderator runs the website.
Zeta Reticular is 37-38 light-years away from the Earth and it took 9 months to travel.
Serpo is a little smaller than the Earth.
The atmosphere of Serpo was similar to the Earth. The temperature was roughly 105°F (41°C).
However it seems not so warm for Eben.
Then the team (team of exchanged representatives) eventually relocated to the north
around 65°F (18°C) to stay cool. The team was never isolated or restricted.
Ebens were rather friendly.
There were few mountains, no oceans, and some trees.
The population is roughly (only) 650,000. The population is regulated.
They have life period and graves were seen.
There are small communities throughout the planet.
They live in buildings. Land is not developed excessively.
There was one large community, which acted as the central point of the civilization.
All the industry was at this one large community.
There was no money.
All food is grown/created in large buildings and in fields.
They have strange animals. However, they don't eat meat.
Their food was not so tasty for humans.
Their IQ seems roughly 165.
There was no crime seen by the team. There was no stores and shopping locations.
Instead of stores, there were distribution centers to obtain items needed.
They had no television. They had small 3-D devices instead.
They couldn't speak English, but the team could translate their noises into English.
The Eben civilization was roughly 10,000 years old, while they relocated
from their original home planet due to volcanic activity 5,000 years ago.
They had a great interplanetary battle 3,000 years ago. They completely eliminated enemies.
They have no battle since then.
The Ebens first visited the Earth 2,000 years ago.
The Ebens worship a Supreme Being supposedly like diety related to the universe.
They conduct daily services. They had a building like a church to worship.
"Serpo Org Release 4"
In addition, Serpo website tells about the Yellow Book (and the Red Book) in a
little different way from
Robert Collins in more detail.
"Serpo Org Release 29"
Other than that, "J-ROD" seems a cloned Eben especially classified
as extreme "Above Top Secret" (secret beyond Project Serpo itself)
including the context of his/her name.
The Serpo members named Ebens as in the following website.
"Serpo Org Release 11"
Yet details of J-ROD are unclear including disturbances.
"Ufology Infamous J-ROD Photograph"
On the other hand, as mentioned later, Daniel Burisch claimed the
Serpo and the exchange program are
mere disinformation by MJ-12. Winged Reptilians in Dulce Underground Facilities Thomas Castello's Experience in the Dulce Underground Facilities
Thomas Castello started his career as a sergeant at Nellis Air Force Base responsible for
photographs of top secrets.
He became a security technician, employed by the Rand Corporation, and he was transferred to
the Dulce underground facilities. He was given high security clearance, yet he was told that
revealing the secrets including the joint Alien/U.S. government facilities
would be severely penalized.
According to later whistleblowing mostly by Castello in 1979 CE,
Dulce underground base has at least 7 levels (7 floors).
Each floor was called such as "level 1," "level 2," and "level 3" respectively.
The lowest seems "level 7."
There were over 18000 short Greys (Greys type A), somewhat Large Greys (Greys type B),
somewhat Reptilians without wings, and
somewhat Winged Reptilians.
They were mostly on level 5, 6, and 7.
Their housing was on level 5.
There seems extensive underground shuttle tube networks possibly connecting
"Area 51" (Nevada), "Page" (Arizona), "Dulce" (New Mexico),
"Los Alamos" (New Mexico), "Taos" (New Mexico), "Datil" (New Mexico),
Sandia (New Mexico), Carlsbad (New Mexico), "Creed" (Colorado), and
"Colorado Springs" (Colorado).
Level 6 is called "Nightmare Hall," genetic laboratories.
Experiments are conducted on fish, seals, birds, and mice to alter forms.
Multi-armed and multi-legged humans are seen.
Bat-like humanoids (or "mothman" or "chupacabra") 7 feet tall could be seen.
Genetic experiments were conducted by the Reptilians and Greys.
Level 7 is filled with thousands of experimental humans and human-mixture beings
including children
confined in cages or vats.
Various humanoids are developed here.
They were mostly abducted. They were like dazed, insane, or asked for help.
The base was reportedly actually dominated by Winged Reptilians.
Reptilians without wings and Greys would be forced to work like working caste by
Winged Reptilians,
otherwise seemingly cooperatively.
*The following website summarizing Salla's report could be the
most understandable and informative.
"Alien UFO Dulce Investigation"
*The following is Salla's original report.
"American Edu Salla's Dulce Report"
*The following would be other references.
"Phantoms and Monsters Dulce Base"
"Phantoms and Monsters Dulce Base Thomas Castello Declaration"
"The Watcher Files Dulce 11 Castello's Interview"
"The Watcher Files Dulce Base Pictures"
http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/dulce-basepics.htm Dulce Wars according to Thomas Castello in 1979 CE
According to Salla's traditional theory, in reference to Thomas Castello,
a considerable number of Greys and Reptilians without wings in
the base were at heart hostile to Winged Reptilians, as well as humans working there,
they secretly allied and planed to revolt against Winged
Reptilians in October 1979 CE.
According to Thomas Castello, the beginning of the battle is unclear,
while the battle started on "level 3."
Yet, the rebels had few weapons, Delta Force (supposedly) was dispatched through
the underground tunnels, and
Delta Force massacred the rebels. About 100 people were killed during the rebellion. Schneider's Encounter in 1979 CE
According to another whistleblower Phil Schneider, he was a regular drilling engineer of
the regular Dulce base. When he was drilling to extend the underground of Dulce base,
he happened to
reach the underground facilities, encountered 7 feet Greys.
In addition, there were 30 people and 40 more people came.
His team was surprised and fought them.
He killed some aliens and many people were killed.
"Phantoms and Monsters Update Dulce Underground Base"
"Exopolitics Dulce Report Bennewitz"
http://www.exopolitics.org/Dulce-Report.htm Circumstances of Dulce Wars
The confrontation and hostility in the facilities seem culminated at the time.
However, as Castello tells, the rebels had few weapons,
it seems that the beginning of the battle was not deliberate.
In addition, Phil Schneider tells the accidental battle.
Then, on the whole, it would be presumed that
the underground facilities were filled with confrontation and hostility as the background,
Phil Schneider accidentally reached the underground facilities, he attacked the aliens in surprise,
the members of the facilities misunderstood
it as a beginning of a rebellion because of the confrontation, the battle expanded. Aftermath
Thomas Castello and Phil Schneider survived the battle.
However, Castello would have thought that he could be arrested and killed,
he soon decided to disclose the underground facilities and took out some evidences.
His family was abducted, he forgave them, disclosed the secret and fled somewhere.
Phil Schneider continued his work drilling the underground of Dulce base. EBE 3 around 1979 CE
It is said that EBE 3 came in 1978 or 1979 CE and stayed on the Earth mostly at Los
Alamos until 1989 CE.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Deng Xiaoping and One-Child Policy from 1979 CE
Deng Xiaoping (邓小平) was a main member of the Communist Party of China,
he had graduated from
Moscow Sun Yat-sen University in Russia. Deng Xiaoping was treated coldly
by Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong (毛泽东) died in 1976 CE, Deng Xiaoping (邓小平)
recovered the power. Supported by the Rothschilds, he became the paramount
leader of China in 1978 CE.
The Chinese economy had been severely destroyed by Mao, Deng started the
Chinese economic reform including the Open Door Policy and relaxation of economic restrictions.
Deng rebuilt the Microbiology Institute of Hubei Province and founded the
Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, Hubei, China in June 1978 CE.
Subsequently, Deng started the One-Child Policy (Chinese: 一孩政策) from 1979 CE.
The One-Child Policy was a population control policy restricting the number of
children of a woman to one child.
When excessive babies and children are discovered, they would be imposed sunctions.
The policy was seemingly for balanced social control.
However, it resulted in many unregistered babies and children in Chinese household
registration system.
Some of unregistered babies and children including many girls would be eventually
sold somewhere.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology was seemingly exclusively an institute, yet it
could be in reality an adernochrome factory extracting adernochrome from
unregistered babies and children who were not sent abroad such as to the USA.
Deng Xiaoping
"Deng Xiaoping in Wikipedia"
"Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wikipedia"
"One-Child Policy in Wikipedia"
The productivity of Chinese factories arose and income of the members of
the Chinese Communist Party arose. (As mentioned before, in Chinese communism,
about 10% of the Chinese population are members of the Chinese Communist Party,
where high contribution to the country and the Communist Party is required, and
still the country is exclusively governed by the Communist Party and the members.) Three Mile Island Accident in 1979 CE
The numbers of Nuclear Power Plant units by major country in descending order as of 1979 CE
were USA 72, UK 33, USSR 22, Japan 19, and France 15.
Major nuclear companies at that time in descending order were
Westinghouse Electric (USA), General Electric (USA),
Framatome (France), NPC (UK), Babcock & Wilcox (USA), and so on.
(Westinghouse's Tesla opposed General Electric's Edison.)
The Three Mile Island Accident occurred at
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Pennsylvania located
some 240 km to the west-southwest of
New York City, some 150 km to the north of Washington, D.C. in 1979 CE.
The system was PWR type supplied by Babcock & Wilcox (not by the Rockefellers' General Electric).
(The Babcock & Wilcox was an engineering company originated as a boiler company,
formerly responsible for a lot of marine boilers,
more than half of the US Navy fleet was powered by
Babcock & Wilcox boilers during World War II.)
The water level of the reactor was drawn down reportedly by mistake,
the Uranium fuel rods were overheated, the Uranium fuel rods melted,
and Uranium lumps were created.
Some 1000 terabecquerels (TBQ) corresponding to INES Level 5 were radiated.
As a result, nuclear power generation in the USA started to be restricted since then.
"Three Mile Island Accident in Wikipedia"
"Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Wikipedia"
"International Nuclear Event Scale in Wikipedia"
"Westinghouse Electric (1886) in Wikipedia"
"General Electric in Wikipedia"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Electric Soviet War in Afghanistan
The Rockefellers and the CIA plotted to stir up the next terror
of communism in Afghanistan in 1979 CE.
Prior to the plot, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was founded by Taraki in 1978 CE.
The Rockefellers and the CIA including the Rockefellers' Brzezinski plotted to
provoke the USSR to intervene in Afghanistan.
"Zbigniew Brzezinski in Wikipedia"
*Brzezinski is an agent of the CIA leaking military technology of the USA to the KGB
at a Mexican restaurant operated by the KGB in Los Angeles to stir up military confrontation.
(Since Mexico is a base of the KGB, the KGB is used to Mexican restaurants.)
Thus the KGB would be influenced by Brzezinski to a certain extent.
*In addition, Brzezinski acquainted with Barack Obama at Columbia University as of 1983 CE.
The Rockefellers and the CIA allied with Pakistan and Deputy Prime Minister of
Afghanistan, Amin.
Then Taraki was assassinated.
Then the USSR intervened in Afghanistan and the Rockefellers spread criticism
to raise terrors of communism.
In addition, guerrillas (including an acquaintances of the Bushes,
Osama bin Laden) disguising Mujahideen had been raised and spread over the land to prolong
military activities of the USSR to prolong criticism and terrors of communism.
"Osama bin Laden in Wikipedia"
"Mujahideen in Wikipedia"
In addition, the Rockefellers and the CIA led the guerrillas cultivate poppy fields
and produce opium.
Subsequently, the USSR in Afghanistan suffered from guerrillas until 1989 CE.
"Soviet War in Afghanistan in Wikipedia"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_war_in_Afghanistan Georgia Guidestones in 1980 CE
Someone established the Georgia Guidestones, a granite monument, in Elbert County, Georgia, US in 1980 CE.
Ten guidelines or principles are engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages.
The languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian.
The ten guidelines or principles are as follows in English.
(1) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
(2) Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
(3) Unite humanity with a living new language.
(4) Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
(5) Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
(6) Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
(7) Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
(8) Balance personal rights with social duties.
(9) Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
(10) Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Georgia Guidestones
"Georgia Guidestones in Wikipedia"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones SWIFT System and Change of Administrator of the Little-Known Goodwill Fund around 1981 CE
SWIFT is a network system for international financial transactions.
It was developed in Belgium and was introduced around 1981 CE.
SWIFT improved work efficiency and it became the standard of financial messages.
The little-known fund also started to use it.
On the otherhand, one of the 2 major administrators of the little-known goodwill fund, the Rothschilds, changed places with the Rockefellers supposedly because the Rockefellers continued to pretend to be a faithful follower of the Rothschilds.
Then the 2 major administrators of the little-known goodwill fund were the Rockefellers and the Emperor of Japan.
Subsequently, the distribution declined supposedly because the Rockefellers were not suitable for business of goodwill.
"Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication in Wikipedia"
>>>>>>>>>>>> Abduction Research around 1981 CE
Budd Hopkins is the pioneer of UFO abduction research.
He dedicated to abduction research, published "Missing Time" in 1981 CE and
claimed numerous cases of abduction were executed by ETs eliminating abductees' memories.
Abduction was executed in the same manner like Betty and Barney Hill abduction.
Samples of abductees' body tissue (including sperms and ova) were extracted and
momories were eliminated.
In addition, small implanted devices were found in many cases.
Abduction was mostly executed in the USA.
Researchers estimate more than tens of thousands of citizens in the USA are implanted.
A government document of 1972 CE estimated 1 in every 40 people of the USA was implanted.
The purpose of implantation may be suspected to have mind control operation someday.
*The implantation might be associated with "seals" in Revelation.
*"Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God.
And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the
earth and the sea, saying, Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we
have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.
And I heard the number of those who were sealed.
One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the
children of Israel were sealed: " (Rev 7:2-4).
*If the implantation by Greys highly corresponds to Revelation, the number
of implanted abductees would be 144,000.
*According to traditional ufology, abduction and experimental reproduction were initiated by
Greys type A.
However, whistleblowing of Dulce base tells the base was dominated by Winged Reptilians.
The circumstances of intervention of Winged Reptilians as of 1979 CE are unknown.
Still Winged Reptilians might have invaded the base. Crop Circles in the 1980's CE
Intricate Crop Cirlcles were reported around the 1980's CE
in the UK and so on.
"Crop Circle in Wikipedia"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crop_circle Ronald W. Reagan in the 1980's CE
Stanley Kubrick, filmed the moon landing, requested the Rockefellers
a Hollywood President in return.
Ronald W. Reagan started to stand as a candidate and eventually
assumed the presidency in January 1981 CE. G. H. W. Bush watched him as the vice President.
Reagan was informed of the context and upset.
He started to imply ET presence.
It was not unfavourable like JFK.
He was warned excessive statements of ETs being attempted assassination in March 1981 CE.
However, Reagan didn't give up chanes to uncover.
He prioritized practical accomplishment to arm against ETs like SDI.
Subsequently he uncovered as in the speech of threat from outer space at United Nations.
"Project Avalon Reagan's UN Speech" http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?22838-Reagan-s-UN-speech-1987----Reagan-wasn--t-joking-and-Spielberg-knows-it
"Real Neo Presidential Speech"
http://realneo.us/content/us-presidential-speeches-confirm-ronald-reagan-was-critically-concerned-about-extraterrestri E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial in 1982 CE
The film "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" was released in 1982 CE to let people accustomed to ETs.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Latin American Debt Crisis around 1982 CE
Latin American economic growth was expected at one time.
Banks in the USA lend much to Latin America.
However, Latin American economy stumbled around 1980 CE,
complete collecting in debt became impossible.
"Latin American Debt Crisis in Wikipedia"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_American_debt_crisis AIDS and Rise of Fauci around 1983 CE Background
The nutritional and sanitary conditions such as sewage improved in the 70's in
developed countries. Infectious diseases decreased, health authorities such as the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) declined, new
horrible infectious pathogens were expected. AIDS and Rise of Fauci
Initially, some weird symptoms such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
and Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) on injecting drug users and gay men were reported
in the USA in 1981 CE. Later, it was named acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
AIDS was actually caused by drugs that they used.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) included in synthetic drugs such as
Poppers increase a steroid hormon, Cortisol. Cortisol reduces human immunity,
induces immune deficiency.
A Selection of Poppers
"Poppers in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poppers
"Cortisol in Wikipedia"
However, it started to be alleged that a virus causes the disease around 1983 CE.
Luc Montagnier first alleged the virus in 1983 CE.
It was mostly spread around by a NIAID researcher, Anthony Fauci.
Fauci raised mass hysteria over AIDS claiming that it would infect through casual contact.
Fauci in 1984 CE
"Anthony Fauci in Wikipedia"
"National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease in Wikipedia"
"Luc Montanier in Wikipedia"
According to the allegation, the virus persistently infects Helper T-cells and destroys them.
Destruction of Helper T-cells causes immunodeficiency and the virus was named
the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV).
Humans and other mammals have the immune system to protect bodies against harmful foreign matter such as
pathogens including viruses and worms and other toxic substances.
Regarding harmful foreign matter, for example viruses destroy cells of human body as follows.
Viruses are capsule type entities containing DNAs or
RNAs in the capsular structure that is far smaller than common cells.
Once a virus enter a human, the virus stick a common cell,
enter the cell, and release the DNA or RNA in the cell.
The protein synthesis mechanism of the cell works on the released
proteins and enzymes are produced, and replicated numerous
viruses are created in the cell.
The cell is filled with the replicated viruses, destroyed.
The viruses will be released outside and enter other cells.
Thus, cells are destroyed by viruses.
A Simplified Diagram of a Virus
A Typical Virus Replication Cycle (from left to right)
"Introduction to Viruses in Wikipedia"
Mammalian (including human) immune system is responsible for excluding or
destroying foreign matter.
Mammalian (including human) immune system consists of two systems.
One is the innate immune system (natural immune system),
the other is the adaptive immune system (acquired immune system).
The innate immune system (natural immune system) first responds
less specific to the foreign matter.
When the innate immune system fails to exclude and destroy the foreign matter,
the adaptive immune system (acquired immune system) responds relatively
efficiently creating efficient cells decently specific
to the foreign matter.
A major function of the innate immune system is providing innate immune cells such as
Macrophages, Neutrophils, Dendritic cells, and Natural killer cells.
These cells are created from (Multipotential) Hematopoietic Stem Cells in bones like below.
Development of Blood Cells
Multi potential Hematopoietic Stem Cells reside in bones along with bone marrow.
Bone marrow is a fluid substance in bones.
Bone marrow is a mixture of body fluids, fats, and
various cells mostly from Hematopoietic Stem Cells.
Components of Bone Marrow
For example, a Multipotential Hematopoietic Stem Cell changes into
a Promonocyte (Promonocyte cell) in the bone marrow,
it drifts into blood vessels and changes into a Monocyte (Monocyte cell), drifts into a part of
body and changes into a Macrophage.
Innate immune cells such as
Macrophages, Neutrophils, Dendritic cells, and Natural killer cells
are distributed into various organs and other parts of the human body.
When the innate immune cells such as Macrophages, Neutrophils, and Dendric cells
encounter various
foreign matter such as pathogens,
they swallow and destroy various foreign matter and discharge its fragments.
Other than that, Natural killer cells destroy mostly specific cells such as cancer cells and
virus-infected cells.
"Macrophage in Wikipedia"
Some Macrophages and Dendritic cells drift holding some fragments of the destroyed foreign matter.
When the innate immune system is struggling to annihilate the foreign matter,
the adaptive immune system responds. The first step of the adaptive immune system is
Helper T-cells' acceptance of foreign matter's fragmentary peptides.
The major cells of the adaptive immune system are Helper T-cells (Helper T lymphocyte
cells or T helper cells), killer T-cells (killer T lymphocyte cells), and B cells (B lymphocyte cells).
They are created from (Multipotential) Hematopoietic Stem Cells in bones as shown above
and distributed into various organs and other parts of the human body. (Helper T-cells and
killer T-cells are created from T-cells (T lymphocyte cells).) T-cells and B-cells have millions
of variations in their fine structure (in T-cell receptor and B-cell receptor).
When a Helper T-cell encounters a Macrophage or a Dendritic cell holding a
fragment (peptide) of the destroyed foreign matter on its surface (on a molecule called MHC) and the
fragments (peptide) fit the specified variation (T-cell receptor) of the Helper T-cell,
the Helper T-cell is activated.
When the activated Helper T-cell encounters the specified variation (T-cell receptor) of
killer T-cells or the specified variation (B-cell receptor) of B-cells holding fragments (peptides)
of the destroyed foreign matter, the killer T-cells change into activated killer T-cells or the
B-cells change into Plasma cells. Plasma cells produce antibodies. Then the activated killer
T-cells and the antibodies attack the foreign matter. (Other pathways of the adaptive
immune system are left out for now.)
Acceptance of Helper T-Cell and Contact to B-Cell for B-cell Activation
"T Helper Cell in Wikipedia"
According to the allegation, the HIV attacks Helper T-cells and the HIV frequently changes the surface
structure due to frequent genetic mutation. Then despite production of activated
specified killer T-cells and
specified Plasma cells, a new surface structure HIV appears and
the produced activated specified killer T-cells and specified Plasma cells can't destroy it.
Thus the adaptive immune system (acquired immune system) would not
be able to annihilate the HIV. It allegedly causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Fauci became the central figure of the US health care authorities by achieving
the allegation and acquiring the budgets.
Later, many patients were killed to maintain horribleness of AIDS through Zidovudine (ZDV),
also known as azidothymidine (AZT),
disguising medicine.
Alleged Human Immunodeficiency Virus
"HIV in Wikipedia"
"Zidovudine in Wikipedia"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zidovudine Fabrication of Korean Air Flight 007 Bombing in 1983 CE
The Rockefellers thought up a plan to raise confrontation against the USSR
employing the Rockefellers' bomber
manufacturer Boeing and its aerial associates including the KCIA.
The allegation was that a Korean airliner was shot down by a Soviet interceptor aircraft
near Sakhalin island neglecting to scatter dead bodies.
Though any dead body was not discovered, the allegation was circulated.
"Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in Wikipedia"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Air_Lines_Flight_007 Birth of Kim Jong-un around 1984 CE
According to the ordinary theory, Kim Jong-il is Kim Il-sung's son. Kim Jong-il was born
in 1941 CE during Il-sung's exile in the USSR.
Yet, according to another theory, Kim Il-sung had
a leaning to adultery and
Kim Il-sung and his wife didn't get along well each other,
his wife had an affair with Il-sung's colleague Kim Chaek.
Il-sung's wife could have given birth to Kim Chaek's son Kim Jong-il
during their exile in the USSR
and Il-sung couldn't reject Jong-il because of Il-sung's leaning to adultery.
In addition, according to another theory, Kim Chaek is a secret agent of
the Imperial Japanese Army and he was a Japanese, by the way.
As mentioned above, Yi Un's granddaughter Yokota Megumi
and her colleagues were transferred to North Korea in the disguise of abductions.
Agents of the Yi clan and the Unification Church in North Korea made her approach
Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un was born around 1984 CE.
"Kim Jong-il in Wikipedia"
"Kim Chaek in Wikipedia"
"Kim Jong-un in Wikipedia"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Jong-un The US China Cooperative Nuclear Agreement in 1985 CE
The Rockefellers and the subordinate Bush promoted Chinese nuclear armament
creating Nuclear Power Plants in China through Reagan and Westinghouse.
"Presidency uscb US China Nuclear Agreement"
http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=38172 EDSA Revolution in the Philippines in February 1986 CE
The Filipino President Marcos secured the seized
gold bullion and the Golden Buddha
and wouldn't deliver them to the Rockefellers.
Then the Marcos regime was removed in February 1986 CE through EDSA Revolution.
Subsequently, Marcos' gold and treasures seized from Roxas amounting to like 40 billion USD
might be added to Black Eagle Trust Fund.
(Black Eagle Trust Fund might become like 100+40 = 140 billion USD in total.)
"People Power Revolution in Wikipedia"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_Power_Revolution Uneven Distribution of World Wealth
The Rothschilds purportedly owned about 70% of the world's wealth around 1985 CE. Chernobyl Disaster in April 1986 CE Commonly Accepted Theory
The Chernobyl Disaster occurred in 1986 CE at
the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in present-day Ukraine,
in the USSR at that time, 800 km
to the northwest of the Crimean Peninsula, on the north of the Black Sea.
The reactor 4 exploded on April 26, 1986 CE.
According to the commonly accepted theory,
the major cause of the explosion would be unskilled ignorant operators,
particularly ignorant of
"Xenon Poisoning due to the power reduction" and
"Positive SCRAM due to control rods' graphite."
The context was reportedly that it occurred during a test presuming
loss of regular power source and
employment of emergency power source.
The reactors had 3 backup diesel generators,
but they were presumed that it took 60-75 seconds to reach full speed.
It meant the safety performance was not sufficient.
Then the test temporarily utilizing the inertia rotation of the turbine to
compensate the backup diesel generators' 60 seconds' delay was planned.
*Chernobyl reactors were "Water-Cooled Graphite-Moderated Reactor" also called RBMK.
An outline of RBMK would be as follows.
Light Water Reactors use water both as coolant and neutron moderator.
In contrast, Water-Cooled Graphite-Moderated Reactors use
water as coolant and graphite as neutron moderator.
Graphite is an allotrope of carbon.
"Graphite Moderated Reactor in Wikipedia"
"RBMK in Wikipedia"
"Graphite in Wikipedia"
"Allotrope of Carbon in Wikipedia"
Since graphite is convenient as neutron moderator improving efficiency 500 times,
natural Uranium is available
in Graphite-Moderated Reactor. (Uranium-235 concentration wouldn't be required.)
(In addition, it is convenient to produce Plutonium-239 avoiding Plutonium-240 for
nuclear weapons.)
As far as the reactor (core), the graphite blocks would be some 11.8 m diameter
and some 7.0 m height in all.
Some 1700 holes (channels) 11.4 cm diameter penetrate
the graphite from the top to the bottom.
Uranium fuel rods are inserted into the holes (channels).
Water flows through the channels from the bottom.
Uranium fuel rods radiate heat and neutrons.
The heat is transferred by the water current through the loop followed by the
generating turbine.
The radiated neutrons are slowed to a certain extent by the water in the channels
and sufficiently slowed by the graphite.
"RBMK system from Wikifile"
"Hyperphysics Core Detail of RBMK"
Aside from that, control rods for emergency shutdown (SCRAM) should be learned.
The control rods including Boron (Boron-Iron alloy) are inserted into the reactor to
absorb neutrons
for emergency shutdown. (Boron efficiently absorbs neutrons.)
However, the control rods are not so simple.
The control rods partially consist of Boron have a graphite part
at the bottom of the rods.
As depicted in the following website, the control rods commonly stay at
"Normal operational position" during normal operation (Figure III).
At this regular position, graphite is required at the bottom of the
control rods to improve the efficiency slowing neutrons.
"Consumedland Control Rods"
On the other hand, pulling out the control rods too high (Figure I) rather decreases the efficiency,
since the graphite is removed from the Uranium fuel rods.
If the control rods move from "too high position" (Figure I) to "Normal operational
position" (Figure III),
the efficiency of the reactor rather increases. This is called "positive SCRAM."
There were reportedly 14 operators in the reactor 4 control room.
In the morning of April 25, the reactor was operated normally generating power.
The test was permitted at that time.
The power was slowly reduced for the test, the power of
the reactor was reduced to 50% at 13:05, April 25 local time (Moscow Time).
Then the test had to be started promptly reducing to 30%.
However, unexpectedly (or possibly on purpose), additional power supply was required
by Kiev's officials of electric power supply.
Then the reactor continued at 50% power for additional 10 hours.
Such low level operation after nearly full power resulted in excess Xenon-135 in the fuel rods.
Uranium-235 fission reaction generally produce
Iodine-135 (half-life: 6.7 hours) to a certain extent (6%),
Iodine-135 changes into Xenon-135 (half-life: 9.2 hours).
Xenon-135 highly absorbs neutrons and changes into Xenon-136 (stable).
"Hyperphysics Xenon Poisoning"
"Isotopes of Iodine in Wikipedia"
"Xenon-135 in Wikipedia"
Xenon-135 is produced also during nearly full power operation.
Yet, if the reactor works at nearly full power,
sufficient neutrons are radiated and the reactor reaches equilibrium (stable) state.
However, if the power is reduced, radiating neutrons are reduced,
a great part is absorbed by Xenon-135.
Then the power naturally gradually reduces.
Then the reactor 4 after 10 hours' operation at 50% power was destined to be shutdowned.
However, the resume of the test was permitted at 23:10 on April 25 local time (Moscow Time)
(20:10 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)). (Moscow Time at that time was UTC+3:00.)
(This would be the 1st critical error or possibly trap.)
The reactor 4 ignorant operators decided to resume
the test after 10 hours' 50% power operation,
though the power was destined to be reduced.
Since 30% power was required for the test,
the operators attempted to keep 30% power.
However, the power fell down to 1% at 00:28 on April 26 local
time (Moscow Time) (21:28 April 25 UTC).
In addition, if the power is reduced, water wouldn't boil, bubbles (voids)
disappear, bubbles (voids) are replaced with water,
the replaced water absorbs neutrons to a certain extent (compared with vapor (bubbles)),
and the power further reduces.
(Xenon-135 first absorbs neutrons, changes into Xenon-136, and Xenon-135 would be consumed.)
The operators managed to raise the power and they
presumably pulled out the control rods too high.
(This would be the 2nd critical error and a series of critical errors follow based on their innocence.)
Then the power managed to be raised to 7%,
while it might be due to Xenon-135 consumption.
The operators attempted to keep 7% power and conduct the test.
However, since the reactor was not designed for such low power,
automatic emergency shutdown was foreseen,
the operators presumably disabled the automatic safety system
around 01:22 on April 26 (Moscow Time).
However, Xenon-135 would change into Xenon-136 absorbing neutrons,
neutron absorption stopped, and in the next moment
the reactor would be highly reactivated.
"Hyperphysics Chronology of the Day of Disaster"
"Hyperphysics A Chronology of Disaster"
"Coordinated Universal Time in Wikipedia"
The operators would be upset, and presumably pushed
the emergency shutdown (SCRAM) button
(the EPS-5 button, also known as the AZ-5 button).
As mentioned above, control rods' simultaneous insertion
from too high position rather induces further
activation due to the graphite.
The activation (positive SCRAM) by the graphite was induced after 7 sec
from the SCRAM button (or after the startup of the insertion),
while completion of the insertion requires 25 sec from the SCRAM button.
Then the reactor was extremely reactivated, the reactor exploded after
7 sec of the SCRAM button,
01:23 on April 26 (Moscow Time).
"Chernobyl Disaster in Wikipedia"
It radiated 5,200,000 terabecqurels (5,200,000 TBQ) corresponding to INES Level 7. Another Theory
In contrast, another theory attributes the disaster to Russian Woodpecker in Chernobyl.
As mentioned above, Russian Woodpecker radiating spooky continuous pulse signal
could be speculated to be a new weapon for weather control or mind control.
Then disinformation could be propagated by someone to raise
Soviet's riskiness and devastate Chernobyl.
"Zengardner Chernobyl"
Gardner refers to a similar plot on Siberian pipeline explosion in 1982 CE by
the CIA through a computer virus.
"The Age Reagan Approved Sabotage"
"Siberian Pipeline Sabotage in Wikipedia"
In addition, it could be said that an UFO hovered and suppressed the disaster.
"Pravda UFO Prevents Blast at Chernobyl"
http://english.pravda.ru/news/russia/16-09-2002/18024-0/#.U51oTEggsWY Origin of Ukrainian Dark Side
The official places of nuclear explosions that have caused widespread, large-scale
damage on the ground of the Earth are Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl as of 2020 CE.
The explosion at Chernobyl was prophesied in the Book of Revelation.
The reason why the atomic bomb was detonated in Hiroshima can be explained by
the importance of Hiroshima as the birthplace of the first hybrid of the Elohim and
humans on the Earth.
The reason why the bomb was detonated in Nagasaki can be explained by the
importance of the fact that it was there that Freemasonry propagated the teachings to
the descendants of the Israelites and a rival Roman Catholic church was built.
Similarly, there must have been something important in Chernobyl or Ukraine that is
worth the nuclear explosion, the conflict with the Jewish people, the prophecy of Chernobyl
in the Book of Revelation, and the fact that the area was inhabited by the Khazars.
It is not clear what it is, but historically, the Ukrainian region is characterized as the
center of the origin of the Indo-European languages, the Proto-Indo-European
language (PIE). This is called the Kurgan hypothesis in traditional archaeology.
The culture of the most likely speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language there is
called the Kurgan culture. A kurgan is a mound of earth and stones raised over a grave.
The hypothesis states that there was a group of people who built burial
mounds (kurgan) around 3000 - 4000 BCE and that Europeans and
Indians (speakers of the Indo-European languages) originated from this area.
The speakers might be called the Aryan race. Genetically, it corresponds
to Y-DNA haplogroup R1a.
A biblical interpretation might suggest that the center of of Japheth's tribe was
around Ukraine, and a more biblical interpretation might suggest that Japheth
was placed here (north of Mt. Ararat) after Noah's flood.
Genesis 10 (Table of Nations) might support the hypothesis,while Gog and Magog
descend from Japheth.
Indo-European Expansion
"Indo-Aryan Migration Theory in Wikipedia"
"Proto-Indo-European Urheimat Hypothesis in Wikipedia"
"Kurgan Hypothesis in Wikipedia"
A Map Showing the Distribution according to the Table of Nations
"Japheth in Wikipedia"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japheth Fabrication of Korean Air Flight 858 Bombing in 1987 CE
Mao died and the Rockefellers lost the control in China and North Korea through Mao.
In addition, Korean (South Korean) Presidential Election was scheduled in
December 1987 CE after 16 years' blank period
since 1971 CE.
Then the CIA and the KCIA (branch of the CIA in South Korea) plotted
another false flag operation fabricating an air liner bombing by North Korea.
The fabricated story was that the Rockefellers' Boeing 707
responsible for Korean (South Korean) Air Flight 858 on November 29, 1987 CE was bombed
over the Andaman Sea (to the west of Thailand, to the east of India) through bombs laid by
North Korean agents.
According to the story, North Korean agents including Kim Hyon Hui laid bombs in the plane
at Bahrain airport in the Persian Gulf.
No debris and no dead bodies were discovered by Thailand and Burma (present-day Myanmar)
around the Andaman Sea, while it was purportedly
bombed anyway.
However, in reality, there was no such flight.
Kim Hyon Hui was merely an agent of South Korean KCIA.
The fabricated story contributed to the Presidential Election and
the confrontation dedicating to the Rockefellers' arms industry such as Boeing's bombers.
"Korean Air Flight 858 in Wikipedia"
"Kim Hyon Hui in Wikipedia"
*Mass-killing without dead bodies would be an analog of the Holocaust.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Antimatter Weapon
An "antimatter" weapon might be developed at Los Alamos in 1988 CE. G. H. W. Bush in 1989 CE
G. H. W. Bush assumed the presidency in January 1989 CE. Negotiation with Reptilians in 1989 CE
The government started negotiation with Reptilians to expel Greys in February 1989 CE.
However, the proposal is said to have been rejected by Reptilians. Disclosure of Excalibur
Information on Project Excalibur was disclosed in 1989 CE.
"Parascientifica Project Excalibur"
"Project Excalibur in Wikipedia"
>>>>>>>>>>>> Death of Hirohito
Japanese Emperor Hirohito died in January 1989 CE, the next Emperor Akihito succeeded the
status of the administrator of the little-known goodwill fund. Then the 2 major
administrators of the little-known goodwill fund were the Rockefellers and Akihito.
It seems that the Rockefellers and Japanese Emperor Akihito started to sneak money
from the fund. Withdrawal from Afghanistan in February 1989 CE
Gorbachev withdrew the army from Afghanistan in February 1989 CE. Brady Plan in March 1989 CE
On the other hand, because of Latin American Debt Crisis,
financial industry in the USA became inefficient.
Then, U.S. Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady started Brady Plan and Brady Bonds
in March 1989 CE.
The Brady Plan was a proposal to terminate unstable situation
holding uncertain inexpectable loans for each bank.
The Brady Plan proposed that
difficult uncertain debts be changed into reduced but
guaranteed reliable debts through negotiations
between the creditors (lenders) and the debtors (and US Department of the Treasury).
For example, a lender (bank) holds a 300 million USD
loan (non-performing uncertain inexpectable loan).
If consensus of the lender, the debtor, and US Department of Treasury is built,
the loan will change into a 200 million USD bond (so-called Brady Bond)
with a guarantee of US Treasury bonds.
(Guarantee on the principal part (excluding the interest part), to be precise.)
Since the new bonds (Brady Bonds) are guaranteed with collaterals
(US Treasury bonds as collaterals like mortgages),
they are a kind of collateral bonds.
Since the new bonds (Brady Bonds) held by the banks are reliable,
the banks can sell the new bonds and get cash.
For example, Brady Bonds for Mexico amounted to 160 billion USD.
Brady Bonds might amounted to 1.68 trillion USD in total.
(Then, like 240 billion USD Brady Bonds could be ordinary things.)
"George H. W. Bush in Wikipedia"
"EMTA Brady Plan"
"Brady Bonds in Wikipedia"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brady_Bonds Fleischmann's Cold Fusion in March 1989 CE
Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons claimed the way of Cold Fusion in March 1989 CE.
They claimed that deuterium (heavy hydrogen) can change into Helium when it is absorbed in
palladium electrode.
(The atomic nucleus of an ordinary hydrogen consists of a proton.
The ordinary hydrogen is called "light hydrogen" or "protium."
In contrast, the atomic nucleus of a deuterium consists of a proton and neutron.
The atomic nucleus of a helium consists of two protons and two neutrons.)
According to Fleischmann, tritiums, neutrons, and Gamma-ray were detected
during the experiment, since
it was a nuclear reaction.
In the summer of 1989 CE, Fleischmann suddenly
received a telephone call from Edward Teller (the father of the hydrogen bomb)
asking Fleischmann's intestine cancer.
Fleischmann's claim was contradicted by many scientists,
since it was linked with an important military secret, suitcase nuke (mini-nuke).
"Martin Fleischmann in Wikipedia"
"Cold Fusion in Wikipedia"
"Edward Teller in Wikipedia"
Fleischmann's claim was real.
Deuteriums change into a helium in a palladium electrode through nuclear
fusion at room temperature
radiating nuclear energy.
In addition, deuterium can be easily taken from water,
since atomic weight of light hydrogen and deuterium is completely different.
0.015% of hydrogen in water is deuterium.
Then in reality, humans have already acquired inexhaustible energy.
Energy problem has already been solved.
However, cold fusion is also associated with 2 nuclear weapon issues.
One issue is suitcase nuke (mini-nuke).
When the electrode is uranium containing small amount of Uranium-235,
deutrium radiates energy through nuclear fusion and the
energy causes Uranium-235's nuclear fission,
nuclear explosion.
As mentioned before,
Uranium type Atomic bomb requires high
Uranium-235 concentration.
However, in this case, unlike atomic bomb,
high Uranium-235 concentration is not required.
Ordinary natural Uranium containing 0.7% Uranium-235
can be used for suitcase nuke (mini-nuke).
(As a result of natural Uranium mini-nuke explosion,
Uranium-235 less than 0.7% is remained, since a part of
0.7% Uranium-235 is consumed.)
Mini-nuke manufacturing method should be kept secret.
The other issue is that if cold fusion is put to practical use,
nuclear power plants secretly producing powerful nuclear
weapon material, such as tritium, lose the excuse to work.
Then cold fusion had to be contradicted. Tiananmen Square Protests and Jiang's Succession in June 1989 CE
As mentioned above, Deng Xiaoping (邓小平) started the Chinese economic reform including the
Open Door Policy and relaxation of economic restrictions.
Some aides of Deng Xiaoping further intended to allow democratization
movement of intellectuals and progressive students.
On April 17, 1989 CE, in Beijing, 3,000 students of Peking University (PKU) and others marched to Tiananmen Square.
The occupation demanding democratization continued until June.
Eventually, Deng Xiaoping introduced the army and suppressed the demonstration or the rebellion.
Thousands of people would have died during the event.
Deng Xiaoping showed that unlike economic policy, democratization should be suppressed.
The Chinese government's response was widely denounced, particularly by
Western governments and media.Criticism came from both Western and
Eastern Europe, North America, Australia, and some west Asian and Latin American countries.
After the Tiananmen Square protests, many business analysts downgraded their
outlook for China's economic future. The violent response to the protests was
one of the factors that led to a delay in China's acceptance in the World Trade
Organization, which was not completed until twelve years later, in 2001.
Thus Deng stumbled and later he presented a policy
"Tao Guan Gyan Ghui," which means
"to hide one's talents, and bide one's time for the right opportunity."
"Tao Guan Gyan Ghui in Wikitionary"
Tiananmen Square
"1989 Tiananmen Square Protests in Wikipedia"
Jiang Zemin (江 泽民) supported Deng's decision in 1989 CE,
Jiang became the successor of Deng. The Eight Great Eminent Officials (the Eight Elders) are
an advisory group of the Chinese Communist Party, the Eight Elders supported Jiang.
Jiang became the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in 1989 CE.
Jiang succeeded Deng's policy, allied with foreign capital, particularly the Rockefellers,
and pursuited economic profits of his colleagues.
(However, as mentioned before, the Rockefellers were subsequently overwhelmed by
the Rothschilds and communism was originally established by the Rothschilds.
Then the Chinese Communist Party seems to started to ally with the Rothschilds.)
Jiang Zemin
"Jiang Zemin in Wikipedia"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiang_Zemin Internet since 1989 CE
The Internet was introduced around 1989 CE, likely by an entity associated with the U.S. military,
supposedly supported by the divine will to disclose hidden things.
It means that Yahweh intended to disclose hidden context. End of the Cold War in December 1989 CE
The Malta Summit took place in December 1989 CE and the end of the
Cold War was agreed.
"Malta Summit in Wikipedia"
*The primary motive of the end of the Cold War is unclear.
There could be 2 possible context, while the end of the
Cold War is no doubt a critical matter.
(1) Rothschilds' intention accelerating
Jewish migration from Russia to Israel
As the Internet was introduced by the Rothschilds
to disclose hidden affairs,
the Rothschilds might have converted from the confrontation with
Russia to the acceleration of Jewish migration from Russia to
Israel to prepare the final stage.
Migration of the Jewish population from Russia might be agreed
in exchange for the end of the Cold War.
(2) Rockefellers' convenience to take over Soviet's industry
As mentioned below, the Rockefellers seems started to plot
takeover of Soviet's industry (Project Hammer).
Ending the Cold War could be promoted by the Rockefellers
concealing the Rockefellers' intention to advance into Russia.
The Rockefellers might have encouraged the Rothschilds' decision.
However, the Rockefellers' critical pretext ending the Cold War is
hardly seen.
In addition, the end of the Cold War would certainly reduce
the Rockefellers' arms industry and
reduce the Rockefellers' pretext to strengthen high-technology military force.
Then, the Rockefellers' proactive reason ending the Cold War is hardly seen.
(Consequently, regardless of the Rockefellers' Project Hammer
plotting takeover of Soviet's industry,
the end of the Cold War might be mostly intended by the Rothschilds.) Project Hammer (Takeover of Soviet's Industry) since 1989 CE
According to self-styled ex-ONI (the Rothschilds' Office of Naval Intelligence's)
officer E. P. Heidner,
Bush started a plot to take over the Soviet's industry such as
Oil and Gas Industry through investment and
economic maneuver like destabilizing the ruble.
(Heidner refers to Bush's intention to fight communism,
but since communism, the Soviet, and the People's Republic of China
were created by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers,
fighting communism is in reality irrelevant.
On the other hand, the means employed were not exclusively investment and economic maneuver, but
contained Jewish agents like Boris Yeltsin's wife and Jewish officials in the Soviet government.)
"Conspiracy Archive Project Hammer"
"Newtomorrow Part2"
Yeltsin was installed as chairman of the Russian
Supreme Soviet in May 1990 CE, the Soviet changed into Russia,
then he assumed the presidency in July 1991 CE.
"Boris Yeltsin in Wikipedia"
There were 1,450,000 Jewish people
(possibly "Claimed Descendants through Central-Eastern Europe")
in the USSR as of 1989 CE.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hussein's Invasion of Kuwait and
Depleted Uranium Ammunition during the Gulf War
The next arms sales promotion was Hussein's Invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 CE
induced by
Henry Kissinger and G. H. W. Bush.
The Gulf War (August 1990 CE - February 1991 CE)
dedicating to the arms industry followed.
"Invasion of Kuwait in Wikipedia"
"Henry Kissinger in Wikipedia"
"Gulf War in Wikipedia"
Depleted Uranium Ammunition started to be used during the Gulf War.
As mentioned before, natural uranium consists of
0.7% Uranium-235 (radioactive) and 99.3% Uranium-238 (stable).
Uranium-235 is enriched to some 4% for
nuclear reactors to produce Plutonium-239.
However, on the other hand, enrichment results
in lower Uranium-235 byproduct.
Uranium-235 in the byproduct is like 0.2%.
The byproduct is "Depleted Uranium" in a narrow sense.
Depleted Uranium is processed into Depleted Uranium Ammunition.
The advantages of Depleted Uranium Ammunition are commonly explained as
its penetrating, incendiary after the impact,
and dustability of hazardous radioactive uranium fine
particles sticking to the intestinal wall.
Depleted Uranium Warhead
Depleted Uranium Ammunition
"Depleted Uranium"
However, the true aim of Depleted Uranium Ammunition was
concealing use of mini-nukes, which leave Uranium-235 less than natural Uranium
(less than 0.7%), in the war.
Jim Brown states that the US used a mini-nuke on the last day of the Gulf War
near Basra.
"Russia Today US Nuked Iraq"
"Adn Kronos International US Dropped"
"YouTube bomba nucleare in iraq-jim brown denuncia"
"YouTube Bomba nucleare (atomica) di 5 kilotoni
a Bassora (Inchiesta di Rainews24)"
https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=flysYkOYPk4 1991 Soviet Coup d'etat Attempt
Project Hammer aimed to let Yeltsin take hegemony,
since Yeltsin was conveniently supported by the Rockefellers'
Jewish agents including his Jewish wife.
This should be done secretly.
Then, some Russian politicians were encouraged to mount
a Coup against Gorbachev.
The KGB Chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov,
a representative figure of the old guard attempted a
Coup in August 1991 CE.
However, it had been scheduled to be suppressed by
Yeltsin in August 1991 CE.
Then, Yeltsin's hegemony became promising as scheduled by
the Rockefellers without being noticed the intention
by the Rothschilds.
"1991 Soviet Coup d'etat Attempt in Wikipedia"
"Boris Yeltsin in Wikipedia"
Since Yeltsin's hegemony became promising,
the Rockefellers in a wrongful way promptly procured 240 billion USD
investment fund to takeover Russian indusrty
through seeming collateral reliable
Brady Bonds with 10 years' redemption period.
Then the seeming Brady Bonds were expected to expire like on September 12, 2001 CE.
Russian alcoholic Boris Yeltsin's Jewish wife Naina,
daughter Tatyana, and their
Jewish colleagues including Jeffery Sachs
raised the Jewish power in Russia.
"Naina Yeltsina in Wikipedia"
"Tatyana Yumasheva in Wikipedia"
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