Disclaimer: This is Untrue.
2.4.20 Additional Masonic Legends and Comprehensive Fabricated Stories Overview
Additional Masonic Legends were disclosed.
From this, details of Yahweh's fabricated Masonic stories mostly became clear. Details Background
As mentioned before,
Yahweh's fabricated ETs stories are quite unclear, because many things are sprinkled,
particularly the constellation Orion is associated with multiple things,
Carians (Bird-people) of the Galactic Federation,
good-natured Reptilians, evil-natured Reptilians, Khufu's Pyramid, P+52 Orions,
the Egyptian resurrection god Osiris, and
Gilgamesh, who sought Gods' secret of eternal life.
Regardless of that, integrating the stories of J-Rods, the stories of the descendants
of the Knights Templar, and other stories, introducing the concept of parallel
worlds (Many-Worlds Interpretation),
Yahweh's fabricated stories would be tentatively assumed as follows for now, as mentioned before.
In the first history on the Earth, a group believing themselves to be
descendants of Mary Magdalene believed in Roman
Catholicism and Salvation through Jesus, stayed on the Earth regardless of
Earth's environmental degradation after 2012 CE,
while other groups migrated to other planets developing interplanetary navigation.
DNAs of the group believing themselves to be
descendants of Mary Magdalene were seriously damaged by the
environmental degradation and they became deformed as Greys (J-Rods) and in bad health.
Greys (J-Rods) consequently escaped from the Earth, developed Time Machines and
visited ancient times of the Earth. Then they knew that ape-men appeared in ancient times
on the Earth through evolution, Serpent-headed Reptilians visited the Earth and created humans
on the Earth modifying ape-men.
(Reptilians might originate from Jelaila's Polarity Integration Game.
According to Jelaia, in an early stage of the Polarity Integration Game,
Felines (later Cat-people) created Humans in the direction of the constellation
Lyra, Carians (later Bird-people) created Reptilians in the direction of the constellation Orion.
Then after the first Great Galactic War, good-natured species founded the Galactic
Federation to keep the peace of the universe.)
Greys (J-Rods) also knew that Jesus' holiness was
fabricated by Constantine I and the Roman Empire's Church, Serpent-headed
Reptilians as Sumerian gods Anunnakis, the constellation Orion, and Numerology should
be worshipped rather than Roman Catholicism.
(It would be alleged that the Serpent story in Genesis in reality means that
Serpent-headed Reptilians modified
ape-men and created humans with intelligent.)
Aside from that, Greys (J-Rods)
planned to contact their medieval ancestors,
organized the Knights Templar, instructed Gothic architecture,
raised them as Freemasonry,
induced them to disbelieve Christianity, to worship Sumerian gods Anunnakis, and to escape from
the Earth in an early stage.
It means that if their ancestors escape
from the Earth in an early stage and the history is changed, Greys' DNAs wouldn't be damaged
and Greys can be normal humans in the new timeline history,
based on the concept of Many-Worlds Interpretation (parallel worlds).
Other than that, Serpent-headed Reptilians in reality created humans as
slaves and eat humans according to the fabricated story.
Yet the creators of the Pyramids, Sphinx, and El Castillo suggesting significance
of the Mayan date worshipping the Feathered Serpent in the fabricated stories are unclear.
On the other hand, COBRA and EXOPAEDIA presented other fabricated
stories about wars between the Light Forces and the Dark Forces associated
with Jelaila's Galactic Federation and the Kurgan hypothesis in Ukraine. Additional Masonic Legends
Additional stories of the descendants of the Knights Templar were
disclosed in 2018 CE. The publication states as follows.
"Chartres Secrets"
There were many humans on the Earth, Neutron Nuclear War occurred around 10000 BCE.
(Atlantis Island between the North American continent and the Mediterranean Sea sank
because of the war.)
People near Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) in the Andes survived because of its altitude
about 13,000 feet (4,000 m) high. Then Tiwanaku was a sacred place.
Good Energy around the Earth decreased, the Sun was supposed to be destabilized.
On the other hand, "Consciousnesses" were living in a distant solar system,
they started to send good energy (Love Energy) to the Earth to save the people of the Earth.
Around 8000 BCE, 144,000 Consciousnesses including the Hindu god Shiva
and the Hindu goddess Sati came to the Earth from the
distant solar system to save the people of the Earth.
They incarnated in human bodies at Mt. Kailash in Tibet.
Shiva mourns Sati
The Hindu god Krishna and the Hindu goddess Ulupi (Uloopi) were descendants of
Shiva and Sati in India around 3400 BCE.
They knew that people of the Earth overused wireless technological energy, they lost their mind
and a disaster would come.
Then Krishna and Ulupi intended to record their information and wisdom to
save humans on the Earth.
In India, they created "2 Large Amethyst Crystal Skulls,"
many "Crystal Skulls (supposedly including medium size amethyst crystal skulls)," and
many "Record Keeper Stones," in which their historical information and wisdom are recorded.
The Hindu god Arjuna meets Ulupi
Crystal Skull allegedly Originated in Aztec (to the west of Maya)
*As far as the Crystal Skulls, when a specific human touch the pineal gland,
the information is sent to him/her and his/her pineal gland is activated to
gain power such as levitation.
Cross Section of Brain
Diagram of Human Brain
"Pineal Gland in Wikipedia"
Pineal Gland
*As far as Record Keeper Stones, one of them could be later called "Stone of Scone (Stone of Destiny)."
"Stone of Scone in Wikipedia"
Krishna and Ulupi carried them to Tiwanaku in the Andes.
They were preserved in Tiwanaku.
The foreseen disaster, a massive rainfall for 40 days called Great Dulge
started on August 11, 3114 BCE, while good energy (Love Energy) is
destined to be stopped after 5,126 years.
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus (also known as Viracocha and Fuxi) and Seshat were descendants
of Shiva and Sati around 2700 BCE.
They came from Egypt to the South American continent.
They gained power such as levitation and created Puma Punku Temple near Tiwanaku.
They also ingraved Sumerian and Tiahuanaco words on the Fuente Magna bowl.
They gave a medium size amethyst crystal skull to the Priest King,
smaller crystal skulls and record keeper stones to priests and priestesses.
The Priest King's daughter gave birth to Thoth's child.
The descendants of the child became the Maya peoples.
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus (Viracocha or Fuxi) and Seshat took
one of the Large Amethyst Crystal Skulls, some crystal skulls,
some record keeper stones to Egypt.
The other Large Amethyst Crystal Skull, other crystal skulls, and other record keeper stones
were preserved at Puma Punku Temple.
Toth Hermes Trismegistus
"Hermes Trismegistus in Wikipedia"
"Thoth in Wikipedia"
"Seshat in Wikipedia"
Stone Blocks of Pumapunku
"Puma Punku in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pumapunku
"Deciphering the Fuente Magna Bowl"
"Decipherment of the Fuente Magna Bowl"
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and Seshat gained knowledge and wisdom from the crystal skulls,
founded the Right Eye of Horus University and the Left Eye of Horus University.
They created the Pyramids and the Sphinx.
By the way as mentioned above, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus is also known as Fuxi in China.
According to Chinese mythology, Fuxi created humans, cultures,
and the I Ching divination system. The I Ching divination system
prophesize manipulating numbers.
Fuxi in Wikipedia"
"I Ching in Wikipedia"
Subsequently, Hyksos-Hebrew people invaded Egypt. According to the
additional Masonic Legends, Hyksos people and Hebrew people were similar,
they should be called Hyksos-Hebrew people.
*Considering in relation to generally accepted historical facts,
following would be an integrated interpretation.
Hyksos (Hyksos-Hebrew) peole invaded Egypt around 1700 BCE.
The origin of Hyksos (Hyksos-Hebrew) people would be around the east end coast of the
Mediterranean Sea (Levant),
while details are unclear.
They established the 15th Dynasty of Egypt (1650 - 1550 BC) in the Nile Delta.
Another unspecified power was seen around Thebe around 1649 - 1582 BCE.
It would be the 16th Dynasty.
The other power consisting of the Egyptian called the 17th Dynasty (1580 - 1550 BCE) was
in the upstream of the Nile.
Subsequently, the upstream Egyptian power defeated the Hyksos (Hyksos-Hebrew)
and established the 18th Dynasty (1550 - 1292 BCE) as the first dynasty of
the New Kingdom of Egypt (1550 - 1077 BCE).
The 6th Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty was the Egyptian greatest military
pharaoh Thutmose III (ruled 1479 - 1425 BCE).
Painting of western Asian people led by the Hyksos
"Hyksos in Wikipedia"
Powers in Egypt around 1582 BCE
"Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt in Wikipedia"
Thutmose III founded an ancient Egyptian Mystery School
and created a container.
The skulls, the stones, and scrolls for the Universities were stored in the container.
As mentioned before, not only in Egypt or Sumer, 5 races were laid on the Earth.
Each race was respectively given 9 crystal skulls. A race near Sumer consisted of 8 tribes.
The ancient Egyptians and Israelites were originally the same tribe of the 8 tribes.
The 9 crystal skulls that the 8 tribes held formed "energetic connections."
The 9 crystal skulls (energetic connections) consisted of one Amethyst Crystal Skull and
8 clear Quartz Crystal Skulls. (Amethyst is dark purple crystal)
The energetic connections (crystal skulls) linked to Sumer, sacred information,
and Ascension techniques of the white race. The 8 tribes near Sumer eventually left Sumer.
Each tribe carried a clear Quartz Crystal Skull.
The Amethyst Crystal Skull remained in
Sumer for the entire white race as the center of the 9 skulls.
Each tribe constructed a container to house the energetic connection (crystal skull).
Some descendants of the Egyptian-Israelite tribe became ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.
Then Thutmose III's container was the container of the tribe of "Egyptians and Israelites."
A Quartz Crystal Skull links them with multi-dimensional energies from
the 3rd dimension to the 10th dimension that is available from the "Rose Quartz Crystal Skull
of Humanity (supposedly amethyst crystal skulls)."
Thutmose III
Amenhotep IV (later Akhenaten) was a great grandson of Thutmose III.
He was a hybrid of Egyptian bloodline and Hyksos-Hebrew bloodline.
*Considering in relation to generally accepted historical facts,
following would be an integrated interpretation.
Amenhotep III was a grandson of Thutmose III.
One of his consort was Tiye. Tiye's father was supposedly a foreigner.
According to the additional Masonic Legends, Tiye's father was a Hyksos-Hebrew.
Amenhotep IV (later Akhenaten) was a son of Amenhotep III and Tiye.
Then Amenhotep IV would be a hybrid of Egyptian people and Hyksos-Hebrew people.
"Tiye in Wikipedia"
Afterwards, Amenhotep IV rebelled against the teachings, changed his name to Akhenaten,
exiled stealing the container around 1350 BCE.
The followers established Hebrew kingdoms.
Then the Hebrew kingdoms contained Thutmose III's bloodline and Hyksos-Hebrew bloodline.
Eventually, the Neo-Babylonian Empire attacked the Kingdom of Judah in 587 BCE.
Princess Tamar and Prophet Jeremiah hid the container and the location
was recorded in a record keeper stone.
They exiled to Ireland with
the record keeper stone.
Tamar married Celtic King, the descendants moved to Scotland with the record keeper stone.
Later, Joseph and Virgin Mary married. They were the Essenes descending from the
ancient Egyptian Mystery School of Thutmose III.
Jesus was their son. (not God's son)
Jesus studied at the Mystery School in Glastonbury, England.
Meanwhile, Jesus encountered the record keeper stone, touched it,
gained knowledge and wisdom including Ascension techniques from the stone, because
his DNA derived from his bloodline was recognized by the stone.
His wife Mary Magdalene gave birth 2 sons and a daughter.
Jesus ascended into the higher dimensional levels through his ascenssion techniques,
Mary Magdalene and her children moved to present-day France.
Afterwards, the Roman emperor Constantine I and the Roman Empire's Church fabricated stories in 325 CE.
According to the fabricated stories,
Mt. Kailash was diverted to the Garden of Eden.
Egyptian Pharaohs' stories were diverted to the Biblical Patriarchs' stories.
The Pharaoh Thutmose III (ruled 1479 - 1425 BCE), who enlarged Egypt and founded the
ancient Egyptian Mystery School, was diverted to the
Biblical stories of David and Solomon.
The story of Akhenaten (ruled ca. 1353 - 1336 BCE), who worshipped the "One God," was
diverted to Moses' story. The story of Akhenaten's exile was diverted to Moses' Exodus.
Since Akhenaten and his followers took Thutmose III's container, the Egyptian army
attempted to chase them. The container was diverted to the Ark of the Covenant.
Subsequently, a Mayan girl was inspired by the amethyst crystal skull.
The girl was later called Kukulkan.
Meanwhile, one of Magdalene's descendants moved to Scotland,
a boy descending from Tamar and Mary Magdalene was born.
When the boy touched the record keeper stone, the stone recognized the DNAs,
knowledge of the location of the container was sent to him.
The stone was later called the Stone of Scone or the Stone of Destiny,
the boy was later called Quetzalcoatl.
The descendants went on an expedition to Jerusalem,
found the container in Jerusalem, organized the Knights Templar, and
knew (misbelieved) that the stories of the Bibles and Roman Catholicism were fabricated.
Afterwards, Quetzalcoatl recognized that he should visit Maya,
he visited Maya with his companions, married Kukulkan.
Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan recognized that good energy (Love Energy) would stop
5,126 years after August 11, 3114 BCE, they decided to show
the Maya Calendar (Long Count) to widely inform people of the end of
the good energy (Love Energy)
suppressing solar destabilization.
Then, El Castillo worshipping the Feathered Serpent
would be constructed.
Stone of Scone
"Stone of Scone in Wikipedia"
El Castillo
Feathered Serpent Deity Appearing around the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes
"Mayan Number System and Calendar"
"Maya Calendar"
Other than that, according to the descendants of the Knights Templar,
the Serpent embodies the helical structure of DNA. Interpretation of the Creators of the Pyramids
As far as Yahweh's fabricated stories, a tentative assumption was presented as mentioned above.
However, in reference to the additional Masonic Legend above,
creators of the Pyramids, Sphinx, and El Castillo would be assumed.
An assumption of the creators might be Greys (J-Rods).
However, if Greys (J-Rods) had visited ancient times of the Earth,
created the crystal skulls and record keeper stones to help humans,
and created the Pyramids behaving as
Shiva, Sati, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus (Viracocha), or Seshat,
it would have lead to Akhenaten's exile, Constantine I and the Roman Empire's Church's
Magdalene's descendants' misbelief of salvation through Jesus,
and transformation of Magdalene's descendants into deformed
and in bad health as Greys (J-Rods).
It results in circular reasoning.
The fabricated stories end up circulating endlessly and have no potential for story development.
Then another assumption would be presented as follows.
According to J-Rods' story, a part of humans migrated to other planets in an early stage
developing interplanetary navigation.
They became blond haired tall brilliant beautiful humans commonly called
"Nordics" or called "Orions" and the star might be Epsilon Orionis (Alnilam)
(Right ascension: 05h 36m, Declination: -01°, Distance: 1,300 light-years)
in the direction of the constellation Orion.
When they come from 54000 CE, they would be called "P+52 Orions" or "P-52 Orions."
Then another assumption of Yahweh's fabricated stories
would be that "Nordics" or "Orions"
visited ancient times of the Earth through Time Machines.
They created the crystal skulls and
record keeper stones in which their knowledge and wisdom are recorded
to help humans of the Earth,
and created the Pyramids and Sphinx behaving as
Shiva, Sati, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus (Viracocha) or Seshat, and so on.
It lead to Akhenaten's exile, Constantine I and the Roman Empire's Church's fabrication,
misbelief of a group that believes themselves to be descendants of
Magdalene expecting salvation through Jesus.
Eventually, staying on the Earth regardless of the environmental degradation,
the group believing themselves to be descendants of Mary Magdalene
became deformed as Greys (J-Rods) and in bad health.
Greys (J-Rods) consequently escaped from the Earth, developed
Time Machines and visited ancient times of the Earth.
Then they knew that ape-men appeared in ancient times on the Earth through evolution,
Serpent-headed Reptilians visited the Earth and created humans on the Earth
modifying ape-men.
Then Greys(J-Rods) would worship Serpent-headed Reptilians
as Sumerian gods Anunnakis, the constellation
Orion, and Numerology rather than Roman Catholicism.
The character of Serpent-headed Reptilians and the Serpent story in Genesis
were adopted in reference to the helical structure of DNA.
Worship of the Serpent for long life or eternal life would be derived from the benefit of the
helical structure of DNA, the Giver of Life.
Aside from that, the story of Vril should be integrated.
The origin of "God people" in the Vril Society's story is assumed here that they are
descendants of humans from the future like Orions, because
emergence of "God people" from Aldebaran is somewhat similar to emergence of "Orions"
and another assumption for origin of "God people" is hard to be imagined. Interpretation of Jesus' Bloodline
According to
the stories of the descendants of the Knights Templar,
Jesus was not a son of God.
In addition, the additional Masonic Legends state that Jesus descends
from Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III's bloodline and Hyksos-Hebrew bloodline.
On the other hand, some sources state that Jesus was a Phoenician person,
not a Jewish person.
These could be integrated as follows.
As mentioned before,
Phoenician people's Carthage was defeated by the Roman Republic in 146 BCE,
Phoenician people declined, yet supposedly
Phoenician people would have survived on the east end
coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
Other than that, Thutmose III's bloodline and Hyksos-Hebrew bloodline were
brought to Canaan region by Akhenaten.
Then Phoenician bloodline and Thutmose III's bloodline (and Hyksos-Hebrew bloodline)
could have mixed on the east end coast of the Mediterranean Sea,
Jesus might have held both Phoenician bloodline and Thutmose III's bloodline.
"Phoenicia in Wikipedia"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenicia Yahweh's Fabricated ETs Scenario presumed considering Various Stories An Outline of the Fabricated Stories presumed considering the Additional Masonic Legends
Considering the additional Masonic Legends and the Vril Society's story,
the fabricated stories would become like below.
In the first history on the Earth, there were many humans on the Earth,
the Sun started to be destabilized after 2012 CE.
(The start time of the destabilization could not be affected by ETs such as Orions,
because it might depend on the travel of the solar system through a dust belt
in the Milky Way Galaxy.)
Some groups of humans on the Earth departed the Earth relatively in an early stage,
thousands of years after the catastrophe.
A group headed for the constellation Orion, successfully survived and
remained like humans or beautiful-looking humans called "Nordics" or "Orions."
Another group might have headed for Aldebaran of the constellation Taurus,
they became "God people" of the empire Sumeran.
Below is the second history of the Earth.
God people developed Time Machines and visited ancient times of the Earth.
God people from Aldebaran landed in Mesopotamia.
God people later moved to Atlantis.
However, Reptilians including Parasitic Cannibal Small Vril Lizards were in the underground,
Reptilians including the Vril Lizards parasitized God people in Atlantis.
They were bodysnatched and caused Nuclear War, Atlantis sank around 10000 BCE.
People near Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) in the Andes survived.
Orions developed Time Machines and visited ancient times of the Earth.
Orions visited the Earth around 8000 BCE.
Their descendants Krishna and Uloopi created crystal skulls
and record keeper stones,
in which their knowledge and wisdom were recorded,
to help their ancestors, humans on the Earth, and preserved them in Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco)
in the Andes.
A massive rainfall for 40 days started on August 11, 3114 BCE.
After the rainfall, Orions' descendants
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus (also known as Viracocha and Fuxi) and Seshat came from
Sumer-Egypt to Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco), gained power from the crystal skulls.
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus (Viracocha or Fuxi) and Seshat took one of the
Large Amethyst Crystal Skulls, some crystal skulls,
some record keeper stones to Egypt.
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and Seshat
founded the Right Eye of Horus University and the Left Eye of Horus University.
(In reference to Serpents,
the Eye of Horus, particularly the Left Eye of Horus, is commonly also
called the serpent goddess Wadjet.
It might seemingly suggest close association between the Eye of Horus Universities and Serpents.
However, for example, Horus is falcon-headed, Thoth is ibis-headed,
then the Eye of Horus would not particularly be
associated with Serpents.
Their respect for Serpents is not still seen.)
They created the Pyramids and the Sphinx supposedly to suggest the direction of
their mother planet in the constellation Orion (where humans should head for),
the time of their visit, and the time of the environmental degradation of the Earth.
On the other hand, the constellation Orion was linked to the resurrection god Osiris
suggesting eternal life.
The Epic of Gilgamesh describes the world after the flood, and Gilgamesh
is associated with the constellation Orion and eternal life like the Pyramids.
Having created the Pyramids suggesting significance of the constellation Orion and eternal life,
"Orions" or Thoth Hermes Trismegistus could have created the Epic of Gilgamesh to suggest
the association between long life or eternal life and the constellation Orion.
Later, Thutmose III (ruled 1479 - 1425 BCE) founded an ancient
Egyptian Mystery School and created a container.
The skulls, the stones, and scrolls for the Universities were stored in the container.
Afterwards, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) rebelled against the teachings,
exiled stealing the container around 1350 BCE.
Then the followers established Hebrew kingdoms.
Eventually, the Neo-Babylonian Empire attacked the Kingdom of Judah in 587 BCE.
Princess Tamar and Prophet Jeremiah hid the container and the location was recorded
in a record keeper stone. They exiled to Ireland with the record keeper stone.
Tamar married Celtic King, the descendants moved to Scotland with the record keeper stone.
Later, Joseph and Virgin Mary married. They were the Essenes descending from
the ancient Egyptian Mystery School of Thutmose III.
Jesus was their son. (not God's son) Jesus studied at the
Mystery School in Glastonbury, England. Meanwhile,
Jesus encountered the record keeper stone, touched it, gained knowledge and wisdom
including Ascension techniques from the stone.
Eventually, Jesus disappeared,
his wife Mary Magdalene gave birth 2 sons and a daughter.
Mary Magdalene and her children fled to Gaul (later France).
Afterwards, Constantine I and the Roman Empire's Church fabricated the stories of Christianity.
The story of Akhenaten's exile was diverted to Moses' Exodus.
Thutmose III's container was diverted to the Ark of the Covenant.
There was a group believing themselves to be descendants of Mary Magdalene.
Particularly, they believed in Roman Catholicism and
Salvation through Jesus.
(Actually, they could have descended from Cain in Genesis.)
Environmental degradation started after 2012 CE,
the group believing themselves to be descendants of Mary Magdalene stayed
on the Earth believing Salvation through Jesus,
while other groups migrated to other planets developing interplanetary navigation.
DNAs of the group believing themselves to be descendants of Mary
Magdalene were seriously damaged by the environmental
degradation and they became deformed as Greys (J-Rods) and in bad health.
Greys (J-Rods) consequently escaped from the Earth, developed Time Machines and visited
ancient times of the Earth.
Below is the third history of the Earth.
Visiting ancient times of the Earth, Greys (J-Rods) knew that ape-men appeared in
ancient times on the Earth through
evolution, Serpent-headed Reptilians visited the Earth and created humans
on the Earth modifying ape-men.
Greys (J-Rods) also knew that Jesus' holiness was fabricated by the Roman
emperor Constantine I and
the Roman Empire's Church and
Serpent-headed Reptilians as Sumerian gods Anunnakis, the constellation
Orion, and Numerology should be worshipped rather than Roman Catholicism.
In addition, the Pyramids, which are representing the constellation Orion, and
Numerology should be worshipped.
The crystal skulls and the record keeper stones containing special power
associated with the Pyramids should be worshipped.
Greys (J-Rods) planned to contact their medieval ancestors, informed
them of falsehood of Roman Catholicism, and
organized the Knights Templar.
In addition, Greys (J-Rods) might have intervened in creating
El Castillo (the Temple of Kukulkan) at Chichen Itza in Mexico
worshipping the Feathered Serpent or Serpent-headed Reptilians and
suggesting the Mayan date.
(Respect for Serpents is clearly seen here in reference to Mary Magdalene's descendants,
according to the additional Masonic Legend.)
Greys (J-Rods) raised the group as Freemasonry, induced them to disbelieve
Christianity, to worship Sumerian gods Anunnakis, and to
escape from the Earth in an early stage. It means that if their ancestors
escape from the Earth in an early stage
and the history is changed, Greys' DNAs wouldn't be damaged and Greys can be normal
humans in the new timeline history. Comprehensive Fabricated Stories Overview of Comprehensive Fabricated Stories
The above stories are centered around J-Rod's stories and the Masonic Legend
about the Knights Templar, with some Jelaila stories incorporated.
However, as for the fabricated stories given, as mentioned before
regarding Ukraine, there are other stories related to the Kurgan Invasion
by COBRA and EXOPAEDIA. There are some inconsistencies between these pieces of
information. Yet they are stories meant to confuse humans on the Earth,
so it is natural that there are some inconsistencies. In order to grasp the overview,
it is convenient to summarize the stories.
The following is a summary of comprehensive fabricated stories that has been forcibly
summarized by fudging the details in order to get an overview.
For the first history, green should be learned.
For the second history, both green and blue should be learned.
For the third history, both green, blue, and purple should be learned.
Hundreds of millions of years ago
The Founders started Polarity Integration Game, the universe was created
Felines (Cat-people) and Carians (Bird-people) were invited from other universe
Felines (Cat-people) created Humans in the direction of the constellation Lyra
Carians (Bird-people) generated the most evolved Eagle-people
Carians (Bird-people) created Reptilians in the direction of the constellation Orion
First Galactic War occurred (Orion Wars)
The Light Forces consist of Humans, additionally Eagle-people and others
The Dark Forces consist of Reptilians and others
4500000 BCE
Galactic Federation was founded
450000 BCE
(Enlil and Enki visited the Earth according to Sitchin)
400000 BCE
Anunnakis visited the Earth
Humans (and Neanderthals) were created through Hybridization between Ape-men and Inuakis
(Humans were created through Hybridization between Ape-men and Anunnakis, according to Sitchin)
Greys visited ancient times and knew
falsehood of Genesis,
significance of Sumer and Serpents
200000 BCE
Humans (God People) visited the Earth from Aldebaran or the Pleiades and Landed in Mesopotamia
40000 BCE
Anunnakis created Hybrids between Anunnakis and Humans
Anunnakis (Reptilians) including Vril Lizards stayed alive in the Underground
30000 BCE
God People moved to Atlantis
24000 BCE
Reptilian Forces claimed control of the Earth
23000 BCE
Reptilian Forces built an electromagnetic fence (the Veil) around the Earth to isolate the Earth
God People in Atlantis were Parasitized by Anunnakis (Reptilians) including Vril Lizards
10000 BCE
Parasitized God People caused Nuclear War
Atlantis Sank
8000 BCE
Humans (Orions) visited the Earth from the constellation Orion
4500 BCE
Anunnakis Created Religions
3400 BCE
Krishna and Ulupi created Skulls and Stones, placed them in Tiwanaku
3114 BCE
The Dulge Occurred
3000 BCE
Kurgan Invasion through a portal in the Caucasus by the Dark Forces occurred
Draco (part of the Dark Forces) reincarnated into Neanderthals or human bodies (Ancestors of the Khazars)
2700 BCE
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus brought some Skulls and Stones
Pyramids and Sphinx were Created suggesting Significance of the constellation Orion
Osiris (Asar) arose in reference to the constellation Orion
Some Members of the Galactic Federation might have visited Egypt and become Egyptian Deities
Fuxi (Thoth Hermes Trismegistus) Created the I Ching Divination System
Egyptian (simple) Numerology
Epic of Gilgamesh corresponding to the constellation Orion could be created
Greys visited ancient times and knew significance of
Skulls, Stones,
Egyptian Mystery School, and the constellation Orion
1350 BCE
Akhenaten Exiled
700 BCE
Assyrian Diagram of the Tree of Life
600 BCE
Vedic (Hindu) Numerology
Chaldean (Neo Babylonian) Numerology
Pythagorean (Greek) Numerology
Greys visited ancient times and knew significance of
(and Diagram of the Tree of Life and Pineal Gland)
325 CE
Constantine I fabricated Christianity
Greys visited ancient times and knew fabrication of Christianity
by Constantine I, whom Roman Catholicism succeeded.
393 CE
2nd Kurgan Invasion
650 CE
The Khazars arose
965 CE
Kievan Rus defeated the Khazars
Group believing themselves to be Descendants of Mary Magdalene believed Salvation through Jesus
1095 CE
Greys (J-Rods) intervened to inform the descendants of
falsehood of Christianity,
significance of Skulls, Stones,
Egyptian Mystery School, Numerology,
2012 CE, and Serpents
Greys (J-Rods) raised
Kabbalah, Gematria, Gothic Architecture,
Knights Templar, Freemasonry,
Mayan Calendar, El Castillo
1940 CE
Hitler allied with Anunnakis (Reptilians) including Vril Lizards
1996 CE
Dark Forces grew, controlled most star systems
within a 1,000 light-year radius around the Earth (except for Sirius)
2012 CE
Ashtar of the Light Forces overwhelmed the Dark Forces
2012 CE
Beginning of Solar Abnormality
10000 - 20000 CE?
Some Groups of Humans Departed for Orion, Aldebaran, and Others
Group believing themselves to be Descendants of Mary Magdalene were deformed as Greys
staying on the Earth believing Salvation
26000 CE
Group believing themselves to be Descendants of Mary Magdalene (Greys) escaped the Earth Details of Comprehensive Fabricated Stories in the First History of the Earth
According to Jelaila, the Founders started the Polarity Integration Game and this
universe was created. (According to COBRA, it might be 10 billion years ago.)
Felines (later Cat-people) and Carians (later Bird-people) were invited,
Felines created Humans and others in the direction of the constellation Lyra.
Carians generated the most evolved ruling class, Eagle-like Humans.
Draconians, a race of Reptilians, from the direction of the constellation
Draco came to the direction of the constellation Orion. According to Jelaila,
Reptilians including Draconians were basically good-natured.
However subsequently, evil-natured Reptilians (including evil-natured Draconians) appeared.
According to COBRA and EXOPAEDIA, 2 powers were formed.
One is called the Light Forces, it mainly consists of human-like
aliens (also related to Cat-people and Eagles having the All-Seeing Eye) that arose from the direction of the
constellation Lyra. (Eagles may be assumed to be Eagle-people) (Bird-people and
Eagle-people are likely on the side of the Light Forces.) (The constellation Lyra would be
between Aquarius and Draco.)
The other power is called the Dark Forces, it mainly consists of Reptilian
aliens (also related to serpents) that arose from the direction of the constellation
Orion or Draco. There is an important region of the Light Forces in the universe called the
Great Central Sun, which might be located near the center of the galactic universe,
near the constellation Lyra, or near the Pleiades. (Generally, eagles would fight serpents.)
The first Galactic War (Orion Wars) occurred between the 2 powers around 4500000 BCE.
After the first Galactic War, good-natured species founded the Galactic
Federation around 4500000 BCE to keep the peace of the universe.
Evil-natured Reptilians might be called Anunnakis and good-natured
Reptilians might be called Inuakis.
According to Havah' story, Anunnakis and Inuaki are bipedal Reptile-like extraterrestrials.
Inuakis are 2 m tall naive Reptilians living on the planet Inua near Orion.
(The meaning of Inua could be "straw" or "female sheep oil" and Inuaki could be "offspring of straw" or "offspring of sheep oil,"
while the meaning is hard to be specified.)
Anunnakis are 3 m tall evil Reptilians living in the direction of the constellation Draco.
Life span of Inuakis and Anunnakis would be hundreds of thousands of years.
Anunnakis visited Inua around 800000 BCE. Anunnakis ruled Inuakis. Anunnakis
used Inuakis as slaves to obtain materials such as gold. Loyal Inuakis became subordinates of
Anunnakis to make agency governance. Anunnakis visited the Earth around 400000 BCE to obtain materials such as gold using Inuakis as slaves. However, Inuakis were rebellious and incompetent for working. On the other hand, there were ape-men, which had appeared on the Earth through evolution, while ape-men were incompetent for working. Then Anunnakis created hybrids between Inuakis and ape-men through genetic engineering experiments. Humans on the Earth mostly descend from the hybrids created as convenient slaves. Since Inuakis are Reptilians, most humans on the Earth have Reptilian's (lizard's) DNAs.
(Neanderthals were also created in Europe through Hybridization.)
Subsequently, Anunnakis created hybrids between Anunnakis and humans to
make agency governance around 40000 BCE. Then descendants of the hybrids
between Anunnakis and humans became to rule humans as agency governance on the
Earth. RH Negative blood type might be a trace of the hybridization.
Aside from that, Reptilians including Parasitic Cannibal Small Vril Lizards seem to have started to
live in the underground of the Earth.
Considering similarities between Anunnakis (Reptilians) and the Vril Lizards,
they are basically the same species,
they are cruel and purportedly responsible for paedophilia and cannibalism.
Then the Vril Lizards would be a kind of Anunnakis (Reptilians),
came to the Earth together with the typical Anunnakis (Reptilians that Schneider mentioned),
though the Vril Lizards are 30 - 60 cm tall unlike the typical Anunnakis (Reptilians).
Humans on the Earth became rebellious. Then Anunnakis created religions around
4500 BCE to lead humans worshipping them. The Sumerian material was fabricated to
misunderstand the history.
(Sumerian religion containing the topic of the Dulge would be still created after 3114 BCE,
because the Dulge would be caused in 3114 BCE.)
In reference to the content of the fabricated Sumerian religion, according to traditional
Sumerian mythology mostly from oral tradition,
the supreme god is An (Anu: the Sky god, Heaven god), other primary gods are An's son
Enlil (the Wind god) and An's son Enki (the Water god).
A representative Sumerian myth would be the Epic of Atra-Hasis.
The Epic of Atra-Hasis tells as follows.
The primary god is sky god An (Anu). The secondary god is cruel earth god Enlil.
The third god is benevolent water god Enki (Ea).
The seven great offsprings of An including Enki are called "Anunnaki." "Anunnaki"
means "offspring of An," while Ki could be An's consort earth goddess, otherwise
Ki means "earth." Enlil ruled the Earth and ordered lower rank deities to work farming and
maintaining rivers and canals. The lower rank deities are called "Igigi."
After 40 years' work, the minor gods (Igigi) rebelled, refused to work.
Then Enki proposed to create humans for labor.
The mother goddess Mami mixed a lump of clay with the slain god Geshtu-E's flesh and blood
and created a small clay doll. She conceived it, after 10 months, humans were born.
Humans on the Earth became overpopulation, plagues also occurred.
The cruel earth god Enlil caused famine and drought at regular intervals of 1200
years to reduce the population. Meanwhile, Enlil decided to annihilate humans on the
Earth through a flood. Atra-Hasis was a wise ruler of a city (Shuruppak: south of Nippur) on
the Earth. (Atra-Hasis means "exceedingly wise.") Enki advised Atra-Hasis to build a
three-layer structure boat. Atra-Hasis' family and animals got on board the boat and survived
through the flood. Subsequently, Enlil and Enki agreed to control the human
population on the Earth.
As mentioned before, according to Zechariah Sitchin's theory, the myths might be
interpreted as follows.
Human-looking beings were on the planet Nibiru in the solar system.
An, Enlil, and Enki sought for gold, visited the Earth and found gold on the Earth possibly
around 450000 BCE. They were called Anunnakis. While gold mining on the Earth was
quite hard, ape-men homo erectus appeared on the Earth through evolution,
they created hybrids between Anunnakis and ape-men to put them to mining work,
humans on the Earth descend from the hybrids.
The first hybrid between Enki and ape-women was named Adapa (Adam).
(However, according to Havah, this would be the fabricated false story, humans in reality
descend mostly
from hybrids between "naive Inuaki Reptilians and ape-men" and partly from hybrids
between "evil Anunnaki Reptilians and humans" making agency governance.)
The solar activity changed around 2012 CE and it caused
a great catastrophe on the Earth. The solar activity caused change of Earth's
asthenosphere, then caused geophysical 5 degrees' pole-shift.
(The solar activity change would be induced by the solar system's travel through
a dust belt in the Milky Way Galaxy.)
They resulted in death of 2/3 of humans on the Earth and extinction of many other species.
Some groups of humans on the Earth (possibly humans survived the catastrophe on the surface of
the Earth) departed the Earth relatively in an early stage,
thousands of years after the catastrophe.
A group headed for the constellation Orion, successfully survived,
remained like humans or beautiful-looking humans
called Nordics or Orions.
Another group headed for Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus also successfully survived
and founded the empire Sumera. Details of Comprehensive Fabricated Stories in the Second History of the Earth
Below is the second history of the Earth. An outline of the first history is
also partly described again for better understanding.
In 400000 BCE, Anunnakis visited the Earth. Humans were created through
Hybridization between Ape-men and Inuakis.
Around 200000 BCE, God People visited the Earth from Aldebaran or the
Pleiades and Landed in Mesopotamia, according to COBRA.
Subsequently, Anunnakis created hybrids between Anunnakis and humans to make
agency governance around 40000 BCE. Then descendants of the hybrids
between Anunnakis and humans became to rule humans as agency governance on the Earth.
God People moved to Atlantis around 30000 BCE.
Around 24000 BCE, Reptilian Forces claimed control of the Earth.
Reptilian Forces built an electromagnetic fence (the Veil) around the Earth to isolate the
Earth around 23000 BCE.
Anunnakis (Reptilians) including Parasitic Cannibal Small Vril Lizards were in the
underground, Anunnakis (Reptilians) including the Vril Lizards parasitized God people in
Atlantis. They were bodysnatched and caused Nuclear War, Atlantis Island between the
African Continent and the American Continents sank because of the war around 10000 BCE.
People near Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) in the Andes survived
because of its altitude about 13,000 feet (4,000 m) high.
Then Tiwanaku was a sacred place.
Good Energy around the Earth decreased.
(Tiwanaku locates to the southeast of Lake Titicaca.
"Titi" means "puma" somehow derived from the shape of the lake,
"caca" means "gray" or "stone.")
On the other hand, Orions naturally knew that
the solar activity would change around 2012 CE and it would cause
a great catastrophe on the Earth.
Orions might have visited ancient times through Time Machines.
Around 8000 BCE, 144,000 Orions including Shiva and Sati came to
the Earth from the distant solar system to save the people of the Earth.
They might have come as "Consciousnesses."
They incarnated in human bodies at Mt. Kailash in Tibet.
Krishna and Uloopi were descendants of Shiva and Sati in India around 3400 BCE.
They knew that people of the Earth overused wireless technological energy,
they lost their mind and a disaster would come.
Then Krishna and Uloopi intended to record their information and wisdom to save
humans on the Earth.
In India, they created "2 Large Amethyst Crystal Skulls,"
many "Crystal Skulls (supposedly including medium size amethyst crystal skulls)," and
many "Record Keeper Stones," in which their historical information and wisdom are recorded.
(As far as Crystal Skulls, when a specific human touch the pineal gland,
the information is sent to him/her and his/her pineal gland is activated to gain
power such as levitation.)
Krishna and Uloopi carried them to Tiwanaku in the Andes. They were preserved in Tiwanaku.
The foreseen disaster, a massive rainfall for 40 days called Great Dulge started on
August 11, 3114 BCE.
Kurgan Invasion through a portal in the Caucasus by the Dark Forces occurred around 3000 BCE.
Draco (part of the Dark Forces) reincarnated into Neanderthals or human
bodies (Ancestors of the Khazars).
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus (also known as Viracocha and Fuxi) and Seshat were descendants of
Shiva and Sati around 2700 BCE. They came from Egypt to the South American continent.
They gained power such as levitation and created Puma Punku Temple near Tiwanaku.
("Puma" means "cougar or puma," "Punku" means "door.")
They also ingraved Sumerian and Tiwanaku words on the Fuente Magna bowl
(supposedly to suggest the connection between Sumer and Tiwanaku).
They gave a medium size amethyst crystal skull to the Priest King, smaller crystal skulls and
record keeper stones to priests and priestesses.
The Priest King's daughter gave birth to Thoth's child.
The descendants of the child became
the Maya peoples.
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus (Viracocha or Fuxi) and Seshat took one of the Large Amethyst
Crystal Skulls, some crystal skulls, some record keeper stones to Egypt.
The other Large Amethyst Crystal Skull, other crystal skulls, and other record keeper
stones were preserved at Puma Punku Temple.
As mentioned before, not only in Egypt or Sumer, 5 races were laid on the Earth.
Each race was respectively given 9 crystal skulls.
A race near Sumer consisted of 8 tribes.
The ancient Egyptians and Israelites were originally the same tribe of the 8 tribes near Sumer.
The 9 crystal skulls that the 8 tribes held formed "energetic connections."
The 9 crystal skulls (energetic connections) consisted of one Amethyst Crystal Skull and
8 clear Quartz Crystal Skulls. (Amethyst is dark purple crystal)
The energetic connections (crystal skulls) linked to Sumer, sacred information,
and Ascension techniques of the white race.
The 8 tribes near Sumer eventually left Sumer.
Each tribe carried a clear Quartz Crystal Skull.
The Amethyst Crystal Skull remained in Sumer for the entire white race as the
center of the 9 skulls. Each tribe constructed a container to house the energetic
connection (crystal skull).
Some descendants of the Egyptian-Israelite tribe became ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.
Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and Seshat gained knowledge and wisdom from the crystal skulls,
founded the Right Eye of Horus University and the Left Eye of Horus University.
They created the Pyramids and the Sphinx supposedly to suggest the direction of
their mother planet in the constellation Orion (where humans should head for),
the time of their visit, and the time of the environmental degradation of the Earth.
On the other hand, the constellation Orion was linked to the Resurrection god
Osiris suggesting eternal life.
In addition, some members of the Galactic Federation such as Bird-people and Cat-people might
have visited Egypt and they might have become Egyptian deities,
because many Egyptian deities are like hybrids of humans and animals
such as Horus and Bastet and they would be similar to many members of the
Galactic Federation mentioned before.
"Bastet in Wikipedia"
The Epic of Gilgamesh describes the world after the flood and Gilgamesh is
associated with the constellation Orion and eternal life like the Pyramids.
(From the viewpoint of Sumerian astronomy, Gilgamesh corresponds to the constellation Orion.
The constellation Taurus neighboring the constellation Orion corresponds to the Heaven Bull "Gugalanna.")
Considering Thoth Hermes Trismegistus' story returned from Tiwanaku to Egypt,
the Pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt would be of primary importance to him.
Then "Orions" or Thoth Hermes Trismegistus could have created the Epic of
Gilgamesh after the Pyramids and the Sphinx,
to suggest the association between long life or eternal life and the constellation
"Astronomy Trek Orion Constellation Myths of Sumer, Babylon and Egypt"
"Alangarner Legend of Orion"
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, a serpent was described as Gilgamesh's opponent obstructing him
from keeping his youth.
(Then, in reference to Serpents, they could have recognized serpent-like entities or
Reptilians as opponents. At least, their respect for Serpents is not seen in the Epic of Gilgamesh.)
The Epic of Gilgamesh is a story that the king of Uruk Gilgamesh wanders seeking Gods' secret of
eternal life. One day, An's (Anu's) daughter Inanna (Ishtar) seduced Gilgamesh, but
Gilgamesh refused it. Then Inanna sent the Heaven Bull "Gugalanna" to Uruk in revenge and
the bull destroyed the city. Gilgamesh and his close friend Enkidu slayed the bull.
However, Enkidu was sentenced to death under the pretense of killing the holy bull.
Enkidu died, Gilgamesh lamented Enkidu's death, feared his own death, and wandered
looking for Utnapishtim, who purportedly knows the secret of eternal life.
Gilgamesh eventually found Utnapishtim. According to Utnapishtim, the god Enki (Ea)
warned him of a flood that Enlil was planning, instructed him to build a large boat to
evade the flood. Utnapishtim, his family, his craftsmens, and all animals of the field
survived the flood in the boat. After the flood, Enki and Inanna blamed Enlil for the flood,
Enlil rewarded Utnapishtim and his wife with eternal life.
Gilgamesh couldn't withstand the test that Utnapishtim imposed him, Gilgamesh
couldn't gain eternal life, instead obtained boxthorn-like plant, which might make man young.
However, the boxthorn-like plant was stolen by a serpent and Gilgamesh entirely failed to
obtain immortality and youth.
"Epic of Gilgamesh in Wikipedia"
Later, Thutmose III (ruled 1479 - 1425 BCE) founded an ancient Egyptian Mystery School
and created a container. The skulls, the stones, and scrolls for the Universities were stored in
the container.
As mentioned above, the ancient Egyptians and Israelites were originally
the same tribe of the 8 tribes near Sumer.
Then Thutmose III's container was the container of the tribe of "Egyptians and Israelites."
Afterwards, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) rebelled against the teachings,
exiled stealing the container around 1350 BCE.
Then the followers established Hebrew kingdoms.
Eventually, the Neo-Babylonian Empire attacked the Kingdom of Judah in 587 BCE.
Princess Tamar Tephi and Prophet Jeremiah hid the container and the location was recorded
in a record keeper stone.
Neo-Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Jerusalem in 597 BCE,
King Jeconiah was removed and Zedekiah (Jehoiakim's brother; born ca. 620 BCE) was
enthroned at the age of 21 by Nebuchadnezzar II in 597 BCE. Prominent
citizens including prophet Ezekiel were led to Babylon at the time,
while Nebuchadnezzar II's rule of Jerusalem would not be that strict.
However, subsequently Zedekiah revolted against Neo-Babylonia,
Jerusalem was again besieged and fell in 588 BCE, Solomon's Temple was destroyed,
Zedekiah's children were mostly killed, Jewish people were (for the third time) led to
Babylon in 588 BCE. Tamar Tephi was Zedekiah's daughter.
They exiled to Ireland with the record keeper stone.
Tamar married Celtic King.
Descendants of Tamar Tephi migrated to Scotland with the record keeper stone,
intermarried with the Picts.
The Picts had purportedly descended from "Blue Race" originating from the
Raja Pura Valley in Kashmir, northern India, migrated from India to Scotland.
Then Tamar Tephi and Blue Race's bloodline survived holding the holy stone in Scotland.
Later, Essene followers Joseph and Virgin Mary (also called "Mary Tamar") married.
They were the Essenes descending from the ancient Egyptian Mystery School of Thutmose III.
Jesus was their son. (not God's son)
Jesus practiced spiritual technique of the Mystery School,
visited Druid (Celtic) Mystery School in Glastonbury (famous for Glastonbury Tor)
in extreme southwestern England led by Virgin Mary's uncle tin-merchant Joseph of Arimathea,
touched the holy record keeper stone, and gained knowledge
and wisdom including Ascension techniques from the stone, because his DNA derived from
his bloodline was recognized by the stone.
Jesus married Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene gave birth 2 sons and a daughter.
The daughter was named Tamar. Jesus was accused, but Jesus didn't die through crucifixion.
Jesus ascended into the higher
dimensional levels through his ascenssion techniques.
Mary Tamar (Jesus' mother), Mary Magdalene, and Tamar (Jesus' daughter) fled to
Gaul (later France). Then the bloodline of Tamar survived in Gaul.
Afterwards, Constantine I and the Roman Empire's Church fabricated stories.
According to the fabricated stories, Mt. Kailash was diverted to the Garden of Eden.
Egyptian Pharaohs' stories were diverted to the Biblical Patriarchs' stories.
The Pharaoh Thutmose III (ruled 1479 - 1425 BCE), who enlarged Egypt and founded the
ancient Egyptian Mystery School, was diverted to the Biblical stories of David and Solomon.
The story of Akhenaten (ruled ca. 1353 - 1336 BCE), who worshipped the "One God,"
was diverted to Moses' story. The story of Akhenaten's exile was diverted to Moses' Exodus.
Since Akhenaten and his followers took Thutmose III's container, the Egyptian army
attempted to chase them. The container was diverted to the Ark of the Covenant.
(In addition, Serpent-headed Reptilians' modification of ape-men to humans would be
diverted to the Serpent Temptation story in Genesis. In this context, Constantine I should
have recognized Reptilians' modification of ape-men to humans, it could originally be recognized
by Orions (before the fabrication) and the story was transmitted to the fabricators.)
The 2nd Kurgan Invasion occurred around 325 CE.
The Khazars descending from the Dark Forces arose in 650 CE.
Kievan Rus defeated the Khazars in 965 CE.
A group believing themselves to be descendants of Mary Magdalene
particularly believed in Roman Catholicism and Salvation through Jesus.
Environmental degradation started after 2012 CE,
the group believing themselves to be descendants of Mary Magdalene stayed
on the Earth believing Salvation through Jesus, while other groups
migrated to other planets developing interplanetary navigation.
DNAs of the group believing themselves to be descendants of Mary Magdalene
were seriously damaged by the environmental degradation and they
became deformed as Greys (J-Rods) and in bad health.
Greys (J-Rods) consequently escaped from the Earth, developed Time Machines and visited
ancient times of the Earth.
"Three Tamars and Many Marys" http://en.chartressecrets.org/templars/tamars.html
*According to the accepted theory, the Essenes was one of 3 major religious sects at the time.
In contrast to the other 2 sects (the Sadduceeds and the Pharisees),
the Essenes practiced strict communal life. The settlements of the Essenes were in
various locations around the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, while the base would be
Wadi Qumran adjacent to the north of the Dead Sea. The parents of John the Baptist resided
in Judea (region to the northwest of the Dead Sea), Mary (mother of Jesus) was a relative of
John's mother, and ancestry of Joseph and Mary originated in Bethlehem.
In addition interestingly, in contrast to the Sadduceeds and the Pharisees, the New
Testament wouldn't refer to the Essenes. Then it is presumed that John the Baptist, Jesus,
and his followers were like the Essenes. Details of Comprehensive Fabricated Stories in the Third History of the Earth
Below is the third history of the Earth.
Visiting ancient times of the Earth, Greys (J-Rods) knew that ape-men appeared in ancient
times on the Earth through evolution, Serpent-headed Reptilians visited the Earth and
created humans on the Earth modifying ape-men. Greys (J-Rods) also knew that Jesus'
holiness was fabricated by the Roman emperor Constantine I and the Roman Empire's Church
and Serpent-headed Reptilians as Sumerian gods Anunnakis from the direction of
the constellation Orion, and "Numerology" should be worshipped rather than
Roman Catholicism. In addition, the Pyramids, which are representing the constellation
Orion (Gilgamesh), should be worshipped.
The crystal skulls and the record keeper stones containing special power associated with
the Pyramids should be worshipped.
Yet the essential thing which Greys (J-Rods) are worshipping through the constellation
Orion couldn't be clearly specified,
because the constellation Orion is associated
with multiple things, Carians (Bird-people) of the Galactic Federation,
good-natured Reptilians, evil-natured Reptilians, Khufu's Pyramid,
the successful direction humans (P+52 Orions) headed for,
and Gilgamesh, who sought Gods' secret of eternal life.
Greys (J-Rods)
planned to contact their medieval ancestors,
informed them of falsehood of Roman Catholicism,
organized the Knights Templar, instructed Gothic architecture,
and raised "Numerology."
In addition, Greys (J-Rods) might have intervened in creating
El Castillo (the Temple of Kukulkan) at Chichen Itza in Mexico worshipping the Feathered
Serpent or Serpent-headed Reptilians and suggesting the Mayan date.
(Respect for Serpents is clearly seen here,
according to the additional Masonic Legend.)
Greys (J-Rods) raised the group believing themselves to be descendants of Mary Magdalene
as Freemasonry, induced them
to disbelieve Christianity, to worship Sumerian gods Anunnakis, and to
escape from the Earth in an
early stage. It means that if they escape from the Earth in
an early stage and the history is changed, Greys' DNAs wouldn't be damaged and Greys can
be normal humans in the new timeline history,
based on the concept of parallel worlds (Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics).
On the other hand, Reptilians in reality created humans as slaves, according
to the fabricated story.
Besides, just before WWII, one of Masonic agents, Adolf Hitler, dispatched
an expedition to Tibet and allied with parasitic cannibal Reptilians, the alliance
was succeeded by the Rockefellers through Operation Paperclip, the alliance
brought human cloning and pedophilic cannibalism in the underground facilities.
Subsequently, J-Rods might have realized evilness of the Reptilians and possibly
planned to defeat the Reptilians through Numerology.
The Dark Forces grew, controlled most star systems within a 1,000 light-year
radius around the Earth (except for Sirius) in 1996 CE.
However, Ashtar of the Light Forces overwhelmed the Dark Forces around 2012 CE.
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