Disclaimer: This is Untrue.

2.4.26 Disclosure of QAnon and Druze Bloodline Overview

Identities of Qanon and Druze Bloodline were revealed in November 2021 CE. Details Revelation

The theory about Abraham Lincoln, J. F. Kennedy, Donald Trump, QAnon, and Druze bloodline was released in November 2021 CE.
According to the theory, the eminent presidents of the USA, Abraham Lincoln, J. F. Kennedy, and Donald Trump, all descend from the Druze.

"Lincoln Kahlooni Druze Minority Bloodline" https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-lincoln-kahlooni-druze-minority-bloodline-the-jesus-strand

* "Abraham Lincoln in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln
* "John F. Kennedy in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy
* "Donald Trump in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump

The theory claims that Abraham Lincoln's original name was Ibrahim Khaleel Kahlooni descending from the Druze ethnicity Kahlooni family. In addition, the theory claims that the Druze ethnicity Kahlooni family descends from Jesus.

As mentioned before, the Druze are considered to be a sect of Islam that began around 1017 CE in present-day Egypt as of 2020 CE during the Fatimid dynasty. ("the Druze" would be plural form meaning believers of "Darazi.") They were later persecuted and are said to have survived on a small scale around western region of Mount Hermon to the north of the Sea of Galilee (southern region of present-day Lebanon as of 2020 CE). The population might be like 0.02% of the world population. Their main base is still in the western region of Mount Hermon as of 2020 CE. However, there are believers scattered in other places as well.
Like Masonic conspiracies and Freemasonry, the Druze make much of the Pythagoreans and Neoplatonism. However, unlike Masonic conspiracies and Freemasonry, the Druze make much of Jesus. According to the theory, the power of Masonic conspiracies or Freemasonry or the Cabal is opposed to the Druze, because the Druze are associated with Jesus.

According to the theory, Abraham Lincoln (original name was Ibrahim Khaleel Kahlooni) was born in 1809 CE in Tripoli, present-day Libya as of 2020 CE. (Libya is located between present-day Tunisia and Egypt as of 2020 CE. The Fatimid Dynasty originated in present-day Tunisia as of 2020 CE.) He purportedly descended from Jesus, moved to the USA, became the President. He had 4 sons, Robert Todd, Edward Baker, William Wallace, and Thomas Tad. William Wallace was born in 1850 CE in the U. S. A. Thomas Tad was born in 1853 CE in the U. S. A.
Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 CE.
Before the assassination, William Wallace was, in 1863 CE, secretly sent to present-day Libya as of 2020 CE. He was raised by the Sanussi Royal Family of Libya. Mary was one of his children. She was born in 1890 CE. Mary married Prince Said H. Issa Kahlooni from the Golan Heights in 1911 CE. Prince Said H. Issa Kahlooni was born in Majdal Shams, a Druze town in the Golan Height, near Mount Hermon. (the Golan Heights locates between Mount Hermon and the Sea of Galilee. Lincoln's Kahlooni and Issa's Kahlooni would be derived from Kahlouniyeh, to the west of Mount Hermon, where the Druze survived. Origin of Ibrahim Khaleel Kahlooni (Abraham Lincoln) might be from Kahlouniyeh, where the Druze survived.) Mary and Prince Said H. Issa Kahlooni lived in Libya. On the other hand, Italy started invasion into Libya in 1911 CE.
* "Majdal Shams in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Majdal_Shams
* "Kahlouniyeh in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahlouniyeh
Italy invaded into Libya, William was killed in 1931 CE.
* "William Wallace Lincoln in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wallace_Lincoln
Mary Lincoln and Prince Said H. Issa Kahlooni had two sons, later Joseph Patrick Lincoln Kahlooni Jr. (born in 1915 CE) and later John Fitzgerald Lincoln Kahlooni (born in born 1917 CE). They were kidnapped in Libya at their early ages, sent to the Khazarian Mafia leader Joseph Kennedy, one of the central figures of Freemasonry in the USA. They purportedly became Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr.'s adopted sons. (Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. purportedly died during World War II.) Robert and Edward are not their biological brothers.
It is unclear whether Joseph Kennedy knew of their origins, and it is unclear why he wanted one of them to be the President.
On the other hand, Abraham Lincoln's youngest son was Thomas Tad. George Patton is his son. Donald J. Trump is Patton's son. Donald J. Trump was Fred Trump's adopted son.
* "George S. Patton in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_S._Patton
* "Fred Trump in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump

As mentioned before, exposure started as QAnon leaving a lot of unclear messages closely associated with dates and numbers on the Internet. The messages were called QDrops.
* "Inteldrops.com" https://inteldrops.com/home/
* "QAlerts.app" https://qalerts.app
They at least believe that the Druze ethnicity Kahlooni family descends from Jesus.
In addition, they prefer to use the letter "Q" as in QAnon and QDrop. Then it is natural to presume that they extremely value lost Quelle (the lost Gospel of Q or the Q source, the hypothetical (written) collection of Jesus' original words) and believe hidden unknown knowledge in the lost Gospel of Q. They can be tentatively called here Q power.

The Q source is a hypothetical (written) collection of Jesus' original words. Existence of the Q source can be presumed from a comparative study of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Comparing the four currently authoritative canonical gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are basically similar, and as mentioned before, the Gospel of John is different. (As mentioned before, the Gospel of John is thought to have been written by Lazarus, the younger brother of Mary Magdalene.) And when we compare the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the Gospel of Mark is characterized by a concise writing that focuses more on Jesus' actions than on his teachings. In contrast, the Gospels of Matthew and Luke contain many words of Jesus in addition to the descriptions of Jesus' actions as in the Gospel of Mark. If Jesus' words in the Gospel of Matthew and Luke were each independently researched and collected, it is natural that there would be some discrepancies between the two. However, the words in Matthew and Luke are quite similar. Since there is no such discrepancy, it can be presumed that both authors referred to the same collection or source of Jesus' words and quoted them in the Gospels, and it can be presumed that there was a collection or a source of Jesus' words that they both referred to.
More specifically, when comparing the contents of the three Gospels as a whole, they can be classified as follows.

*The "Two-source Hypothesis" proposes that the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were written independently, each using Mark and a second hypothetical document called "Q" as a source. Q was conceived as the most likely explanation behind the common material (mostly sayings) found in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark. Material from two other sources—the M source and the L source—are represented in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke here by green and teal respectively. 
* "Q Source in Wikipedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_source
The minimun contents of Q source can be presumed from the Gospel of Matthew and Luke. They would be like in the following link. Anyone can easily know that from the Gospel of Matthew and Luke.
* "The Gospel of Q" https://www.gospels.net/quelle
However, as mentioned above, Q power extremely put emphasis on Q. Given these circumstances, it can be presumed that they place importance on unknown contents of the Q source.

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